[A-RP] Ashenvale Autumn - Community Initiative 5/9-25/9 2022

Tonight on the Ashenvale agenda, Keeper Anerïel will share her druidic wisdom at the Shrine of Aessina with a lecture on the Ancients! A good opportunity to brush up on your knowledge of Kalimdor’s ancient guardians, or to begin to learn about the ancient wild gods of our homeland!


I wish to thank everyone for attending the lecture/storytelling. I had a lot of fun doing so!!

Dont forget to check out the guild! [A-RP] The Wild Oath (Kaldorei and Worgen RP) shameless plug

And I do hope everyone had a fun time following and listening to the stories :slight_smile:


The atmosphere in Astranaar is getting more and more festive by the day as Illuridei and the autumn equinox is getting closer. Hunters and merchants can be seen coming and going every night, delivering food, drink and other foraged goods in preparation of the feast. These goods are then carefully prepared and packed to be sent along by caravan to Talrendis Point in Azshara.

Anticipation and excitement is heavy in the air, but something a bit more sinister is stirring in the shadows of the forest as well. Someone who is intent on ruining the festivities for the kaldorei and their honoured guests.

I will be hosting an event tonight! We will start in Astranaar at 20:00 as usual, but spots are limited. So if you wish to come along, make sure you’re on time. I hope to see some of you there!


Thanks for the event Tinwëtar! Appreciate the effort to include many different types of events as part of the Ashenvale Autumn.

Some pictures of nelves heading out to search for a missing caravan:


Wonderful event yesterday! Thank you for letting me be part of this!


Tomorrow at 20.00 RT, it’s hunting time ! We invite those wanting to participate in the hunt to gather in Astranaar, where the rules of the hunt will be explained, before registering the team and sending the hunters across the forest.

After two hours of hunt, around 22.00 RT, everyone will be invited to meet at the Hunter Camp, at the south-west of Aessina’s shrine, to reward the winning team and thanks the wild gods for their blessing during the Hunt. Hunters will be invited to form a team, from two to four participants each.
A small map to find the Hunter Camp : https://puu.sh/JmqTS/7afc3bc402.png

You can join a team of other hunters, or combine two duo into one larger team !

We hope to see you tomorrow and partake in the hunt !


The leaves are turning from green to a firework display of golds, reds and oranges. It is the Autumn Equinox and the time when we celebrate Illuridei, or the Watchers Flame. All members of the Alliance are cordially invited to attend this autumn celebration.

Date: 24th of September
Time: 20:00 server time
Location: Astranaar, Ashenvale and Talrendis Point, Azshara
Faction: Alliance
Music: Playlist

To wrap up Ashenvale Autumn, we invite everyone to come and celebrate Illuridei with us! Illuridei takes the form of a celebratory pilgrimage or procession through Ashenvale Forest to Azshara. Along the way we will be making a couple of stops to perform ceremonial tasks, partake in a blessing ritual and light The Watchers Flame.

Once we reach Talrendis Point in Azshara there will be a ceremony of gratitude and to celebrate the harvest. After that there will be a grand feast prepared where all participants will be encouraged to share songs and poems, as well as nuggets of wisdom that they have learned in the past year.

Is there a dress code?
All participants are encouraged to come dressed in their finest RED or ORANGE clothing.

Do I need to bring anything?
Yes! It is encouraged for you to bring:

  • A lantern (that you will be asked to equip at a certain point during the pilgrimage)
  • A wisp pet (to be summoned at a certain point during the pilgrimage)
  • A flower crown/wreath (to potentially be worn during the evening)

We kindly ask you to keep in mind that this is supposed to be a festive occasion and refrain from disrupting it in ways that might interrupt the activities planned for the event. Unexpected invasions and the likes can be great fun, but we feel that they do not belong during this type of celebratory event.


This is happening tonight! You are more than welcome to join the end of Ashenvale Autumn, Illuridei, to celebrate the autumnal equinox. Bring your best red or orange attire, a lantern to be lit and friends aplenty, and settle in for a cosy pilgrimage and a wonderful night :crescent_moon:


Thank you for the event! And kudos to every single person who put time and effort into hosting roleplay activities during the Ashenvale Autumn! It was really nice to see the place so active throughout the month.

Some pictures of the Watchers Flame procession from Astranaar to Azshara:


An amazing experience, both IC and OOC. Those who were unable to be there this time, I cannot tell you enough, how much greatness you have missed, make sure to be part of the next great things that comes from these people. Thank you, for letting me be part of the greatness that was Illuridei and everything that built up towards it!


Here are a couple more screenshots:


Thanks for the event!


If there is another next year!, I will certainly will try to make it!


Wonderful series of events for the entire month, and an amazing community of rpers. Thank you to the hosts and organisers for letting me be a part of it on my characters! Highly recommend attending the next time it is hosted!


To each and everyone who has found their way to Ashenvale the past few weeks

With the final event in the calendar of the initiative over, Ashenvale Autumn is concluded! And what weeks it has been! There has been a great variety in both casual and evented RP, and the amount of people who has made their way to Ashenvale to tag along has been absolutely staggering. It has been an absolute delight to be on the organising side of things, and I am very very happy for how it all turned out! Hosting events for this has been an utmost pleasure <3

A huge thank you to both organisers and participants of all kinds, for all the RP and the events. For your creativity, engagement, and for your ideas. This would not have been possible without you all <3

…But what happens now?
An ever so excellent question, is it not? One day, there will be more to come, but Ashenvale does not stop existing just because the organised chain of events is over. Au contraire! We hope that the aftermath of these events have given some people new friends to play with, ideas for events or stories to tell, and the roots for a community to play alongside. It has been ever so delightful to see Ashenvale come to life once more. Cheers for keeping it vibrant and blossoming for the future! :crescent_moon:


Echoing the above, thanks so much to everyone who put their creativity to work to make events and to all the old and new faces who came along and made Ashenvale feel so alive! It’s been a joy to DM my small parts and take part with the community throughout the month, we made a lot of unexpected new friends along the way! Somehow I seem to have ended up with an arsenal of dwarven weapons along the way so the next month will no doubt be interesting too.

From the huge to the humble, thanks to everyone who lent their hard work and creativity to making RP happen this month! And if anyone out there felt inspired to make events but it seemed too scary or difficult, remember that sometimes it only takes a little to make a memorable evening for everyone!

I hope we’ll see you all around Ashenvale and beyond!


I am a bit late to the party, but I wished to offer my thanks to everyone who participated, helped out with and created events for Ashenvale Autumn. It was great to see Astranaar and Ashenvale come alive with activity and people. It’s been wonderful to meet so many new people and make new friends along the way as well.

So once again, a big thank you to everyone from me as well. It has been a joy and a pleasure to host and to DM for all of you. Thank you! :heart:


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