[A-RP] Astranaar Village Hours (16th of Sept) & Crescent Conclave (17th of Sept)

Part of the Ashenvale Autumn Community Initiative! Read more here: [A-RP] Ashenvale Autumn - Community Initiative 4/9-24/9 2023

Astranaar Village Hours

Locals, kin, and friends of the Kaldorei from Kalimdor and beyond, are invited to come to Astranaar and enjoy a social evening interspersed with a few contests and activities.

Together, we will enjoy a night of talking, drinking, contending with each other in well-known ways, and listen to the words of the Sisterhood. Bring your friends, or make new ones!

20:00 - 20:10: Welcome.
20:10 - 21:00: Mount race.
21:00 - 21:45: Moonball tournament.
21:45 - 22:30: Fortune telling.

OOC Details:
The Astranaar Village Hours return! A simple excuse for people to gather and socialize, or a night of friendly competitions and hopefully amusing, not very serious fortunes told. The choice of what this community event is, is really up to you. Kaldorei, as well as all friends of the Kaldorei, are welcome to attend, and should hopefully be able to find roleplay in the town of Astranaar this night.

Bring out your elf, or elf-friendly character, or just your curious onlooker. All are welcome - and the event will be hosted in common.

More details, as well as brief descriptions of the contests of the evening, can be found on the AA event listing: https://www.argentarchives.org/node/264810

Crescent Conclave

Honoured sisters, Priestesses of Elune. As the autumnal equinox nears, the time has come for us to gather once more, now that many of our kin have come to gather in Ashenvale.

The last conclave made it clear that we have many tangents that we return to. Small and big matters alike that perhaps deserve more attention than we have managed to give them during the more directed conversation. This time, we gather to discuss the topics of choice of the members of the Sisterhood present.

20:00 - 20:15: Opening, introductions and start of discussions
21:00 - 21:15: Brief break
21:15 - 22:00: Continued discussion

If there is nothing left to discuss, the event will naturally end at the end of the discussion.

For the fourth conclave, we will allow for the participants of the conclave to pick the topics. If there is a question, a concern or a subject that deserves the attention of your fellow members of the Sisterhood, tonight is the night to bring them!

OOC Details:
Elune’s grace, priestess player of Argent Dawn! As a part of Ashenvale Autumn, another conclave will be hosted to once more gather the members of the Sisterhood for a night of discussions. If you play a kaldorei priestess or priest of Elune, we welcome you to a night of conversations, discussions and connecting with other characters who do the same. As always, the idea is to give an important part of Kaldorei society a peaceful and social arena to talk and meet, and to exchange information and experiences in a friendly way between groups, guilds and orders - and this time, in a liberal and open fashion where the participants pick the topics.

The event will take roughly two hours, and as always we will switch in between open discussion and a speaker’s list so to keep order. Those attending will be asked to keep a polite and cordial tone. As this is meant to be an event for the members of the Sisterhood, we kindly ask guests, bystanders and retainers, guards and the likes to stay outside of the meeting. It is meant to be a gathering for Priestesses of Elune, after all!

AA Event



And are the Warsongs invited too ? :eyes: :axe:
Nice initiative. Let Astranaar come alive with life and RP !

Your heads are.
Your bodies may stay somewhere Durotar-ish. :slight_smile:
Temporarily, only until we reclaim Kalimdor as a whole, of course.

Looking forward to the Event! :slight_smile:


A challenge…Hm…We like it. :axe:

We have second character Kaldorei, me and other of my players. I think we will stop by to participate and witness this from time to time !

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Village Hours are tonight!

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It was great seeing so many people gathered and participate. Thank you for hosting!


The conclave comes!

Tonight is the crescent conclave indeed! We meet at the hunter’s hall in Astranaar at 20:00 ST for a night of chatting and discussions!

Do note - this event is for priestesses of Elune only. To keep it organised and to give space to the characters the event is made for, we will also politely ask guests, listeners and retainers and the like to stay outside for the night. No doubt the participants of the conclave will be keen to talk with those of the general populace afterwards however!

See you there! ^^

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