[A-RP] Looking for a guild for my main

Evening fellow roleplayers.

I’m looking for a guild to improve my opportunities to connect with people and get back into RP. I returned approx a month ago and tried finding some RP in common hubs, however mostly I’m somewhat awkward approaching new people unless there’s some action going on… hence I tend to rely on guild RP more. I prefer more story-driven guilds over purely casual ones but as long as guild RP isn’t fenced into major RP hubs alone, I can be quite flexible about it.

Theme wise I’d prefer either an underworld guild (ranging between crime, spying, assassin groups, smuggling and treasure hunting can also work) or a more innovative/non-religious Night elf focused guild, as long as it’s believable at least.
As for my character, he wants to find some work or something to contribute to, pretty simple and straightforward. If I can see becoming a long-time member, I might bring over a few alts as well but let’s not get too much ahead yet. :slight_smile:

Before this gets TL;DR, if you got questions on any of my RP preferences or anything, feel free to ask. Looking forward to hear from potential guilds that would have my char. I’ll check back sooner or later this week.


Hey there,

The Dirge of Teldrassil would be glad to take you in! The guild concept is focused upon avenging the Burning of Teldrassil, simply.

IC we’re a small detachment part of the Army of the Black Moon, focused upon opposing the Horde and Loyalists. Much of it is basically “Hush-hush” missions such as sabotage, assassination and at times all out battles. Of course we welcome any Night Elf and/or Worgen that have pledged themselves to the cause, religious or not.

If you wanna know more, just hmu or contact Vashava and we’ll be glad to tell you anything you want to know


I recommend speaking to Kénthis or Thanural of the Kal Delar! They’re a Black Moon Elf Guild that are relatively new to the scene but still quite fun. Unfortunately no AA or website but I’m sure either of them will give you a better understanding of the guild. ^.^

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Sounds good. I’m still looking but will keep the offer in mind! :slight_smile:

@ Carnificia
Thanks for the heads up as well. I’ll see if I manage to catch them for a chat

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Hi Mortdorana.
Welcome back to the rp settings.

My suggestion would be to seek out the guilds you find interesting and role play with them for a while, ask questions and be picky. After all its an investment from both sides.
I will share a link where you can find many guilds to indulge your creative curiosity with.

Best of luck and hope you find your place among us all.

May the wild gods protect you.

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