[A-RP] Astranaar Market Night - 5/9/22

Astranaar Market Night

Monday 5th of September, 20:00 until 23:00

The Kaldorei have remained seclusive ever since the war, rarely reaching out to the world beyond. But some time has passed and there is a semblance of peace and they are slowly rebuilding on the ruins of the war.

The Moonrise Hermitage has been reaching out to others and make trade. Now we seek to bring that back home and invite you to join us in Astranaar for a market where you can sell your wares and make new connections.

Ashenvale Autumn Initiative

This event is organised in association with Ashenvale Autumn! Organised by the Nightblade Sentinels, you may find more information on the whole month initiative here:

We are very happy to host the Market as a part of their awesome project!

Event schedule

• 20:00: Opening speech
• 20:15: Market & Open stage
• 23:00: Cloture speech & open-bar night

We do not expect those attending the market as merchants to stay all night, if they can not or do not want to. However, we would like to close the market at 23.00.

Open Stage

Are you a wandering bard, a poet soul or an entertainer looking for a place to demonstrate your artistic abilities? Enjoy an open stage all night in Astranaar Inn! Reach out to the Organisation prior to, or during the night to get a performing slot.

Charity Fundraising

The Moonrise Hermitage will host a small stall where all visitors can donate toward a charity fund, dedicated to support Kaldorei community, elders and orphans, victim of the war. The money raised during the Market will help to provide them new homes in Ashenvale.


A bar is opened throughout the night. If you are in the business of selling alcohol, you can also leave a few bottles with the barkeep and collect your share later in the evening.

Stalls and organization

Merchants can reserve a stall to the organization team. Reach out to the Moonrise Hermitage IC, through letters or visits. We will first fill up stalls 1 through 9, and then add in the remaining stalls. If we get more interest, we will see if we can facilitate that!
The market is open to all sorts of trade and merchants, but we do ask you to be mindful of kaldorei culture and not to try and peddle fel infused trinkets out in the open.

You can also reach us OC:

In-game: Arlièn | Discord: Arlièn/Rob#8962

In-game: Irrissia | Discord: Meraviilla#7021

A map of the stalls available for the market:


Stalls list :

  1. Bladed Arrow Trading Co
    arms, armors and enchanted items
  2. Coalworks smithing
  3. Zexi
    Pandaren foods and fruits
  4. Union of Hope
    Magical items, enchantments and jewelry
  5. The Liar Dices
    Drinks and liquors
  6. Qing
    Tea Tales
  7. Ashanná
    Traditional kaldorei foods
  8. Raven’s Tea, hot and iced tea to go
    Alladar of the Ironfist Consortium
  9. Hummingbird Emporium
    Hummingbird Emporium is offering wide range of daily necessities. Clothes, cosmetics, potions, plushies, jewellery and chocolate. Most, if not all, products are made by our employees!
  10. Blue Recluse
    Drinks and snacks
  11. Lenoir of the Sha’ur
    Lover of ale
  12. Erin Baxter
    “Handmade Artisan Jewellery with four current collections available. All pearls and shells used are locally sourced by hand from the coast of Kul Tiras.”
  13. …
  14. …

As a last sidenote, in case you have not quested in Ashenvale and see the town is still on fire, you will want to do the quest: Astrnaar’s Burning! Which is offered by the NPC Sentinel Thenysil.


Very happy to help organising this event for the Ashenvale Autumn !


Looking forward to it, and planning to attend!


Gonna stock up on minn’da’s old fashioned kimchi™.


Och, did some say a bit of wildfir- I MEAN; FORGIN’?!? :volcano::hammer_and_pick::fire:

I would be happy to host a forge for some dark iron smithing proper!

Coalworks smithing! At yer service! :beers:


Looking forward to seeing the variery of stalls, might get an excuse to bring Acrona over for a visit! :crossed_fingers: Good luck with the initiative!


Reckon I can throw in some Dwarven runes on that shiny metal too

:wink: :man_mage: :hammer_and_pick: :shield:


Runic smithing intensifies :volcano::fire::hammer_and_pick::trumpet:


Do you need peace and quiet for this, or will you be able to share a stall? :wink:


Sharing is caring and quite sufficient!

I’ll drop a doc here with prices and options in a day or so!


Tis fine! I mostly work with orders/custom work; so it’s more just “being there” :hammer_and_pick::volcano::fire: So I do not need much space! :crab:


Because what’s a few runes without a Reference? :man_mage: :magic_wand:

And of course! Morgrim’s stall poster!

:hammer_and_pick: :fire: :volcano: :shield: :crossed_swords:


I would not mind being signed up for a spot. It’s about time to wake up some of my travelling merchants ^^

Time to dig up all the jars of kimchi and start cooking all the traditional foods again. This time with spider kabob on the menu.


Certainly! Always great to have some good food. What stall number has your favour?


Not overly fussed really so feel free to pick for me if you want. If you would rather I choose, maybe stall 7 so food and drink stuff are close together?


After a succesfull day at the Stormwind Market last thursday, we reached out to many more merchants and the first 9 stalls are now filled up! The next batch opens up, so there are still a few spots open.
Many thanks to the merchants and the Amber Foundation for the Stormwind market.


Thanks for all of those who signed up ! Only two spots left.


What is best in life?
Hearing the lamentations of Astranaar’s innkeep.


They drank everything. The bar, the stalls, the lake, all empty. The lumber operation you hear in the rafters is their mage sleeping. They are frying the decorations with their bea-hea-hae-rds.

The patient broke down in tears after and was unable to continue counceling.


Well, the good news is that we will be able to stock more alcohol after the departures of the dwarves, as they will so kindly empty all our storages !