[A-RP] The Wild Oath (Kaldorei and Worgen RP)


*The Kaldorei’s recent history has been one fraught with heartbreak and fear. Some of us have taken comfort in the Mother Moon, some of us in revenge, some have lost all hope. And now our people are finally reclaiming our lands and slowly, rebuilding them to their former glories.

We are the Guardians of nature, the protectors of the Flora and Fauna of this world. When the balance is threatened, we are the ones who will right it. Through force or healing, through wisdom or revenge, it’s the Kaldorei who answer to its cries for help.

Whether it be the magical corruption of our groves, or the dark stains of the Horde left on Darkshore. We must come together and heal our lands, rid them of the pests that still seek to do them harm. To remember who we once were and no longer let the shackles of grief and fear tie us down.

My brothers and sisters, we, The Wild Oath, call on all of you, to join us in making the Kaldorei lands safe again for our people. To make them whole and healthy again to restore the balance, that has tipped so far. To reclaim what was lost, and which we have fought hard to regain, without the aid of our allies.

Sentinels, Druids, Priests, civilians, everyone is needed for the hard road ahead and if you believe you can help or we can help you, in any way, please contact us at Farwatchers Glen, Stonetalon Mountains.*

OOC information-
Who we are
A group of like minded Kaldorei, Worgen and other entities of nature, who feel let down by the Alliance’s neglect. We want to reclaim what we lost, heal what was damaged, to offer succour to our bereft people and gain vengeance on those who would threaten it once more. Led by the Keeper Anerïel, her second in command Aläesia, we aim to bring together Kaldorei of all talents and abilities, from all walks of life to aid us in this journey.

What we do
For now, we are focusing on the areas that the Horde are still said to have footholds in, according to recent lore. With events focused around combat, healing, exploration and scouting, we will have something for everyone to take a part in. We will be mostly focused in Kalimdor, though, depending on lore in the future, this can shift to also involve places like Val’sharah and the like. We will offer students a place to learn the arts they are most interested in. Civilians, a place to find safety and displaced Kaldorei a place to find purpose once more.

We do not have ranks as such, only the officer and guild leader ranks, this is more a collective of people, coming together for a common goal and as such everything we do, will be a voice of the majority kind of deal.

Due to the nature of the concept of the guild, we will not be accepting Death Knights or Illidari If you have a character that may be interested in joining but they aren’t a Kaldorei/Worgen/Nature entity, message us on Anerïel or Aläesia and we will see if your concept will fit with ours. Exceptions can always be made for something well thought out and lore appropriate.

How to join
You can either find us IC at Farwatchers Glen, in Stonetalon mountains. Or you can message or send an in game letter to Anerïel or Aläesia. If you are interested contact us either IC or OOC, whichever is more comfortable for you.

Guild AA page



Oh, this guild looks absolutely marvellous and especially it’s GM is incredibly good looking. I wonder if I could meet them. :eyes:

Jokes aside, feel free to drop us any questions you may have! <3


May I ask why don’t you accept Illidari? Burning of Teldrassil happened after battle with the Legion ended. Demon hunters stayed with us on Azeroth, Is it really impossible for some of them to care about their homeland?

They sacrificed EVERYTHING!! What have you given?

Jokes a side, with Teldrassil burned and option to put that scar on my Demon Hunter, I hopped right on it. Illidari have no purpose in life anymore, and since all they know is hunting demons, they could have easily came back to their homeland and protect it from the shadows. Understandably they wouldn’t be accepted at first but after what happened, can Kaldorei really afford to refuse any help these days?

Think about it, Demon Hunters would be usefull. Of course they would rank pretty low on the ladder of leadership because of their corruption, but they most certainly can and should be included in any guild with theme similar to yours. Simply because it does make sense.

(Please note that I’m not trying to offend you, or even start an heated argument. All I am doing here is stating my opinion. I wish you best of luck with your guild!)


Of course! No offence taken, its a good question and though I could swing on either side of this debate, if I am honest, because I get where both sides are coming from.

I have spoken to the guild leader and we have discussed about Illidari, but the sad fact of the matter is, there are still threats out there in the Universe that they would be taking care of (in lore). Yes, Sargeras is trapped in a 1v1 with Illidan, but that doesn’t mean demons have been eradicated, just that they are splintered and maybe forming new groups. So there is the illidari lore aspect.

But then is the other aspect. If this was more a sentinel, general themed Kaldorei guild, Illidari would be accepted, but we are focused on nature and healing the hurts done. Fel is rarely a good thing in nature and destroys more than it saves, so an Illidari pumped up on it, probably isn’t the best fit.

But as I said above, there are always exceptions to the rule, so if someone feels their concept would fit, we are more than willing to have a look into it and will decide on a person by person basis.

I hope that makes sense!


I don’t have much time to RP at all, so would you be happy to take on someone such as I? Someone who maybe has 6-ish hours a week to properly RP, gets fatigued easily?

Love the concept, always happy to see a more self-preservation themed Kaldorei/Worgen guild :slight_smile: :evergreen_tree:


We would be delighted! When you can whisper or mail me in game and we will have a chat!


We’d be happy to have you and RP with you, even if you have very little time to do so! We’ll have multiple events a week on top of the everchanging scape that is Kalimdor! As my beloved officer stated before, seek us out ICly or send us a mail OOCly and we’ll see how it’ll work out best for you ^~^

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A Kaldorei guild in Kalimdor is very much needed, a lot of players are interested by such so do not hesitate to advertise in the Kaldorei discords.


My officer might have knownledge of such, but could you please drop me the kaldorei discord in my mail or in my personal discord? Just to ensure we’re on the same wavelenght :slight_smile:

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epic bump even if it has elves in it. It has the best race in WoW too…

Worgen ftw


Thank you! Bring in the Worgen!


you heard the lady. All Worgen Join up… get a free Tauren steak too

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I am glad to see a guild to also invites worgen. I saw worgen vanishing from the kaldorei community slowly, cause many guilds didn’t want to accept them. Good luck guys! It would be great see some life being put back into that community!


We stand with the Balance of nature by all means. Worgen are one of the beings closer to nature than most due to their curse and their bid for balance within themselves. We see no reason not to accept such valuable allies among our mids, depriving us of claws and teeth in possible skirmishes with the filthy greenskins!


Good! A lot of kaldorei roleplayers who insist on being “traditional” seem to forget that both worgen and kaldorei lived on Teldrassil and they fought side by side in the war of thorns. Would love to rp with you guys if my guild ever travels in that direction! ^^


We’re based in Farwatch Glen! We’d love to see you pop around with your guild to RP with you! Our most esteemed allies are always welcome ^~^


Can I also be your friend? :confused:


Always! <3

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“Acceptance, at last.”

DH subplot complete. Happily ever after engaged. <3


I’ll even give you a wooden thorn-ring as a friendship gift!

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