Will admit, I’ve never played the AU Orcy Draenory unlocking quest thingy. I always assumed Yrel’s Lightbound army didn’t have mages, or at least restrained in a very similar way as the Saarebas from Dragon Age. (The Qunari mages!)
To me, it makes sense to future proof like this. Sure, it may or may not happen, but since I have practically no input on where Blizzard takes Turalyon’s storyline while wanting to stay on his ride… Though, just to clarify, simply because I don’t want to recruit mages doesn’t mean we won’t work with mages. Or druids. Or the other unholy stuff. It just means we don’t recruit them.
But to answer you second paragraph… That has been taking place, is taking place already, and will be taking place in the future. There are numerous guilds that only recruit one race, or one ‘Faction’, or a mixture of the two. Scarlets, Worgen Packs, Night Elven units, Gnomish, Orc Clans… So while our approach to this may be strange, similar things are alredy taking place. (Most of which are the PCU, but there are other Non-PCU guilds doing the same.)
It does start making somewhat less sense when both the Lightbound and Army of the Light, as well as Turalyon himself, show no issues with magi serving with them. Or even as part of them.
But it isn’t taking place because one day in the future Turalyon might decide he doesn’t like mages, which so far only the opposite has been shown. Otherwise there are several mroe reasons such as why those, in particular the Scarlet guilds, would only accept one race or a select few classes.
Well, sure. But when we take into account the ‘Rule of Cool’ storytelling Blizzard does, the numerous instances where they retcon things out of the blue and/or something they wrote not 3 months ago, and me just not wanting to kick people out of the guild in case it does happen, I’m going to take this approach.
To me, it looks like you don’t want to RP in WoW. This isn’t Dragon Age.
I’d suggest acquainting yourself with essential lore instead of making guild rules over vague memories of lore several years ago, false guesses on existing lore, and headcanons straight up pulled from other fantasy settings.
Yes, that is correct, but they strictly advertise themselves as scarlets, worgen packs, night elven units etc.
A military unit (even if they’re heavily Light based) not taking other Light worshippers because they, say, wield arcane instead of Light, is absurd to me. As said above, even the Army of the Light has mages, and high ranking mages at that.
I get what you want to do here, and I don’t have a problem with it, it’s totally fine to make a Light based guild and have all its spellcasters be wielding the Light and nothing else, it’s been done before and it’s a good concept.
But I’d make the reason why you’re not taking non-Light wielding spellcasters more reasonable and clear, and also emphasize that you’re a Light based guild more heavily on the first few lines.
If someone just runs their eyes through your post, they can easily miss it, take it for a military guild and then go “wot, why’s an Alliance military unit not taking mages or night elves?”
… Sorry, what? Is me taking an idea from another story universe a solid enough of a reason to believe that I, in fact, don’t want to be playing this game and would rather play a Dragon Age MMORPG? While that logic does astound me, what makes me more surprised is that you believe I’m not a matured enough roleplayer to differentiate between Warcraft Lore and from other creative arts.
And I am strictly advertising the guild as “We’re a Light-based guild, and we don’t want this, this, and that in the guild.”
What I am not doing is saying “We’re Army of the Light”, or “We adore Draenei love so much that we’ll follow their mix of Light and Arcane”. Yes, we’re going to follow down whatever path Turalyon’s story goes, but again, we’re not the Army of the Light. We’re a wholly seperate idenity that doesn’t want this, this, and that.
If the guild recruitment post came across that it implied we weren’t a seperate identity, please quote the part of the guild recruitment post so I can correct it.
I don’t think OP is trying to play in Dragon Age for wanting to run something based on Light worship and use lol (and I think this is quite clear from the OP and even moreso subsequent posts in the thread already)