[A-RP] Castavet Coven - Heartsbane overseas!

"The Order of Embers was born anew. We could sense it, feel it in our bones. We sat in silence as if time itself had stopped. An eerie fog arose and from within we could hear the voice of our Mother in distress. Our hut near Arom’s Stand was barely visible in the thickening mist. Mother’s voice grew louder: “Flee… FLEE!”. We knew what the Order was capable of, what weapons they had against us, how easily they could expose us. Sister Etnah started cackling, driven mad by her greed for power she had no realisation of the present. She did not even bother to disguise herself anymore.

We were cowards. Our disguise allowed us to escape the warzone our homeland would become. Sister Etnah was left behind as we boarded a ship to the mainland for we must do everything to ensure our Coven will be preserved. We live amongst foreigners now, hiding in plain sight. Desperate to survive and maintain our ways. In time they will see… They lack vision. Death is an inevitable force that stalks you at every turn."

The Castavet Coven is a new roleplay guild based on the Heartsbane Coven of Drustvar. When the Order of Embers returned, a coward Matron of the Coven, Kadiya Castavet, took it upon herself to fool her witches. Fearing the very force of death they wield and knowing Drustvar would indeed be the death of them, they fled to the Eastern Kingdoms. Known for their convincing disguises, the Witches now live amongst the mainlanders.


The purpose of the guild is to offer a roleplay environment for those who are interested in Heartsbane Witches and their culture. Eerie and misterious roleplay in combination with some wicked fun and chaos. The guild offers a main antagonist for the ‘good guy’-guilds in the Eastern Kingdoms as they will be actively trying to make the life of every living being a nightmare. This will be done with utmost secrecy in order to keep a low profile.

We understand that our IC actions will have consequences and that people may start hunting us down, we shall in such cases adjust our roleplay accordingly. We are in no way ‘powerful’, on the contrary. We are the only ones of our kind in a foreign land.

Guild ranks
  • Matriarch
    The leader of the Castavet Coven, a stranded ‘expeditionary force’ of the Heartsbane Coven. The Matriarch is the Matron Mother and is considered the most powerful witch of her entourage. Should she be defeated by another, the new Witch will claim her title.

  • Matron
    The most powerful witches of the Coven slit their own throat to ‘ascend’. They become a more powerful version of themselves as they shed their skin. A Matron in its true form resembles a banshee and is very vulnerable to silver and alchemical fire.

  • Elder
    The Elders are the more seasoned witches of the Coven. Many aspiring witches turn to them for guidance. An Elder may or may not ascend to become a Matron, but are valued more for their wisdom rather than their power.

  • Sister
    A witch of the Coven will always be addressed as ‘Sister’. Most witches of the Coven hold this title. It means they were put through a lengthy trial period and by this time, their bodies are twisted by the magic they wield. In their true form, they are referred to as “Drustvar Hags”.

  • Acolyte
    Those who are new to the ancient Drust death magic and seek to learn the ways of the Heartsbane Coven. An acolyte will remain a student until her body has been contorted by the magic she learned to wield.

  • Bewitched
    The misfortunate souls who have been bewitched by the Coven and have been forced into servitude. These beings under thraldom are either cursed or are being manipulated to do the Coven’s bidding.

Who can join?

The guild is open to female humans and worgen (in their human form). Also Kul Tirans will be able to join once the race becomes available.

In time, desperate times may call for desperate measures and the Coven may open its doors to individuals of other races who want to learn the way of the Heartsbane. These individuals would be put through a lengthy trial period and wouldn’t gain the trust of the Coven easily. They would be rare exceptions.

The Bewitched rank is an exception to this rule. Here you may find individuals of any gender, race, profession…

How to join the Castavet Coven?

If you are interested in the guild, please join our Discord:

Any feedback or suggestions are welcome!
I’m available for contact in-game or via our Discord channel (link in tab ‘How to join the Castavet Coven?’).


Fallhaven wants a word with you.


Oh, hello there, ma’am. Do you mind if I prick you with this silver needle?


Hello there “Witches” of the Castavet Coven, consider yourselves enemies of Nar’zagh the Great Irritator for using such fowl magic and calling it “Witchery”. Know that I will hunt down and annoy every single one of your wretched, misbegotten kind.

-Love Nar’zagh X X X X


The only good witch

Is a (Sand)witch



Been a witch since before it was cool. huff


Awesome concept, definitely keeping my eye on this! For now, if you want someone to pester, the Yu Xin Keepers will be happy to accommodate some intrigues.

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Looking forward to hanging out with “The Real Housewitches of Stormwind.”


I dont like witches made of sand

Their power is coarse, their curses are rough and irritating… and those covens tend to get everywhere.


I actually had a Witch-type character a while back! But I stopped playing her since I couldn’t find any Guilds that had this concept of a coven. Definetly keeping my eye out for this!

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This looks sublime, I look forward to some IC interaction!


As a former citizen of Fallhaven, I will look forward to meeting this coven! I hope our paths may cross.


Good stuff!

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Thanks for the kind reactions!
We’re planning to get things going very soon. The first events are in planning phase.

Beware the Castavet Witches!


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