[A-RP:] Clan Stormheart - A Wildhammer Story 🦅

The winds carry forth no gentle song
Be a forthcoming gale, the call has rung
Deeps roots link the kin o’ both rock and sky
Lo there do I see the storm gather nigh

No quarrel is given between beast and I
As we ascend within these clouds so high
To find no foe within this thunderous air
That can match our might, enemies beware

For the Highlands be our most sacred o’ home
And we’ll fight till our last, let it be known
That those o’ Wildhammer will never falter

Never waver,

Our ties with this land ever strong
And we’ll save her

Clan Hierarchy:

The Stormheart Family:-

Thane: The leader of his family, the eldest amongst his kinsmen and the strong-willed overseer of his home. He has earned his seat at the high-table of his hearth and will defend his honour and pride should it be besmirched. His say is final and his judgement understood, leading in the ‘Markings of Garhl’ as he seeks to continue the teachings of the Ghal’bram to his people. Ever watchful for heroic deeds and grand gestures of his own, a keen story-teller who will continue to pass down tales of the ages. A father to all that call themselves Stormheart.

Khal’rand (Council): The Khal’rand usually comprises of the Thane’s most trusted. Tradition has sought this role to be filled by family, his eldest sons and daughters. But the Khal’rand changes with each passing Thane. It is within this circle of trust he shall pick a successor to the family. Those chosen would likely comprise of the strongest warriors and the most persuasive minds. The greatest hand-picked worthy enough to lead the clan should the need arise.

Syddan’dahl (Family): Loyalty, Strength, Will, Knowledge and Courage. Upon completing the final trial and earning the last ‘Marking of Garhl’ you’ll take part in the ascension ceremony. In which you’ll be lifted up into the family, the weight of the Khal’brass sinks into your very blood. You’ll become part of the Stormheart legacy, the greatest glory an outsider could achieve in their life-time. To await that moment when the Thane swears his love and acceptance, it’ll deliver you into a family bond that’ll stand the testaments of time. A place for you carved onto the family tree, holding high the name Stormheart forever.


Trials of the Ghal’bram:-

Godkend’dahl (Courage) : Bal’gahn Stormheart, first Thane of our family. He who had slain the great white bear Garhl at the foothills of Ironforge centuries past. Courage, only truly comes when you’re afraid and through this final trial - you’ll search yourself, delving deep to find it; and confront it.
(Fifth Claw: imgur. com/54X9diF )

Guma’dahl (Knowledge) : Meira Stormheart, first to bind and transcribe for Bal’gahn, keeper of the first pages of the Ghal’bram. Her knowledge stretches countless passages and books left to find for those worthy. Understanding the ways of a Stormheart within her left legacy. To learn from their ancient laws and tradition.
(Fourth Claw: imgur. com/TybKEKr )

Kost’dahl (Will) : Karban Stormheart, creator and first wielder of the Stormheart’s mighty Stormhammer Mok’grum. A seasoned shaman who took great fondness in living as one with the wild, for this trial will see you traverse the mighty landscapes of Khaz Modan. To be one with the earth, water and sky. Finding the right mindset that all Wildhammer share.
(Third Claw: imgur. com/s8sdbeH )

Misfaran’dahl (Strength) : Olgan Stormheart, the strongest recorded of our family and father to the present Thane Grahda. The ‘breaker of mountains’ and the hauler of stone, a trial focussed on your body and mind. Strength comes from many places, find it and you’ll succeed. Or crumble under the weight of our forebear’s watchful gaze.
(Second Claw: imgur. com/0vzFyOS )

Skalf’dahl (Loyalty) : Grahda Stormheart, the current Thane of Stormheart. To earn the first claw you’ll need to prove loyalty to him. Be this by a gift of wealth or blood. Your character will be judged accordingly to whatever they present. Alongside this gift you’ll take the oath of our family, adorning the sacred Khal’brass upon your most dominant arm. Honour your Thane, honour yourself.
(First Claw: imgur. com/E95Bvlq )
(Khal’brass: imgur. com/vMASm8A )



Modoss (Marked) : You’ll be tattoo’d with the simple paw, acknowledged by Thane Stormheart as he’d believe you ready. Allowing you to begin the trials of the Ghal’bram.

Mogo’dune (Unmarked) : You’ve found Clan Stormheart, now awaiting an open audience with the Thane and family, for it is he who will ultimately decide if you’re destined to join us, or to be turned away.

“Family isn’t measured by blood, nae… It be loyalty.” - Grahda Stormheart

Events / Festivities:
Blessing Stormhammers:
Atop the highest pinnacle of Aerie Peak, Clan Stormheart continue tradition in the blessing or re-igniting their ancestral weapons.

Gryphon Training:
A core fundamental to our RP, your feathered friend will be as much a noteable character as yourself. Expect a lot of development regarding, we aim to include them in almost all we do here.

When a Dwarf finishes their final trial, reaching Godkend’dahl - they will then await the prestigious and well revered ceremony of ascension. Bringing their name into the the very legacy of Stormheart. A night of stories, festivities and family. Earning Syddan’dahl.

Clan Stormheart will take part in the yearly festivities regarding this sacred settlement, from burial to marriages and birth of new life.

OOC: Clan Stormheart has been a unique Wildhammer presence on the Dwarf RP scene since February 2018. We’ve now returned after hiatus with a refreshing new story line, seeking to delve into the current themes that are arising around the server and current expansion.

We accept:
Wildhammer (Preferred), Bronzebeard or Stormpike origin.

We don’t accept:
Dark Iron, IC Warlocks and IC DKs.

Note: Being primarily Wildhammers, we rely heavily on Gryphons within our daily RP. Level 90 is our desired minimum however we won’t necessarily turn away a level 60+ (Purely for flying purposes).

We use a fully working and updated Discord Channel regarding further IC and OOC.

Artist Recognition: https:// artistsnclients. com/slots/22270-digital-illustration

Old Guild Thread: https:// eu.forums.blizzard. com/en/wow/t/dwarf-rp-clan-stormheart-a-new-beginning/4388

Current IC Location: Kirthaven, Twilight Highlands

Leadership Contact:
Grahda - Discord: Wur890#7073 (GM)
Aerla - (Officer)
Thunderlung - (Officer)
OwĂĄĂ­n - (Officer)

“Many things may change in yer lives, m’children… But it’ll always start and end with family.” - Haelga Stormheart


Waheyyy here we go lads!


Awesome to see you lovelies back again. :heart:

/e Sharpens Stormhammer








Looking good!

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What would we do without you Kump! Much love for that <3

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Cant wait! Nothing comes close to decent Dwarf RP


These are the real boys in blue.

Well, blue paint.

Good to see you lot back alive and kicking. :hammer: :cloud_with_lightning: :bird:


Our ancient foe lingers in the clouds…

Delighted to see you all back in action, My drake hungers :dragon:


Ho ho! I’ve got something it can chew on! :zap::hammer::zap:


What’s that lads, the big tusky bastards are still about?! We’re on! :eagle::hammer::cloud_with_lightning:


Exactly what this world needs; more magnificent dwarves!



The heather was a most wondrous colour at this time of the year. Bright purple and green patches broke away for some blue and white strokes, swirling into the mother-root as if the petals were swept by a cyclone of wind; yet they were stationary and beautiful. Undisturbed even, were it not for the footfalls of a thick white-bearded humanoid of short setting, his cane clutched in one hand while his sickle sat in the other. His head turned about as the soft summer breeze changed its direction, bringing with it the nectarous air of these blooming wild growths. It would be the last time this year for them to do so, he had to act quickly.

Bending down the elder shifted his massive feet to allow for a kneeling position with care for ancient bones and gravely joints, nestling himself in the middle of the heather to start gathering those life-giving flowers. "Och ‘n yer bloomin’ too… Tae spirits been kind ta Wildhammer after 'em Legion marched through”, he uttered forth with an ever intensifying sense of gratitude of what he was given; what was given to all of Kurdran’s folk in the Highlands after what had happened not three years before. The clans had been scattered to the winds, divided, broken. But no longer were they such. A strong will, nay, stubbornness along with an unwavering sense of purpose and loyalty to each other and the old ways had brought the Highlanders together again, stronger than ever before. Shifting his hand the curled steel tool cut another piece of flowered shrubbery, letting its white blood drip to the mossy floor to let its nutrients soak and give life to healthier plantlife each year. Petals, twigs and leaves, all disappeared into a thick kodo-hide container by the elder shaman’s side as he worked away on the hillside. The breeze shifted again, now turning from North-Southbound to East-West, bringing along with it the familiar scent of the homely burrows of Kirthaven and their inhabitants; prompting a shift of movement within Galvrin. With the patience of the rocks themselves he picked himself up from the floor, sheathing the sickly by his side before taking hold of the pinewood walking aid in both hands again.

The corners of his chapped lips creased lightly as his amber gaze set itself upon the many stone chimneys jotting out of mossy rooftops. Each of them was preparing some food for the evening, mothers and their children awaiting their fathers to come home again from a long day of work… As the plantlife rustled with his footsteps up the hill, Galvrin for just a moment saw them too. Dael, the short-set, even for a Dwarf, curly-haired lad with a little bairn cradled in his arms. Next to him stood Baeldrix, each of his broad tattooed shoulders adorned with one of the playful twins, casually making conversation with bonnie Lotte. She picked Lennar up from his stubby feet, the little lad ever protesting against his loving mother… Thrar looked on from the side, his arms crossed in discontent. “Ye’ll make et, me love… Ah know ye will.” - Galvrin looked to his side, his mind now finally recognizing the nature of his situation: His hands sat in the damp ground, scratched by the hardy stems of the same plantlife he had just drawn blood from himself. Crimson fluid dripped off his palm, staining the moss-carpet below a darker colour. Taking the hand of his loving wife, her eyes as bright as daylight and hands soft as the gryphon’s belly, he rose to his feet. “Ta’, m’puffin… Gettin’ older’s nae as gracious as expected, it be goin’ fast now. Too fast.”

He looked to her then, a somewhat ashamed look upon his deeply lined features. Yet all he could find was the sight of Thunderstrike mountain in the distance. Turning his sight up to the hill, the children too had now become one with the very air he was breathing, swept away by the breeze. In their stead, two elderly Dwarves sat making conversation on many things once more. The crease in his mouth disappearing, Galvrin Stormheart made further up the hill to what family he had left; to let them know he would not be there for the first meeting as requested, to let them know he would seek out the seas himself in search of answers first. Galvrin Stormheart had not much left. But that which he did, he would not see swept by the winds.

“Grahda, Haelga… Ah’ve go’ a proposition for ye.”


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