[A-RP] Ashenvale Autumn - Community Initiative 4/9-24/9 2023

Ashenvale Autumn is making a return! Last year’s initiative was a great success and it was amazing to see the community come together and create so many fun and varied events throughout September. This year, Ashenvale Autumn will be hosted between the 4th and the 24th of September, so prepare yourselves for three weeks of fun and adventure in and around Astranaar and Ashenvale. Like last year, we’ll end Ashenvale Autumn by celebrating Illuridei together.

Below is the official schedule. All dates not already written up on the schedule are free and anyone can host an event on those dates. Just let us know if you wish for us to add it to the official schedule!

7/9 Wells of Stonetalon (hosted by Ialluen)
9/9 Emerald Assembly (hosted by Meladriss)
12/9 Ashenvale Market Night (hosted by Háwkins)
14/9 Stampede! DMed event. (hosted by Kathene)
16/9 Astranaar Village Hours (hosted by Seredwen)
17/9 Crescent Conclave (hosted by Ialluen)
19/9 Archery Contest (hosted by Kathene)
21/9 Gladiatorial sparring in the name of Ashamane (hosted by Kelatriel Starfeather)
22/9 Story Night (hosted by Acrona/Uka)
23/9 Illuridei - The Watcher’s Flame, Autumn Equinox celebration to round off Ashenvale Autumn (hosted by the Tinwëtar and the Nightblades)

What is Ashenvale Autumn?

From the 4th until the 24th of September the Nightblades will host Ashenvale Autumn, an initiative meant to bring the Kalimdor community together for three weeks of fun and socialization in Ashenvale. Like Sentinel September, it will feature a mixture of casual and semi-casual events for everyone currently in Ashenvale to partake in. The Nightblades will host two organized events per week, and we wholeheartedly welcome and encourage people from around the community to host events of their own during Ashenvale Autumn as well.

Who can participate?

Everyone! Or, well, specifically all Alliance characters. This is an initiative for the blue side (sorry, Horde).

What is considered an event?

Anything you can think of! It can be big or small, anything from a fully DMed combat event, to a storytelling night, to a pilgrimage to a shrine, to an open lecture on a specific subject, to a merchant coming to Astranaar to peddle their wares. Anything that fits the theme and the setting really.

Who can host events?

Anyone who wants to! As mentioned above, the Nightblades will be hosting events twice a week, but aside from that it is a free-for-all! If you want to host an event and have it put onto the official schedule, don’t hesitate to contact us and we’ll see it done. We welcome events created by other members of the community, in fact. The more, the merrier!

I want to host an event, what do I do?

First of all, that’s awesome! Secondly, either you write in this thread directly to let us know about your event and we’ll post it on the schedule, or you can contact us in game/via discord to let us know about the event as well. We will continuously make posts in the thread to promote the events on the schedule.

I want to participate in an event, do I need to sign up?

For the events hosted by the Nightblades, no. Events that are more casual in nature, such as ceremonies, lectures, pilgrimages and similar will be open to everyone. DMed events may, however, have a limited number of participants (due to DM capabilities) and as such they will be filled on a first come, first served basis. So, no signup required, but if you want a spot in an event it may be a good idea to be there on time.

When and where do events start?

All events will begin at 20:00 in Astranaar, unless something else is specified in the schedule.

How are events played?

Ashenvale Autumn has a whole lot of different events. Some might be of a casual nature, others might be more organised or having elements of combat or the like. In case of an event having a roll system, it will be explained in the raid group at the start of the event. If you have never played with roll systems before, not to worry! You will learn in the process!

Contact for adding events to the schedule
Write in this thread or contact Tinwetar (discord), Tínwëtar/Tinwëtar (in-game)

Contacts for specific events
See the schedule above. All events have their organizer listed.


Great to see the initiative return this year!

I could host another Story Night during this, on Friday 22nd September. Ancient Uka would love to hear more stories!


Oh! That would be great! I’ve added it to the schedule! :two_hearts:


Exciting times! I’ll probably reach out on Discord at a more normal hour sometime - I’d be down to help host some small activities sprinkled throughout the month once I know more of my work schedule.


That sounds great! I look forward to seeing what you come up with. :slight_smile:


Let us add another event to this!

Wells of Stonetalon
Moonwells are important to the Kaldorei, offering both a place for healing, rest, and reverance to the goddess. To aid the sentinel outposts in Stonetalon, a group of volunteers sets out from Astranaar towards the dusty crags in the south to tend to a few of the Moonwells in the area.

Come one, come all! Expect a chill event with a religious tint to it.

I will also put up more information on the Crescent Conclave when it nears! :crescent_moon:


I had such a wonderful time last year on my other characters. I’m really looking forward to this year’s series of events once more. Highly recommend these kind folk and their initiative!


Almost time for another great festival!

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Very excited for this and will definitely attend!


I wouldn’t mind trying to host a market/traders night on the 12th. Every good community event needs a market.


The wayfinders will make their way back to Kalimdor soon and intend to partake in some of these, I will not be able to personally until the twelvth.


That would be fantastic! I’ll add it to the calendar! :slight_smile:


It is almost time! Tomorrow, we kick off the third annual Ashenvale Autumn! Whilst the first event starts on Thursday, we hope the woods will come alive in the lead-up to that too. If one is curious about the calendar, do not hesitate to check the first post. More events is on the way…

Let us make the zone come alive! :crescent_moon:


A few more events have been added to the schedule! If you’d like to host something, don’t hesitate to get in touch!


Looking forward to the Wells of Stonetalon tonight!

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Tonight’s the first event indeed!

Wells of Stonetalon
With some kind of relative peace having settled in over Kalimdor, other manners of aid are requested between outposts and settlements. This time, a request to the denizens of Ashenvale has reached Astranaar, asking for help to tend to a moonwell in the Stonetalon region that has fallen into a bit of disrepair. Thus, an excursion in planned to do just that, and it comes with a note pinned up to the notice boards in Astranaar:

Dearest kin,
We have been asked to tend to a well in Stonetalon. For any interested participants, the party will gather in Astranaar at eight o’ clock tonight. Supplies will be provided. Aid of any kind is appreciated - civilians, priestesses, druids and the likes are all welcome!

Elune’s grace go with you.
Priestess Ialluen Moonglow

Tonight’s event is an open/casual for whomever wish to attend that might have some kind of interest in looking after or tending to the Moonwells that are so sacred to the Kaldorei kind. Expect a chill and very relaxed evening with a fair amount of strolling, and perhaps some light DMed parts. Nothing too dramatical - it is the first event of the month, after all!

Meetup is in the middle of Astranaar at 20:00! Hope to see a few there :crescent_moon:


A thoroughly enjoyable event. And I hope to be at the others.

I always appreciate the chance to showcase some of Kyniras background and history. And show that demon hunters were something else before the fel. I can’t touch holy things, I can’t channel Elune’s power but I still have arcanite strength faith in the Goddess.


I am super happy to hear that, truly! Glad to have been able to offer a setting that gave some opportunities for such. You are more than welcome to the continuation of Ashenvale Autumn as well!


Ashenvale Autumn has been off to a great start so far and Astranaar has been absolutely bustling with Kaldorei and other friends! Tonight is Market Night, with a packed list of vendors arriving to offer crafts, curiosities, and treasures from Kalimdor and beyond! (And food and drink of course!) Come along and visit to see what’s on offer or just take in the crowd, Ashenvale would love to welcome you!


Tonight I’ll be hosting a DM’ed combat event in Ashenvale! A sudden, chaotic disturbance at the border to the barrens will need a quick response from the Kaldorei!

A call will go out at about 20:00 server time to gather people up. Please note that there will be a cap of 20 players attending so as to not overwhelm the DM and keep it a fun experience for everyone! This will be a modest sized event and just a little fun for people looking to warm up their glaives, arrows and spells, so I hope to see some of you there!