[A-RP] Looking for a guild to clal home!

Hello everyone!
Like the title says, I’m looking for a place to drop Yuu into and get back into some of that sweet RP action, so I figured I’d write up a quick little thing about what I’m looking for and what Y uu is all about here.

Yuu is an intelligent Draenei mage and engineer, specializing in Titan research. She’s friendly, with a good head on her shoulders, and generally just wants to do what’s right for Azeroth.

Now, as to what I’m looking for… I think something adventure-y would be very fitting for her, or something a little more low-key, like a guild based in a specific town or village. She just wants to put her skills to good use, so as long as it’s nothing 100% militaristic or evil, it should be fine.

If you’re in a guild or just know of a guild that might fit her, please go ahead and leave a comment! I appreciate any and all help, and will happily answer more questions to pin down what it is I’m looking for and can provide!
(And yes, I’m in the LFRP Discord and I’m searching there as well!)


Firstly welcome back to RP! Argent Dawn houses a myriad of guilds and I am certain there is one here for you and Yuu :smiley:

Secondly I would like to shill my own guild the Havenguard. Simply put we are a Monster Hunter guild that is based in Fallhaven but travels all over Azeroth to combat evil wherever it dwells. At the moment however our storyline is keeping us in Drustvar. If you are interested check us out here! [A-RP] Havenguard - Thros be damned! (Drust/Monster/Spectral Hunters!)

WEIRD company and Crowsgarde might be good choices for you, nice adventure guilds, look for them :slight_smile:


Thank you very much for the suggestion, you two! I’ll definitely check all three ideas out.
(Also, apologies for the typo in the title and the wrong forum avatar. It’s been a while since I posted on here :stuck_out_tongue: )
And if anyone else has an idea for me, go ahead and let me know!

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What is life?

The stage before death

…so shall be the answer to a Necromancer

I feel a little more enlightened now.

Delighted that Yuu decided to join the Havenguard! Hopefully it will be fun for both parties!

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