[A] Returning Shadow Priest LF Guild

Hi all,

Long time player returning from a break spanning from the start of Legion. I returned briefly for BFA but ended up having to stop just before 8.1. I’ve played since Vanilla and have always done raiding in some form and I’m starting to miss it and the progression involved. I’m restricted to a couple of days a week so I’m not after anything majorly serious, but at the same time I’m currently playing alone so would like people to talk to!

My Priest has always been Shadow and always an alt, so I decided to main it for once. I’m not against learning new Disc and healing (although I’m a far better DPS!)

Currently on Maggy but not massively against moving if the right guild is about.

Thanks for reading!

Hey there, we’re a small guild on SIlvermoon, please read our guild post and contact me if your interested!

Hey there please add me.


Hello there :wave:

We’re looking for a few more dps for my guild The Forgotten Few on alliance side Arathor. Its a friendly little guild, good atmosphere, nice people, zero drama

Raids are two days a week (Tuesday and Thursday 2100-2330 server time) . The goal is ahead of the curve in our own (fairly relaxed) time and we always get it, mythic raids are not for us.

There’s a much better write up and more info on our recruitment post here:

Good luck with your guild search

“Physix” is recruiting and looking for members to expand our team. Currently we are at 8/8 heroic and 3/8 mythic. The guild has been reformed since Eternal Palace and we are aiming to get back to around rank 1200 in patch 8,3!

Currently we are full on tanks and are mainly looking for healers and dps.
We raid 2 days a week on Wednesday and Sunday 19:00 till 22:00.

Besides raiding we also organize mythic+ runs and optionally normal/heroic runs to gear alts.

The guild has a history that starts at ToTc untill Hellfire Citadel!
We banter a lot but we try to clear the content within a reasonable amount of time.

You can add me on battlenet for more information or a chat!

Battlenet: Swyxia#2707

Thank you all for the replies, I’ll work on getting back to you all :slight_smile:


We are Magic Scum, a cutting edge mythic raiding guild on Sylvanas and we would love to have a veteran player, specially a shadow priest, for 8.3 to join our family. I understand that it may be impossible to join our mythic raiding team right now because we are progressing Aszhara mythic, but when the gear basically resets in 8.3 there would be a realistic chance for you to have a spot since were looking for a shadow priest.

Hit me up: Exakt#21645

Hi! I am one of the officers for Wrath of Wisdom on Shadowsong (Alliance side). We’re a semi-casual guild that has gotten curve and about a quarter to a third of the kills on mythic on every tier since legion. As of now we are 8/8 heroic and 4/8 mythic. We also regularly clear 10+ and even 15+ keys. Feel free to look us up on wowprogress or raiderio.

We have a strong sense of community, and theres usually people online doing stuff at almost any time of the day. If this sounds interesting, feel free to add me on bnet at arythm1a#2722. Hope to hear from you!

Hi Jenalyn, have you found a new home yet?
If not we might be what you’re looking for? We are AnV on Silvermoon (moved about a month ago from Frostmane), have been raiding together since 2007 and looking for more DPS players to make some further progress in EP and beyond!
We are 3/8M, working on Ashvane, raiding 3 nights a week but on a light 6 hours schedule, and later on in the evening as we have many people with families and other commitments -
22.00 - 0.00 server time, Mon/Weds/Thurs
If we sound of interest, or would like more info add me for a chat @ hellykins#2114
Good luck!

Hi there

Critical Strike (A) guild in silvermoon we are recruting currently 8/8 heroic and 3/8 M we raid Wed / Frid / Sat heroic and mythic our timings are 19:00 to 22:00 and we are also pretty active on M+ get in touch with me on discord if you are interested so i can explain you more stufF

Discord ID: wyDXByM