(A-RP) (Nelf-RP) The Taloncrest Sentinels

Guild Overview:

The Taloncrest Sentinels is a cadre of sentinels that have long been accustomed to inhospitable enviroments. From the snow and cold landscape of Winterspring, to the steep and treacherous mountains of Stonetalon Mountains, where they are currently stationed.

Tasked with the regrowth and recovery aswell as territorial control of the Stonetalon Region, they are also meant to be easily flexible should they be required somewhere else. The unit has had a history of quickly adapting to their surroundings.
Up until recently, the unit was considered itself to be at full force. Under the command of the previous commander the unit suffered a series of devestating setbacks, that caused the unit to almost be wiped out entirely.
As the previous commander fell in battle, following that the former captain has decided to take up the mantle and lead the unit. After the unit barely surived their campaign, the now new acting commander was tasked with replenishing the unit back to full strength.

Now under the command of Nila Amberleaf, she is assisted by her Captain Arlean Dawnfeather and Lieutenant Itaria Lunarleaf to restore the numbers and full capacity of the Taloncrests to their original numbers. And with dark luring threats looming all across the Kaldorei lands, the unit still have many threats ahead of them.

Who do we accept?:

Sentinels of course! We mostly are purely a Kaldorei guild. We do offer place for characters that are not sentinels, such as Priestesses and Druids. For these roles, we do limit the amount as we are trying to keep the core concept being Sentinel roleplay.
Of course, there can be a few exceptions made for allies that are not Kaldorei, but this we purely progress through IC means.

What to expect from us and what we wish to do?:

We are purely here to enjoy our characters and proper Night Elf roleplay. In this case a very classical Sentinel themed roleplay. Our wishes are also to provide initiative for others to start RPing more and progress their characters, regardless if they are in our guild or not. Wanting to create more of a proper community feel and effort to provide proper means of Roleplay to what everyone (if not, most) can enjoy!
Still currently in works, we are on the way to make a clear and simple event system. With potentially (depends) a progression system for every member to go through to rank up. As well as provide a proper progression means for trainee’s or acolytes.
We aim to create a tight knit community, with bad actors filtered out and promoted positivity within the guild. This also we would like to extent outside of the guild as well, which is partaking or hosting cross guild or community events.

OOC Rules:

  1. We do not accept any behaviour of ill intent.
  2. Please do not act in bad faith on behalf of the guild or community.
  3. Please adhere and respect to the given lore by Blizzard.
  4. Be sensible with the abilities of your character. (Eg: No meta-gaming/powergaming etc)
  5. Remember it is a game, do not take everything that happens IC too personal.


Interested in joining our roleplay and wanting to have your character involved? Please contact @cobaaalt (discord) for questions or to talk.
We do note that our recruitment will be tedious and a bit selective. We want to gradually increase our size and create a core community of guild members. This also means that IC engagement is heavily encouraged, as we mostly like to vet someone in through in character means.
If any of the officers are online in game, please contact them there as well if you want to.
The in game officers are:
Amberleaf (Nila Amberleaf)
Neverá (Nevera Silverbloom)
Vestigium (Itaria Lunarleaf)


Vestigium slapped my elf sailor in irons when he tried to start a brawl.
Good times were had by all. 10/10.

Glad to see that sentinels are getting more love. :smiling_face:
You guys will ace it!


Thanks! Quite frankly I enjoyed that night too! I did not expect to have to arrest someone that night so it was a nice unexpected encounter.

We are still preparing things but the three of us are heavily motivated!

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Question regarding this part:

Does this mean you only accept female Sentinels, or are you also open for male Sentinels?


That is a good question, we never really thought about it. But we won’t mind male sentinels. (There is an over abundance of female nelves anyway… xD)


The Taloncrest Sentinels will be at the Imbel on Saturday 24th! Catch us if you can!

On another note: There are posters around Amirdrassil/Bel’ameth, showing that we’re recruiting!

imgur com/a/xix4qVt


Always nice to see another sentinel guild popping up! Look forward to running into you guys :slightly_smiling_face:


We are in Bel’ameth for some time with even a mountain cilmbing event being hosted on Thursday April 4th 19:00 ST!

We are also still looking for more Sentinels, so do approach us if interested!


Posting here to announce that the Taloncrest is hosting a Festival with Captain Saleysea Featherwind!