[A -RP] Looking For RolePlay Discord

Ok, now you are just nitpicking. You saw the battle is lost and now you are grabbing the last view straws you have.
The title clearly says: [A-RP] Looking For RolePlay Discord. The ‘A’ standing for Alliance. So we don’t have to keep mentioning it’s Alliance specific.

Clearly, it means ‘universal RP’ for the Alliance side. Thought that would be clear to anyone, really, but no. Petty Horde being petty as usual. Don’t you get it? Few people like playing Horde for a reason. The amount of faction drama the Horde perpetrates Out Of Character is ridiculous. A-LFRP is a good and wholesome server and could do without people like you trying to give it a bad name. If you can’t find RP on the Horde, then you should probably join the Alliance because that’s where the best quality role-play and community is. Then again, we probably really don’t want someone as toxic as you in our community. You feeble minded little Goblin. Go and attack someone else.


Let us not make it the ‘which Faction is better’ thread, now. Both Factions have good points and a similar group of RPers (which usually play neutral or both factions anyways :wink: ) - admins of both sides are working hard on making their respective communities awesome and let us respect that.

That being said, let us not get annoyed with one salty comment written by someone trying to stir trouble and continue with our lives!
And FOR THE HORDE, should someone seek this side of RP too! :slight_smile:


Hear, hear!

I guess we just can’t escape the inevitable Argent Dawn drama! I’m telling you, it must be a curse!

(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

I have deleted my post. It wasn’t read as I intended it to be read. Won’t post anymore, k. Serves me right for promoting realm RP.

Translation: I didn’t expect people calling me out for being rude, but it’s really their fault for reading it that way. To be sure, I’ll remove the post so people can’t see I was in the wrong.

But let me get one more stab in.


Same reason I don’t understand you think it’s okay to accuse a community, and then try to blame it on everyone else when you lose the arguement while calling them “damned cliques” one more time.

Right, lets drop the Drama, if you disagree further, please take it to whisper or away from here, lets keep the thread on track which is to advertise the Discord, not to quibble and quarrel.


Followed by

You clearly do not agree with Julian.


I agree that the drama should stop. I never said my own opinions or thoughts are invalid.

This is honestly the strangest derailing of a thread I’ve ever witnessed. Can I just repeat for everyone who is reading this that “Roman” is NOT affliated with the H-LFRP and anything he says has no actual basis. As one of the admins of the H-LFRP I can tell you that no such issues have EVER come up before and this is obviously a troll. Both myself and the admins of the Alliance LFRP are honestly baffled by all of this.


If you agreed that the drama would stop, you wouldn’t then instantly go on to call anyone who disagrees with your rather rude attempt to force your own community into another’s thread petty. Clearly, you don’t agree.

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Do not worry Ocrebrum - no one is taking it as a represented view from your own discord and you do fantastic work, we just want to get the thread back on track and move on =)

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Best to put it all behind us and move on. Only real way to stop the drama and get the thread back onto its rails.


(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

sounds spicy, got any logs?

Name and shaming is against ToS.

strange how you’re name and shaming an entire discord then

Strange how you’re derailing this thread.

This is a very interesting stance for you to have, seeing as you literally tried to make this thread about the exact opposite of what this thread is about.