[A-RP] The Castavet Circle

The Castavet Coven

The Castavet Coven is back up and running under a new name The Castavet Circle.
The Coven awaits you once more!

Original Post

[A-RP] Castavet Coven - Heartsbane overseas!

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Well, good to see some witches to poke with needle, i guess you’ll be good IC rivals with Havenguard aswell

Looks at Abel right?

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You’re damn right Sonny Jim!

The Havenguard would love to cooperate with (some find kindling for our bonfire) I mean you! I was actually wondering if you were still around :smiley: If you wish to cooperate hit me up below!

Discord: Irishpeacockz#2164

EDIT: Also if you were wondering who we actually are then read on!

The Havenguard are a group of Monster Hunters with a bit of inspiration from the Witcher franchise. Currently we are dealing with the lingering Coven threat and well this is begging for some cross guild RP :smiley:

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Witches are creepy

Good luck :slight_smile:

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