[A-RP] Havenguard - Thros be damned! (Drust/Monster/Spectral Hunters!)

Had a really lovely evening enjoying some casual RP with these awesome people. Thanks for reaching out to me and I’m looking forward to working together to bring some more rp to Drustvar.

Witches better beware!


Kayli waved a curtain of dust and stagnant air out of her face as she stepped into the darkness, she flexed her fingers on the torch Abel had handed to her, she glanced towards him one last time

“Delve into the tomb and you shall find the answers to many of the questions that burn in your heart”

Abel clicked his fingers and sparks ignited around the cloth of the torch, setting the fabric alight in her hand, she felt the heat simmer off her face, which illuminated her frown

“Is it dangerous in there Uncle Abe?”

“Only if you allow fear to grip your heart”

Kayli looked back into the darkness, which had receded slightly due to the presence of the burning torch. She took half a step back, as if overwhelmed by it all, until a familiar hand rested on her shoulder

“You are a Beck Kayli, you have wanted this your entire life. Go now and face your destiny.”

Abel’s hand did not follow her as she took a step into the cave, examining the narrow passageway as she made her way inside, her mind racing with a hundred different things that could be lurking out of the torch’s reach, in the shadows.

The narrow passage dragged on a little further, leading her away from Abel, away from his comforting gaze. The walls reflected the torch’s light, even here underground the walls glistened with water, it was cold and the air was still. The cramped passage opened to a circular chamber, at the center of which sat a stone tomb, with something carved into the lid. Four Braziers stood dormant around the tomb, Kayli slowly made her way to the closest brazier, watching her footing she stepped up onto her toes and peered in. Dry kindling rested idly inside the Brazier, as if someone was expected to light them. Kayli stepped back and rotated her wrist, dipping the head of her torch inside the brazier, the kindling quickly caught the flame and the shadows that had engulfed the tomb were banished, at least in this corner.

She quickly strode towards the other braziers, the prospect of lighting up the room excited her, her toes bore her full body weight once more and fire erupted inside the second brazier, revealing more of the tomb. The sarcophagus sat in the center of the room, where the floor gave way to steps, leading down to the rooms sole occupant. A man holding a sword on his chest was carved into the lid, he looked vaguely familiar to Kayli whom brushed a finger down his face, the stone was rough and a layer of dust followed her finger. She quickly ran to the other two Braziers, while her torch still burned and lit the remaining two braziers, relaxing slightly, she returned to her Grandfather. She leaned in close and rested her head on the lid, stroking it for a moment as tears began to form in her eyes

“Why did you have to go Grandfather, why did you have to go and be a hero”

Her tears fell onto his stone blade, sinking into the stone, she continued

“First my Mother, then my Father but at least I had you, least you were there for me and an-”

Kayli began to choke on her words as she sobbed uncontrollably until she noticed that dark tendrils emerging from the walls of the tomb, they circled around the sarcophagus and snuffed out all sources of light within, including her torch. As the tendril of shadow brushed against her skin she felt pain shoot straight up her arm and into what felt like the very fibre of her being, her soul. Face dripping with tears, nostrils searing with snot she dropped to the ground in agony, screaming out for help from anyone, Abel, her Grandfather, Aaro anyone to make the pain stop. Her screams were cut short as she began to cough and choke, she felt a sharp pain in her chest as she struggled to breath

“This is it, this is where I die, the last Beck, forgotten…”

A sudden blast of light emerged from her Grandfather, rolling her onto her back as she gasped in air and clawed at her nose desperately, cleaning it. Her eyes, temporarily blinded readjusted to the darkness allowing her to see the ethereal being stood before her

“Rise child, you have much work to do and little time to do it”

Kayli rubs her eyes in both disbelief and to dry them

“G- Grandfather?”

Suddenly she felt dizzy, and fell backwards, her head hit the stone floor, hard. The ceiling started to spin as her eyes closed and she drifted into somewhere else… somewhere….warm.

Kayli sat up, she was in Drustvar the crimson leaves, the way the sun shone through the branches and hit her face, the songs the birds sing and the way they hop along the branches over head. This was home and she suddenly felt warm, cozy and safe. Her Grandfather’s reassuring voice emerged from behind her

“How much you have grown…”


Kayli spun on her heels and ran to him, squeezing him tight, tucking her head into his chest, afraid to let go. His hand brushed her hair as she embraced him, she could hear him breathe, feel his touch, he was there

“You inherit more than you know child…”

Kayli peels back her head from his chest, frowning

“What do you mean ?”

“Only the Soul of a Beck can relight the fire that was snuffed out, only you can reforge the Havenguard”

“But why us? Why me?”

“Long ago I was willing to sacrifice anything to hold back the coming darkness… including my blood.”

Kenward’s image began to fade and appear translucent as Kayli’s hold on him weakened. The woods, the birds everything became distorted as everything slowed down almost to a halt. Kayli grasped her Grandfather but to no avail

“Grandfather? Grandfather what is happening!”

“I am sorry …… My child”

Kayli fell through the earth suddenly, a blinding white light flashed before her eyes. The throbbing of pain on the back of her head pronged her upwards, she was back in the tomb once more, alone and submerged in darkness. Picking herself up and dusting herself off Kayli quickly left the tomb behind her, back through the narrow passage towards the opening where Abel and Aaro stood ever vigilant.

“Did you see him?”

Kayli merely nodded, shuffling closer to Abel than normal. Abel nodded and throws his cape over her shoulders as he guides her back up the towards the abandoned house. He ran his hand up and down her bicep as they climbed, Aaro licking her hand behind them

“I shall tell you all that I know Kayli, no more secrets…”

Abel stepped into the house, holding it open for Master and pet to enter

“…After some Saltspire tea, you’re favourite”

Kayli dug her fingers into Aaro’s neck as he sat next to her, exposing his neck as she strokes him, smiling at Abel as he fills the pot with water

“Thanks Uncle…”

“The Order was well established by the time I came along however I was there for it’s fall”

Abel poured a pinch of salt and some tea leaves into a small bag, waiting for the water to come to the boil

“We were…betrayed by one of our own. An Inquisitor, a Brother…. A friend.”

Abel dropped the bag into the water as it bubbled and spat of out the pot

“He was taken by the Coven and cursed our Order, condemning most of us to Thros to torture our souls for eternity…. Until your Grandfather sacrificed his own soul to free us all, and let them have everlasting peace, the ultimate sacrifice.”

Kayli nodded along, listening intently

“Without a Beck to lead and without an Order I decided to lay low and attempt to raise you right but… I was never good with children.”

The pair shared a warm smile as he poured the tea into a mug and handed it to her, pouring a cup for himself.

“Before we were betrayed your mother went missing, nobody was sure where but… there were rumours of Coven influence. Your father against Kenward’s wishes rode out to find her and he was never seen again.”

Kayli sipped her tea, her heart sinking upon hearing about her father’s fate.

“Did nobody ride out to find him?”

Abel nodded solemnly

“Kenward himself almost tore Drustvar apart to find his son but he simply vanished, leaving him with a corrupting Coven on the rise and a young girl to look after.”

Kayli looked down into her mug, tracing a finger along the rim

“He was always so nice… Even though he was under immense pressure.”

Kayli looked back to Abel, frowning

“I was such a delinquent back then, I had no idea…”

Abel laughed, shaking his head and smiling

“He loved you Kayli, just the way you are, don’t regret that. It is time to honor his legacy and take back our home”

Kayli smiled slightly and sipped some more of her tea….


Any potential members - we are having our monthly ceremony event tonight to welcome all new members into the Order by committing their pledge via the ancient Rune-Stones!

Perfect time for anyone looking to join and jump straight in with an event all about our history, formation and the future!


A new dawn rises for the Havenguard as we inducted our first few members tonight in a sacred ceremony that hasn’t been performed in years! Our numbers swoon, beware the Coven’s doom!


Alchemy training starts tonight!

Still accepting new members!


The Havenguard trained in Fallhaven tonight and had a mysterious Draenei wash up on our shores!


Havenguard Archives: Marshal Beck arises.

As the eldest surviving member of the Havenguard I have taken it upon myself to record the rebuilding efforts of the Order for our archives, the scholars and future members of our ancient and enduring brotherhood.

Following Kayli’s emergence from Kenward’s Tomb and explaining the downfall of the Havenguard I set her to work immediately. I begin to test her skills that she had learned so far in her short few years. I sought to see if she could identify any creature I set before her and identify at least one weakness, ensuring her knowledge of Azeroth’s creatures was sufficient. Kayli was able to recognise a Wolvar’s reliance on close quarters combat and deployed traps to keep them at bay and how targeting a centaur’s legs will rob it of one of it’s strongest advantages, speed.

After that I taught her in the way of Master Ashton’s alchemy, which plants are useful, how to prepare them, what equipment is needed and how to set it up. When to boil, when to filtrate, to pour and shake. I set her to actually brewing next, setting her a task of providing me with three different potions that are often used in the field, Brimstone Belch, Chillheart and Crimson Thicket, She produced all three potions with ease and with the confidence of her Grandfather. Finally I taught her how to apply blade oils, how much to put on the rag, how to slide it up and down the blade, even showed her a neat little trick with her arrows. After passing all these tests and binding her soul to her soulstone I officially inducted Kayli Beck into the Havenguard as our Marshal, our rebuilding efforts had finally begun.

Havenguard Archives: First Ritual of Binding since the Fall.

Abel Snowdawn reporting on the first ritual of being to be conducted since the Havenguard fell to ruin almost twenty years ago. Entirely by memory and some vague instructions by those who came before us, Kayli and I managed to recreate the sacred practice. We brought forth four souls who wished to join our Order and fight back against the encroaching shadow that has been let to run rampant as of late. Pontious Alban, a Argent Crusader and follower of the Light. Ulrich Ashenwood, one who sought adventure and bore a curse of his own. Kalvun Marson, one who is mysterious as the enemies we face. Johnny Freywood was our final one to forfeit his soul, a man who holds too many secrets for my liking.

Young Kayli welcomed us in the cave and explained our history, Kenward Beck, how her Grandfather sacrificed himself to break the curse that destroyed our Order, a curse conjured by one of our own. She went on to explain Thros and how with our soulstones, how we will never be subjected to such a dire fate again. There were doubts amongst them, it was no easy thing that we asked of them but they all embraced their stones, they all swore our vows.

Emerging from the cave as proud Initiates we rode back to Fallhaven where Dinah Wellard prepared a few drinks for us, Fallhaven welcomes its newfound protectors with open arms, but there are those who grumble, how we will make their home a target, I hope they are wrong, for everyone’s sake.

Friday night members of the Havenguard attempt to enter the Ancient Library - a place long forgotten through the order’s history. The Havenguard of old would write tomes and books of knowledge and wisdom, locking them away from the eyes of the world.

_The Book-Keepers were some of the founding members who dedicated their lives to constant guard of the Ancient Library, never leaving their post - their lives spent underground. Some say the Ancient Library doesn’t exist… others say protective wards stop anyone who may enter. _

Havenguard needs the answers of ancestors.

Our storyline officially kicks off on Friday! We’re still accepting new members but the cut-off point is drawing closer as we want a good core group rather than a hundred members, so if you’re interested chuck me a PM :>


Not to spam your guild chat, but how to reach you in the game? I am not quite able to type in those special letters in the game search or whisper. Just pop to Fellhaven and you will be there? Or just spam General chat in hopes one of your peeps sees it? I cannot find an option to send PMs in these forums.

Total noob to Blizz forums and WoW RP :smiley:

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Dont worry about the spam it isnt spam at all. Easiest way is to add me on discord at Irishpeacockz#2164!

If not a simple /who Havenguard in game should show any member of the guild who is online!

Abel Snowdawn reporting on the Haveguard’s search efforts or our Ancient Library, hidden beneath the earth, away from the corruption rampant above. Following ancient myths and folktales, Marshal Beck and myself managed to track down the entrance in the mountains, by sheer luck more than anything. Leading a detachment from the Order, Marshal Beck lead up into the snow peaks of the Drustvar mountains, to where we believed the Ancient Library dwelled below.

Upon arriving at a wall of stone and snow we examined the would be “Doorway” for a few moments, poking and scraping off the snow to reveal the venerable carvings beneath, thanks to Ulrich Ashenwood’s keen eyes. Curiousy, Thalassian was carved into the stone, familiar to my own eyes I deciphered it on the spot. It spoke of the blood of old and how it could unlock the way, the Marshal took immediate action, slicing her finger and smearing it on the carvings, with a thunderous sound of stone grinding against stone, the wall of snow and stone disappeared, and a dark, cavernous maw laid before us. We lit our torches ancd carried on, taking our first few steps into the unknown. The paralyzing click of a mechanism froze us all in place as Ulrich planted his boot on a pressure plate, we stood still for a moment, awaiting for our impending doom. Nothing came, we argued for a moment, before agreeing to keep the weight on the plate with some nearby stones and boulders, rolling to over to Ulrich’s boot, he lifted it off and the plate held firm.

We shook it off and carried on, citing the mechanisms are old and worn out, perhaps a failure. As we turned our backs to the opening, several boulders dropped from the roof of the cave sending us scattering in all directions. We ducked for covering, some sooner than others but the boulders rolled past all of us and we recovered once more, counted our numbers and trudged on, coming to a subterranean lake. The narrow passage opened out into a cavern, with the body of water being the only unusual feature. The Marshal dipped her hands into the water to wash her face and that is when it struck. A massive leviathan type creature sprung out from the depths, tentacles plucking both the Marshal and Pontious Alban clean up into the air, as well as pounding the cavern where we stood. We went to battle the beast, targeting the tentacles as the only exposed part of the creature, drawing blood and getting battered, the leviathan was in its element. Thankfully so was Joanna Mystharbour whom forced the beast to emerge from the stagnant waters, allowing Johnny Freywood to land the killing blow, releasing both the Marshal and Pontious.

We gathered our wits and our breath before proceeding past the bloodied beast and through another narrow passageway, although much more shorter than the first, tunneled into another cavern, houses another body of water, however stepping stones guide a way across, ghostly crocodiles snapping in the waters, which puzzled us all. The Marshal took the first leap making it about halfway across before falling into the water, disappearing for a moment. Panic spread across the ranks, I stepped up to the water’s edge, ready to dive in after her, only to have her appear behind us, her right forearm appearing somewhat ethereal. The Marshal spurred us onwards, all leaping across the lake with some varying degree of success. If we fell we would appear back on the far side and try again, each time we hit the water another part of our flesh would turn ethereal. Everyone made it across bar the new boy, Beldren Thorne who bore no flesh any longer. The Marshal began to think of these traps as trials and that the Leviathan was a test of Strength, and that this was one of Endurance and told Thorne to cross one more time. Thorne did as he was told and crossed safely, dispersing the spirited parts of our bodies, we had passed.

Finally we reached a door, flanked by three bookkeepers, ancient spirits that used to study at the Library back in its prime, now eternally sworn to look after the library until the end of time. They had one final trail, one of knowledge for us to prove our worth to the secrets that they posses. Six riddles they placed before us, one for each seal on the door, we frowned in bewilderment for a moment, however by breaking them down, line by line we managed to figure them out and the contents of the library was ours.

It was … smaller than expected, most of the tomes fallen to the damage of time, pages so brittle that any attempt to turn them would cause the parchment to crumble in ones fingers. A disappointment to some, we did however manage to salvage some items of interest, a book resembling something about a crow, alongside some other books and a smooth, clear cut gem which we believe to be the Source, sought by the Order of Embers in return for secured lodgings in Arom’s Stand. Upon our exit from the library, a large debate ensued as to how to proceed. The Marshal sought to confide in the Thornspeakers, however we promised the Source to the Order of Embers, an argument broke out as to which side to choose or if we should choose at all. Nothing was resolved and it agreed to meet at a later stage to decide on our next course of action.

These are dangerous times for the Order, a wrong decision here could spell doom for our fledgling Order …


Abel Snowdawn archiving the Havenguard’s recent efforts to quell a local Fungarian infestation in the Crimson Forest in Drustvar, Kul’Tiras. In the early hours of the morning, the Order of Embers investigated a disturbance on Teller Farm. Hours later a request for assistance was made and the Havenguard answered, riding out for the farm with all due haste to eliminate the infestation. Enroute to the farm we were approached by a Thornspeaker whom pleaded with us to retrieve an ancient wooden tablet that hold great importance to the Thornspeakers that was left behind in Ashenwood Grove following the Fungarian expansion. I agreed that if we came across the artifact that we would pass it along to First Speaker Oak, with that she flew off again, as quickly as she appeared. We carried on towards Teller farm, the smoke rising in the distance spurring us on.

Upon our arrival the Teller Farmstead was a battlefield. Fungarians were thrown about the farm in pieces, their charred remains spread across the many craters that were carved into the once fertile soil. Inquisitor Notley and two initiates manned their makeshifts barricades and debriefed us on the ongoing situation. The Order had come to investigate rumours of Coven activity and was quick to react once they realised what they were facing, propping up barricades and deploying explosives to thin the swarm that had engulfed the farm. Unfortunately Jakob Teller was abducted by the Fungarians and a rescue mission was deployed to bring him home. The Havenguard would rescue Jakob Teller from the Crimson Forest, while the Order of Embers would hold the farm to ensure Jakob had a home to return to.

Upon our descent into the Crimson Forest the infection was apparent, deers, trees and the soil all bore fungal growth, the Fungarians were relentless in spreading their influence to any form of life in their vicinity. We marched through the forest, maintaining a tight formation but there was no sign of any swarm, the further we made our way into the forest, the more eerie the situation became until it happened. Fungarian uprooted from all around, dozens of them all yelling and chattering in a faint warcry. Going back to back, we threw them back again and again, withstanding their blows, like a wave crashing against the rocks we picked them off slowly until only a handful remained. Blue reinforced our position, running from Arom’s Stand, a shriek of agony caught us off guard, drawing us towards fallen, hollowed out tree leading to Ashenwood Grove.

Upon exiting the fallen tree, poisonous spores began to sprout some kind of poison in the air. Some of the effects of the poison include an irritation in the throat, struggle to breath and watering of the eyes. We searched through lack of breath and vision to find the sores responsible and burn them at the root, ensuring the flames spread no farther. Following the path before us we soon discovered the source of the screams. Jakob Teller was found tied up with some sort of Fungal Growth in his chest, guarded by whom we presumed to be the leader of the Fungarian, a large spellcaster known only as Scuttleloosh. Avoiding his spells and utilising Master Ashton’s recipe of the Flask o’Fire, we managed to destroy the beast.

After clearing out Scuttleloosh and his minions we cut Teller down, his condition was like nothing we have ever seen and quickly rushed him back to Inquisitor Notley and the Order pf Embers at the Farm. Ulrich Ashenwood discovered the wooden plaque that the Thornspeakers were looking for in the cave, I have taken possession of it and will discuss it with the Marshal at the next available opportunity. Inquisitor Notley swore to bring Jakob back to Arom’s Stand to the alchemists to see if anything could be done for the man, Initiates Brooks and Collins would remain behind to defend from any future attacks although we believe we destroyed the Hivemind behind the infestation.

Although Jakob Teller may never be the same again, we brought the situation under control and this job will stand to the testament of the Havenguard’s efforts.


Working with people who tag for a single “mission”?

Absolutely! Hit me up and we can organise something!

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These really are a lovely group of rpers! Its nice seeing more life brought to Drustvar and Fallhaven!

The great Oak watches! <3


Might try and swing by on one of my characters for some RP sometime, when I have a free moment.


Awesome! Beware we lack balloons and cookies but we love to answer questions!

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Abel Snowdawn recording the events of last night which saw the deathly and foreign infection that Jakob Teller bore reach a critical stage. Initiate Collins of the Order of Embers contacted me as I spoke to First Speaker Oak, it was strange to find him in the middle of Arom’s Stand and he questioned both Blue and Naeliren preferring the fromer to the latter, comparing her to something of the Coven. I will return to Naeliren later as I was rushed to a house on the outskirts of the town, where Jakob had been isolated. The infection had spread across the left side of his body, he was sweating, incoherent and restrained. Needless to say, he was dying. Only words he managed to form were “Kathrin”, his daughter. It was then that Initiate Collins brought us outside and explained why he brought us over, Jakob was about to undergo surgery that would either halt the ravenous infection and save him or put him out of his misery.

To fulfil a dying man’s wish, Initiate Brooks was dispatched to retrieve Kathrin along with her partner, a ranger by the name of Avery Stone in Avery’s cabin in the Crimson Forest. However she never returned and Jakob’s time was short, as such I volunteered to lead a rescue party to Avery’s cabin, to ensure that Jakob has someone in the end and to discover the whereabouts of Brooks, Kathrin and Avery before it was too late.

Enroute through the Crimson Forest we discovered chimes belonging to the Coven along with one of its stitched up abominations caught in a bear trap, an arrow punctured its neck. Someone or something was also hunting the Coven. Dismounting to examine the creature we left our horses behind and crossed the makeshift bridge that was the fallen log which housed more charms of the Coven as well as some local Fungi, the wind pressed against us howling through the hollow log as if the Forest itself was screaming. We climbed the hill up to the isolated cabin, a peculiar and dangerous place to live considering the denizens of the forest as of late. Upon entry it was apparent why nobody had returned to Arom’s Stand, the house was thrashed, furniture was upturned, the fire poker and the ashes was disturbed, three deep claw marks were carved into the doorframe and a grisly trail of crimson led out the front of the house. We investigated for a moment and concluded that someone was attacked and went for the fire poker before being dragged outside or the assailant was beaten back and fled. Regardless we followed the only trail we had, heading outside we found a neglected corpse…

Of a Thornspeaker in one of its many forms, a Thornclaw if I am not mistaken. An axe had been rammed into its head, which oozed into a puddle of its own making, it did not however contaminate our trail and beside offering more questions gave us little else. Ulrich took point leading us with his sharp nose we left the road and into the uncharted wilderness where we heard a scream towards the gushing river. Rushing to the source we were pounced upon by more Thornclaw’s, theirs eyes harbouring a dark shadow. We fought them back as Avery and Kathrin were perched upon the rocks, firing his bow with lethal precision he kept the river clear as we pressed a vicious Shieldpaw another form much more durable and dangerous! We took it down and quickly saw to our wounds before revealing our intent, Kathrin was eager to see her father and we rode back to Arom’s Stand, although I couldn’t shake the feeling that we were being watched…

Upon our return we rushed back to a scene of carnage where Initiate Collins sat slumped against a shattered bookshelf. The bed where Jakob laid was shattered and various surgical instruments were scattered across the floor. Collins revealed that the surgery was a failure and that Jakob was like a demon possessed, he died and then arose, breaking free of his restraints and lashing out at Collins before disappearing in the snow.

It seems the Havenguard faces another foe in the Forests of Drustvar…


The grass felt soft and bristle under her small, unsteady feet as she waddled, one step at a time toward her father’s warm and comforting embrace. She hugged him, pressing her face into his shoulder she absorbed his familiar scent, her father’s scent of pine, sawdust, sweat and sometimes Ambercross Ale. She squeezed his body, well defined thanks to many days lugging lumber and swinging that axe, sweltering under that Drustvar Sun. She let go and peered at him as he broke out a smile, his deep blue eyes peering into her soul as they crease, his lips parting upwards in a serene smile. She returned the gesture, pleased with the sudden sense of comfort, her precarious moment of walking alone all but swept from her elementary, ignorant mind.

Suddenly his grip loosened, his smile dissipating as her guardian, her beloved father melted before her awe struck eyes. Skin parted for wood and bone as a Crude, misshapen skull of a wolf stared back at her, his eyes still blue but there was a dark hunger to to them. He was no longer warm and comforting but rather cold and intimidating. He began to lean forward, leaning past her frozen stare and whispered into her ear…


The numbness of her hands sent her heart into a pounding turmoil. White, bloodless fingers opened and closed as rough rope cut deep into her wrists. Brooks attempted to wiggle her toes but they also felt inert and numb. Twisting her neck as much as she could, in a vain attempt to decipher her location, she blinked for a prolonged period until they began to focus on her surroundings. Crimson and amber foliage laid scattered and crumpled into the damp, dark mud that lined the floor of the Crimson Forest. She was bound to Stone, from her she could feel with her head, the surface was cold and uneven, perhaps some ancient etchings or the deterioration of the stone to time.

“It awakens, at last…”

Brooks’s widened eyes dart to the left where a large bipedal Wolven creature stood still, his shadow blue, eyes staring into her very soul. It’s face was terrifying, more akin to a skull than a head, bone met wood and plant fibre as its thick neck gave way to a cacophony of wood, bone, plant and flesh, nature’s own abomination. Running one long sharp claw down her soft and plump cheek, the beast snarls, revealing pointed and jagged teeth, along with a repugnant gust of it’s breath.

“So weak, so … inferior”

It dawned on Brooks as her breath caught in her trembling throat that this was the same creature from her dreams. How could it invade such a private place? If he could invade her dreams could he invade her mind? The thought lingered for a moment as it continued to inspect her. Tilting its head for a moment, it shook its head dismissively and walked off, leaving her bound and helpless, staring at a large, decrepit tree….

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