[A-RP] Guards of the Gate

Noice concept.
Also top work for explaining your reasoning IC and OOC for things and adjusting when lore is pointed out.
Good work!
Also, I agree with Mors. Pandaren aesthetically just wouldn’t fit.

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Looking forward to meeting you IC!

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It helps to explain your viewpoint and decision when you actually tell others why you took those decisions.

Also, as for the Pandaren. I’m going to be putting them on the table as possible recruits instead of flat-out saying No, if only because my reasoning for the inital no isn’t as solid anymore. But if there’s a player who is able to show good quality roleplaying while giving himself a handicap (in the guild’s eyes!) at the same time, then my ears are perked up.

Sure, it wouldn’t look nice, but I value players over appearance.

… I’m also not worried at all because no one plays a Pandaren Priest. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


wiggles eyebrows

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I’ve genuinely never seen a Pandaren who’d worship the Light. Seen some Pandaren in general, but never any who’d do that specifically.

Sweats nervously.


Like I said, it’s an area of the lore with very little flat-out sources, but we know two things;

  • Wandering Isle pandaren are generally not familiar with The Light, or at least Jojo Ironbrow wasn’t when first arriving in Stormwind. This conflicts with the simple fact that pandaren have access to the priest class, with playable pandaren explicitly being from The Wandering Isle, but hey ho.

  • The Light is worshipped by name by several Shado-Pan priests, notably Yalia. This could imply a cultural drift between Pandaria pandaren and Wandering Isle pandaren in how their relationship with harnessing The Light works; since the Pandaria priests are mostly found within The Shado-Pan, it could be easy to assume Light worship is done in countenance to the Void-based Sha (who are not present on The Wandering Isle).

This writeup explains it better than I could, but the reason I bring it up is because this specifically anti-Void sentiment matches up with the guild’s philosophy, regardless of “aesthetics”.

That’s the best way to be! Handling players on a case-by-case basis. I promise this is the last post I make about pandaren priests, because honestly the more I type the more I want to roll one. I love priests, man.

So what you meant to write is “If you can keep me talking about Pandaren Priests, I’ll join your guild”?


You not only love priests, you also love pandaren, I take it?

The browncloaks approve of this message!

Good luck with the guild, sounds cool! <3

This is like saying priests must be Light focused. But there are plenty of playable races that have priests that don’t worship the Light (no matter how much Blizzard tried to make it seem like they do in Legion).

Maybe in patch 9.2 or 9.3, we can work together. :open_mouth:

Also, semi bump to let people know I did a bit of maintenance on the forum post.


It wasn’t necessarily retconned, as we know that historically there was animosity between the Church and mages circa post-Troll Wars which led to the mages leaving for Dalaran to get out from under the Church’s heel (and why I headcanon is the reason for Drustvar’s distrust of magic - they’re a cultural relic of that time, having colonised Kul Tiras in the same time period but remained stuck in the past while everyone else moved on).

In Day of the Dragon, Duncan is framed as having an irrational fear of mages and he’s characterised as a man who’s ignorant and wrong. His paladins follow him on the matter, but they’re also framed as spineless yes-men because Duncan’s father is an important man. They don’t hate on mages out of ideological reasons.

At the same time we see Alonsus Faol in “the old lore” proclaim that arcane magic is but another manifestation of the will of the Light; a tool by which you (the mage) can advance the Light’s will and aid your fellow man. He says as much in Rise of the Lich King before he blesses Jaina with good fortune for her studies in Dalaran as she was a temporary ward of the Menethils at the time, and Alonsus doubled as the royal family’s Chaplain.

also Blizzard’s stance has always been that old lore is always valid unless it’s in direct contradiction with new lore

But that aside, big props on the guild! It looks like a neat concept and there’s nothing wrong with limiting your pool of recruitable classes/races based on the theme/story you’re trying to build with the guild. Wish you all the best of luck with success!

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Building on that, I distinctly remember Prophet Velen saying something like that about shamanism too.

IE religious people see arcane and shamanism as different ways to serve the Light.

Ultimately anything that can be used to help others (but isn’t dark/corruptive) can be viewed as an expression of the Light through that lens, though yes Velen did say the same about shamanism to help incorporate the Broken into Draenei society who were notoriously hostile towards them. Velen reasoned that them wielding shamanism is simply the Light working in different ways, but just as acceptable.

It all serves the greater good is the recurring stance among various clergies of the world nowadays, though individuals may always be prejudiced and that’s fine.

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Hello Yes Hi, I bring news.

I’ve finished the rough draft 2 of the Guild’s Event System, so I’m posting it here for a bigger sample-size of feedback! o/



Had me raise some eyebrows at the “protect the Light against the foul corruption of […] arcane and nature” bit there, but otherwise looks like a good concept.
I mean, I understand a semi Light based guild excluding DHs, DKs, warlocks, velves etc. but I don’t think an official Alliance military unit would specifically reject someone for being a mage, monk or shaman.
Might want to be more lenient about that, or just take it on a case by case basis, but that’s just my two cents.

Yeah, I believe I answered that earlier in the thread. But to sum it it, I’m future-proofing and trying to make the guild stand out. We’re not going to actively execute people because of the colour of their magic hoodoo.

… Unless Turalyon goes full Lightbound. :thinking:


To be fair, the Lightbound and the Army of Light both still have mages.

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Future proofing doesn’t make sense to me. Restricting yourself based on what might happen in the lore (most likely several months or even years down the line) is a strange logic to me.
I mena, I understand not wanting to take non-Light wielding spellcasters into a Light based guild, but that’s all the reason you really need, in my opinion.

Future proofing makes no sense, by that logic, any two groups of people could not like each other in future lore, so every guild should only take the specific class and race that is their GM char, or very close to it.