A respons to the increase Black Lotus spawn change

Hey everyone!

I wanted to share some thoughts and ideas, and I thought bullet points would be the best way to present them instead of a wall of text. Hope you enjoy!

Raid Consumables:

  • Always in high demand; “essential” for raiding.
  • Many raids basically force players to use flasks, world buffs, and other consumables to have a chance at rolling on loot.
  • This creates unlimited demand, which botters take full advantage of.

Botting Problem:

  • Botters are a double-edged sword: while they’re unfair and violate ToS, they flood the AH with items, and ofc benefiting Blizzard with more money from subscriptions. A solution to bots seems unlikely.

  • Even with increased spawn rates for Black Lotus or other rare herbs, botters will likely continue open-world botting and control the market.

Farmable Consumables:

  • An aspect of WoW I always liked is dungeon farming. It offers an alternative for players on a budget, or farming without influence of botters and other players. Some examples are:
    • Greater Shadow Protection Potions (GSPP) can be farmed in Scarlet Monastery.
    • Limited Invulnerability Potion (LIP) can be farmed in Maraudon.
    • Elemental Earth was once hyper farmed in Maraudon, though it’s been nerfed.

Need for Change:

  • Personally, I’d like to see Black Lotus as a rare drop from herbs requiring 205+ skill to pick. Additionally, adding new Black Lotus and Gromsblood nodes in the demon-infested areas of Zul’Gurub would likely reduce the prices of Titan Flask (all Flasks), Elixir of Giants, and Mighty Rage Potions. It provides the opportunity for players to farm a steady amount of items per 5 resets. It might also bring back more bijous to the market.
  • Regarding World Buffs, Classic Era is, in my opinion, in dire need of making Head of Onyxia, Head of Nefarian, Head of Hakkar, and Rend’s Head repeatable. On low populated servers, the lack of world buffs has been a problem for ages.
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There’s loads of level 58+ characters on classic era who have not completed those quests. If serious raiding guild want more world buffs, try putting on UBRS, Onyxia and ZG pugs for fresh 60s. This will also help fresh 60s gear up.

  • World buffs are not only for serious raiding guilds; they are also important for casual players and anyone looking to maximize their performance.
  • The issue is that someone needs to actively organize the entire process.
  • Consistently finding level 58+ players to complete this quest—and ensuring they delay turning it in—is far more difficult than it sounds, particularly on low-population servers.
  • Often, players expect gold in exchange for dropping world buffs, meaning someone has to cover that cost.
  • There are already pugs for these raids, but with repeatable turn-ins, even more pugs will form. Plus, highly geared players who have stopped attending these raids will likely return to help out.

I dont see anything bad here, it’s good way to make gold for fresh characters for raiding (knowing how inflated classic era is), while for raid it’s not hard to cover that cost, it can be done from guild bank, or from the bank in GDKP (As i know on era still 90% of PuGs are GDKP as they are allowed there)

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Sure, absolutely. I just want to argue that in the end, I believe repeatable world buff turn-ins could be a positive change for Classic Era. From what I’ve seen, most top raiders—especially those who’ve been raiding for years—seem to agree. Locating and purchase world buffs from players might look good on paper, but it’s a hassle and a massive time sink. Plus, it’s frustrating if one miss the window when they’re actually dropped…

As i remeber they already did this when they introduce it to sod, but reaction was negative so they rolled it back for era servers

Yes, that’s the game. It’s an MMO. if you want server wise buffs you’ve got to collaborate with the whole server, including new level 60s. That’s a good thing.

Or, more likely, they won’t bother inviting pugs and will just do the content in guild with overgeared characters for a faster run.