[HIATUS] Clan Stormheart - Kirthaven's Roost 🦅

Wrangling Gryphon!

Over the weekend Clan Stormheart managed to wrangle in another wild gryphon! This time they received a tip off from a few of MacGraff’s lads within Thundermar. Mutterings of an illusive female known to create her nests atop the ruined pillars of the ancient Thandol Span.

A female of an estimated age of around 11, Thane Stormheart’s family and close allies of the Knights Gryphon took the challenge of snaring this particular beast. Priority with hunting female is to discover and check the nests first, as a Wildhammer will never separate a mother from her young.

A sizeable razorbeak who’s long surveyed the borders of both Wetlands and Arathi Highlands. Sustaining on a diet of gorged fish from the flowing divide below. It’s because of this, she’s developed an above average eyesight and perfected dive - often needing to break a few metres under the surface of the water. Her body streamline and her plume and feathering immaculate.

A true beauty.

SEAWITCH we called her respectively.

For her tenacity and cunning, she was indeed one of the fastest Thane Stormheart’s flock has seen in sometime. Perhaps even enough to challenge both Sparrow and Tempest in their respective agility.

Now looking to settle with help from Haelga, looking to possibly place this beast as an all rounded, though suited preferably for trade or travel. However, with a keen and encouraging rider perhaps in time she’ll find spirit enough for engaging in fights.

As always, should you find yourself in need of a gryphon - you’ll find no better place than Kirthaven.


Coming to Kirthaven, bullying your inhabitants and sending blizzard ruin your streets. Xoxo


Hey now! So you’re the culprit?! We’ve got plenty of elderly here sonny! Our now icy cobbled stones don’t help in the slightest! We’ll sue ya! :cloud_with_lightning: :hammer: :cloud_with_lightning:


I’d blame Thyron if I were you, he insisted on fighting near the fountain :eyes:


… Yeah, he’s normally the go to for blames! :rofl:


Recruitment Announcement!

Hello AD! Just a brief message incase anyone reading is curious or interested - Clan Stormheart is now opening up for potentially TWO new Wildhammer kinsmen!

So if you’re like us, another rare Wildhammer RPer who’s looking for a place to thrive! Please feel free to get into contact with us! We’re ideally looking out for Wildhammers who’re already LvL 120 and with a semi / if not fully developed and fleshed our character concept!

If this is you, I’d recommend to at least seek us out and see what we’re all about! Then perhaps together we’ll finally restore the mightiest of dwarven clans to its rightful place, not to mention the long awaited release of our blessed tattoos this year!

”So what’re yer waiting fer?!”

Grab your Stormhammer and see if you’ve got what it takes to join our flock!

For my insight into what we’re all about, please check out our older thread:
[A-RP:] Clan Stormheart - A Wildhammer Story 🦅


Don’t make me get Berethen :eyes:


I broke his nose while alive. Do you think this time will be different ? :smirk:

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Today marks the second anniversary of the guild, just wanted to give a massive thanks to all those who’ve been part of the journey and crafted our flock into what it is today! Heres too many more fond memories to come! Been an absolute blast, ours is a small but mighty hearth. :muscle:t3::eagle:

Past Memories: 











Happy birthday. :eagle:


The Highland Games!

Last night Clan Stormheart hosted one of their most favoured festivities; The Highland Games! An evening full of Wildhammer-esque activities, flourishing ‘friendly rivalries’ and laughter had by all! As always, the teams where the three unique clans of Khaz Modan, but with our gnomish cousins this time as well!

The Games:

Barrel Riding!
As dangerous as it sounds! In days of old each Dwarf would’ve finished off their -own- full keg first and foremost. Upon doing so granted right to participate! However, the youth of today aren’t as hardy - haha! Each contestant to participate will await at the top of the chosen hill, slope (or mountain). Upon the word “Go!” they’ll all mount their barrels and race to the bottom. Well, that’s the idea anyway…

Tug o’ War!
That’s right, we’re to work as a team in this one! Show off your prowess alongside your kin and hold fast - stoic and un-moving to your opponents struggle! Grasp hold of the large double-knotted rope, align the centre with a marker stone. Upon the word “Go!” you’ll pull like you’re trying to steal a wagon of ale!

Boulder Throwing!
A game that’ll surely test both your arm and your might! It doesn’t take a genius to work out the basics, nor take too long to understand. Perhaps, however a fair while to master; though we Wildhammer aren’t usually keen on too much technique!

A crude tavern game invented by Thane Grahda Stormheart. It entails two contestants to go at it with their gutter-trash talk in the hopes of being the -quickest- and most creative in insulting the other. The winner is often decided by the crowd, whoever emerges victor gets bought a drink, or whatever the wager may have been.

Upon each victory for each team they’d earn themselves points! Nobody more than Thane Stormheart could comprehend the fortitude and strength of the gnomish team in particular that night, who dominated both the Boulder Throwing and Tug o’ War!.

In the end, the marked up scores resulted in:

First Place: Bronzebeard AND Gnome!

Second Place: The Dark Iron!

Third Place: The Wildhammers!

A massive thank you goes out to The Three Hammers, Assemblage of Uld, The Arclight Association and all who participated as singulars or came to spectate! I’ll definitely be hosting this again in the future!






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Lovely shots. :slight_smile:

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Come fly the friendly skies.


Clan Stormheart have had a rather exceptional recruitment spree at the moment - ever wanted to RP a small flyin’ beardling? You won’t find a better place then our small but mighty hearth! Please, don’t hesitate to contact us!

As always, we’re never too far from our beloved Highlands!

Winds Guide, AD!


My guild met these guys about a month ago. We joined them for an event which was a lot of fun. All interactions have been either interesting or hilarious! If you like playing a wildhammer dwarf, this is a good place to go. ^^


Welcoming Newcomers!

Upon the recent Shadowlands updates and news regarding customisations, i’m sure we’re not the only ones ecstatic for the new Wildhammer tattoos coming this year!

So I’d like to put up a small message now, regarding those pondering on the idea of perhaps creating their very own Wildhammer to RP with in the coming months, experienced or otherwise!

To all those interested, you’re most welcome to come and find RP with us at Clan Stormheart, to end up joining or not we’re wholly excited to (hopefully) see a great influx in Wildhammer RP’ers. And perhaps see the growth in settlements outside of the major cities!

So, be you Aerie Peak or Highlands a thunderous call goes out to YOU!

Winds Guide!


Don’t be afraid, come and join us for a round of Pink Belly!


I need a few fresh faces to learn how to properly tend to the flowers! Kirthaven’s gardens are -booming- after the seeding of past autumn! Come one, come all!

Also, hammerin’ and drinkin’. Let’s go!


Thunderstrike Mountain - The Burial of Gryphon

Yesterday, Clan Stormheart gathered atop the solitary peak of their ancient burial ground. In ceremony of remembrance and tribute of a fallen warrior and brother, Astraios.

“Thunderstrike Mountain, she’s a blessed pinnacle o’ what we Wildhammer believe closest tae our ancestors… I’ve found myself stood atop this beautiful peak many-a-time in my life, tae remember and celebrate those o’ Highland that’ve given and lived their lives. In protection, nourishment and legacy o’ what we all consider -home-.”



“Astraios as we know, was slain in battle, in a far-away land to a great evil not many o’ us could scarcely imagine. He didn’t die defending his own home, but that o’ someone else. I stand ‘ere proud as any father would be, content and full wit’ belief he’s earned pride n’ place amongst those that’ve fallen before him.”


“Though he’s left no legacy intae form o’ hatchlings, he’ll live forever in his final act of defence and preservation fer our Hulfgran. Fer us to witness all the great deeds he has and is yet ta accomplish.”


“Ride hard intae the hereafter, Astraios – winds take yer home.”

– Tribute from Thane Grahda Stormheart

The proceedings continued with the voice of the Elder Shaman Galvrin Stormheart. Admits the downpour and a blustering westernly gale, all from the gathered took time to say peace for the fallen companion.

And then was the time for the planting of stone and offering, Hulfgran Stonefist would begin with the departure of his medal, given from the same campaign that claimed his brother’s life. Alongside his old strapping and riding attire, nestled next to his silk-wrapped body. Once the offering is placed, each present would plant a large stone atop the beast. One by one, feathers, flowers and trinkets would be offered nearby or within - alongside a rock firmly built up to form the marked resting place.

Astraios finally laid to rest, the formal ceremony would come to a conclusion and the family departs back to Kirthaven. For the ‘continued’ tribute, they’d be breaking out only the sweetest nectar. Ale and mead all round, whilst relishing in tales and stories of times gone by.