We’re a group of (mostly) swedes looking for a casual/semi casual guild to raid in. We have all kinds of backgrounds, from having smaller arena tournament experience and server first Lethon kills, to newer players who have had a mixed set of raiding experience. Nontheless everyone’s prepared and capable for Classic. A few might be taking a few days off on launch, though we still have real lives, work, obligations, etc.
We can give you some good DPS, potentially some officer material, life saving heals, and just nice banter. We’ll of course bring good attitude and hope to make some good friends along the way.
Some players are still deciding, but our approx setup looks like:
2x Mage,
2x War (1 DPS),
1 Holy Priest,
1 TBD (possibly rogue or if allowed SP).
What we’re hoping from in a guild:
Good leadership and structure, vanilla content isn’t necessarily the mechanically hardest, but it requires having 40 players working together to overcome greater obstacles. So experienced and capable leaders + officer structure, who are fair. Leaders should show by example, not boss around. No raging officers or favoritism within the ranks (this especially applies to loot and behaviour).
We’re also looking for a good vibe, so drama and toxic matters should be handled well, preferably there are clear and solid guidelines in the guild about what’s acceptable and what isn’t.
Raid times around 19-23ish, 2 times a week preferably.
Cool buddies =)
I’d be happy to answer questions or talk on discord but I’ll hold with disclosing contact info until necessary. And yes, we did remember to loot the hounds.
I see you have said Alliance and if you’re like me, you definitely won’t budge on your faction. That being said, you’re exactly what me and my friends are looking for and could potentially help us get to where we want. If you’re set on Alliance, whoever gets you are very lucky.
If you would like to chat via discord or B Net. My information is below. Good luck guys.
Discord: Mike#7822
B Net: Pisohog#2820
Our guild thread is here if you would like to have a look regardless.
Såg din annons och tänkte presentera vårat guild ‘‘Blood Oath Exiles’’ Det är ett guild som finns på retail men som även jobbar sig över till kommande classic server. PvE progression är vårat huvudsyfte men vi se även till andra aktiviteter då vi har folk med flera intressen. Just nu är vi strax över 20 medlemmar som är redo för classic varav många är raiders och gamla vänner från andra guilds som vi spelat med i retail vilket betyder att många av oss känner varandra och ha redan god gemenskap. Guildet har också ett otroligt dedikerat ledarskap som jobbar flitigt med att skapa struktur så att alla kan känna att dem tillför guildet en viktig pusselbit, vare sig man är raider eller social.
Ni är jätte välkomna att höra av er om ni är intresserade för mer information och jag hoppas vi hörs av.
PS: guildet är internationellt men jag tog mig äran att skriva på svenska
ha det gött så länge
< Wanted> might be matching the criteria you wrote here with regards to you and your friends. Please contact me on discord when you feel like it, so we can chat a bit.