[A-RP] Havenguard - Thros be damned! (Drust/Monster/Spectral Hunters!)

Guild stories! Gimme moar!

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Abel Snowdawn recording the events of Bleak Hill Mine and the death of Jacob Teller. Following a severe delay in our shipment of Silver from Bleak Hill Mine, I personally led a detachment of the Havenguard to retrieve the shipment personally, in lieu of the unusual delay. We rode from Arom’s Stand North towards Corlain, diverting East at Watchman’s rise up the beaten path to our destination. The outlying buildings seemed to be in disrepair, likely not having been reclaimed since the Coven’s rise. As we arrived into the courtyard, we found tools, ore and mining equipment lying in the dirt, as if suddenly dropped. We dismounted to investigate the peculiar scene and rushed to gunfire inside a nearby cabin, which seemed to be deserted and run down, much like the buildings we came across before.

The owner of the mine, Chelsea Wright, had barricaded herself into the inn and had just fended off something that resembled a human, although it was unmistakably infected with it’s discoloured skin and black eyes
 not to mention the green bile forming in it’s teeth. Ms. Wright was shaken and wary at first but thanks to Joanna Mystharbour’s efforts we managed to calm her down and get to the root of what transpired. Some type of beast had attacked Bleak Hills, infecting a number of the miner’s and and had yet to emerge from the mine itself. We pledged to hunt down the source of this massacre or die trying, leaving Ms. Wright to the confines of the Inn, we made our way up to the maw of the mine, atop the hill. Before we got to the summit we encountered yet more of the shambling infected, we quickly put them out of their misery and headed inside.

What we found shook us to our very core, innocent souls trapped by seething vines, pinned to the wall of the passageway, in various states of consciousness. Some cried out for help, others merely stared straight ahead, their eyes as black as coal. After a brief debate we decided to free those who still regained their free will, while the others were
 put down. George Karper escorted those who were spared back to Chelsea in the Inn, while the rest of us ventured on into the belly of the mine, where the smell of death hit us. Large spiders and infected miners battled for dominance in the narrow shafts, turning a former place of work into a scene of carnage. We encountered two vicious spiders in particular, whom had just tore a miner in half. Rallying ourselves we trudged on, slaying the beasts and reaching the end of the natural mine, coming across a curious breach.

The breach led to an ancient chamber which housed an ancient tablet of unknown origins
 and the orchestrator of the massacre, Jakob Teller. Unrecognisable due to the rampant infection taking over his flesh, Jakob seemed mentally unstable and quickly lashed out at us, rambling about an “Elendaar” and how he needs the tablet. Forcing our hand, we had to put Jacob down, despite his pleas to be left alone. Through entangling roots and toxic spores we managed to slay Jakob and put an end to his infection once and for all, thanks to the efforts of Joanna Mystharbour whom managed to suck the moisture from his body, causing him to crumble and Joanna to faint.

Following this we quickly rushed to Joanna’s aid and in our scramble to save the Sister, neglected the tablet. A bird like create appeared from a miasma of smoke and flew overhead straight out of the mine, the tablet clutched in its talons. From a glimpse it’s form of wood and bone resembled that of a Thornspeaker but I know too little to be making such accusations. Both Ulrich and Selitha attempted to follow the creature but if flew over the mountains, evading them both.

We escorted Joanna out of the mine and rallied the remaining miners, bringing them back to Arom’s Stand for the meantime and salvaging some Silver ore. On oure way back we pondered what had just transpired and agreed that Jakob’s demise raised more questions than it answered and that this Elendaar was still at large.

I fear that this is only the beginning of something much, much worse

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Unfortunately I must announce the death of this guild due to the disappearance of the GM, Kayli whom was the source of our Main Storyline and ideas. As officer I have kept the guild going in hope of her return but alas there is no sign of that coming and quite frankly I have no intention of running a guild again.

I want to thank everyone who showed interest in this guild and wish everyone all the best in the future.

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That’s unfortunate to hear :frowning: , hope you all have best of luck further in your adventures on Argent Dawn :slight_smile:

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