[A-RP] Bayerleyn Retinue - Green and Gold, Ever Bold!

confused dwarf noises


I’m fairly sure that at one point they stated they removed the ERP rule from their site during the last time they put up a recruitment thread.

Or I guess it was rewritten to its current state which is milder.

It was removed for a period, after all the outcry. Then it was quietly returned sometime later, as though nothing had ever changed to begin with.


Honestly, I enjoyed roleplaying with the retinue at the recent campaign.

I don’t think they ever cheated/ went against the rules.

I’d rather have them attend campaigns then others at this point.

I just hope the ERP side of things is over and done with, that the people involved moved on as it’s not approriate for this game.


i doubt every shower for the rest of my life will cleanse the taint from my eyes after looking at that enjin page.

“what should we display on our uniform section?”
“our colours?”
“NO! A barely clothed woman in her small clothes with our colours” ladies all over the land gush at shonns mastery

I think that the change is that you can now just fade to black it rather than RP out what the female char does with the GM?

Some players are fine to have talks, but prefer to 'fade to black' anything beyond that. In that case a whisper helps when your zone of comfort boundary has been reached.

Not that I personally find this much better. But hey, at least there’s no forcing people into ERP!

Ah well, never change Guderian, never change.

G’luck with the guild Shonn.


Ah, it seems I ought to start editing the FAQ reply placed on purpose there.

Come on guys, don’t be so rough. You’re almost forgetting the part where their rules literally say they don’t give a hoot about what blizzard has to say about the lore.

" undeads are hurt by the Holy Light, and cannot cast it. /care of what Blizzard says."


Been a long time since i last saw the greencoats. I miss the old days. So hows things going then old man?

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Yes, where game mechanics pratically dictate lore or they overwhelm common sense, I go my way Tehya.

That allows characters to be characters with their own specifics. To game mechanics a Warlock can too summon a fel-green ‘healthstone’. That apparently heals properly both undead, paladins and holy priests all the like.

That to me is game mechanic. Not adding to the FAQs as the whole is detailed on the webpage in lengthy terms though.

lumen vult

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And yet there is undead paladin in the lore. You know, one of Four Horsemen.


Going pretty good. Just returned from a RP PvP campaign - will linger some in SW for recruitment and casual RP before to head out into a DM’ed campaign I suspect!

I may show up and confuse your members with horrible stories of the greencoats of old. Always good for a giggle as they try to work out who this ancient dwarf is. :stuck_out_tongue:

Blizzard even went as far as to address that particular topic and explain in terms of lore how it can occur.

Though who am I to tell you how to play this game when apparently your members RP that your character’s breeding juices are infused with the Light.


b!tch im wheezing

tell me this is fakenews


An anecdote I was once told is that he proposed to cure a (female) character’s blindness with his light infused love juice. In her eye.


Jesus used dirt mixed with saliva, Shonn apparently only needs the fluid.