Hey guys!
Reckless are currently in search of dedicated and skilled raiders to join our raid team. We cleared Castle Nathria Heroic in a good amount of time and plan to push out Sanctum of Domination Heroic to get curve ASAP.
We are currently in need of:
- Shaman
- Paladin
- Mage
- Warlock
All classes will however be considered, as we are always looking for talented players.
A Bit About Us
Reckless is a semi hardcore raiding guild on Silvermoon EU (Alliance). We are English speaking, although we do have members from across Europe. We are different from other guilds because we value all our members equally. We don’t do the whole officer thing and hierarchy for a number of reasons, although we do have certain people within the guild to help run the admin of the guild tools such as inviting alts and raid leading. The guild has been around before raiding Mythic and now we have come back to raid as a more casual Heroic guild.
Raiding Times:
Monday 20:00 - 23:00
Thursday 20:00 - 23:00
What to expect from us
We are a fairly laid back guild however when it comes to it we want to progress and so will focus and push for the kill. In a raid environment there is always a bit of chatter as we like to have happy raiders - this is the key to our success - that are at the same time, focused on killing the bosses at hand. Therefore there is no bad atmosphere during our raids but a relaxed, calm and focused atmosphere; we don’t like shouting at people for doing something wrong, instead we try and advise them on how to improve and try to guide them if needed.
Most (if not all) of our members will offer help out where possible. This can help people fit in and feel wanted. By joining us you won’t just be joining a raid guild - you will be joining a family.
What we are expecting from you
Reckless is looking for focused, friendly and mature people to join its raid team. Reckless is built on these morals, and if someone comes in just basically telling people they are crap, we don’t take this very well. If you are this sort of person we do not want you in our guild.
We expect you to turn up to raids prepared with flasks, potions and food and ask that you try to attend as many raids as possibly: around 80% attendance will be required. We do however know that people have lives and as such, can understand if you have emergencies or little ones needing your attention etc.
We also expect you to know at least the next 3/4 progress bosses that we will be going for; not knowing this will cause a problem as you will waste time and basically cause more wipes than necessary - wiping is a part of progress but if you are not prepared by watching tactics then it takes longer.
If you think you are interested in what we have to offer and if you also think we may be interested in you, please do not hesitate to contact us directly please feel free to add the following battle-tags:
Ilanoar#2296 - battle-tag
Ilanoar#3210 - Discord
dourden666#2635 - battle-tag
wilsonnxo#2881 - battle-tag
wilsonnxo#3390 - Discord