With 8.1 in view and thus the release of the Darkshore Warfront and more Night Elf lore, we of the Hand of Cenarius would like to offer Night Elf and Worgen characters an opportunity to come together in preparation of the (further) escalation of war in Kalimdor and connect it with the important cultural aspect of Wild God worship in Kaldorei society.
Over the course of five days, Kaldorei or Worgen that can be spared from the frontline or wish to prepare themselves for the future offensive, are welcomed to earn the blessing of ONE Ancient listed below. Ceremonies and the trials themselves will be the main point of entertainment, not to mention the casual RP resulting out of this pilgrimage.
Date: 4th to 8th of January
Location: Val’sharah
Time: Every day at 8PM server time
Contacts: Zenys, Mythundis, Areo, Blackquill
ScheduleDay 1
Trial of Ashamane
Traits: Unrelenting Ferocity, Fearlessness, Willpower
Individuals who wish to earn Ashamane’s favour are asked to step in front of her shrine with a worthy offering of their choosing, though they shall be of their slain enemies. They will then be instructed to tell of their greatest feat, something that they feel qualifies them to receive the blessing of the great panther spirit. Should they indeed be deemed worthy, the eyes of the statue will flare up purple three times.
When Ashamane has picked her champions, they will then face off against each other in several parallel one versus one melee duels. Only after standing through blood, pain, and perhaps death itself, will they earn the panther's blessing. Should they surrender, they will be deemed unworthy. While under the shrine's protection, their potentially lethal wounds will be mended after the fight's conclusion.
Temporary blessing: Empowers melee attacks and dexterity in battle. Inspires those affected with an unbending will and ability to push through situations they would have given up in before.Day 2
Trial of the Great Stag
Traits: Wisdom, Devotion, Tenacity, Swiftness of Action
Malorne’s trial is rather simple, but no less difficult. Once again, those who seek to earn the ancient’s favour will be required to place their offering, preferably of a personal nature, in the holy vessel in front of his shrine. Before the eyes of both bystanders and the great stag spirit himself, it is then time for the pilgrim to tell of their gravest mistake and subsequently what they have learned from it. Should the great Ancient be pleased with you, he will make it known.
Temporary blessing: More spiritual than physical, this blessing will grant the pilgrim a sharp mind for swift action and the necessary calm to execute them. All in the name of the protection of their home and land.Day 3
Trial of the Twin Bears
Traits: Endurance, Loyalty, Trust, Wisdom, Might
The trial of Ursoc and Ursol will test the strength of the bond between two individuals, one spellcaster and one melee. Brothers-in-arms, friends, its nature matters little. By the end of day two, those pairs that wish to gain the favour of the Twin Bears will be required to find themselves together below the watchful gaze of the Bear Spirit shrine. It is there they will carve their names into its wood and share their most shameful secret with each other.
By the evening of day three, the names of the pairs that were deemed unworthy will have vanished from the wood, while those deemed worthy will still remain (posted on the thread prior to day three). Those chosen will be ready to participate in the second part of the trial: A two-versus-two tournament depicting Ursoc and Ursol - spellcaster and melee. Similar to Ashamane’s trial, they will be granted access to the shrine’s power. This will allow them to utilise the power of the shrine instead of, in the case of druids, wasting the life power of nature. The magic of the shrine will merely protect from clearly fatal strikes, which will mean the defeat of the pair. If one person in a pair is defeated, the other pair wins. Surrender is permitted.
Temporary blessing: With Ursoc and Ursol’s blessing, the bond between the pairs grow stronger. The feelings and thoughts of the other person become second nature. They sense each other’s next actions and blows, emotions, negative and positive, as well as their pain. The trust in your companion inspires hope and a deep desire to protect each other- and subsequently slay the enemies that threaten you.Day 4
Trial of Aviana
Traits: Cunning, Celerity, Vengeance
Tasked by the Mistress of the Birds to recover the abandoned eggs of the Northern Hawk Owls, the pilgrims are to ascend Highmountain Peak itself and return them despite the harsh climate and tough winds. Once atop the peak and with the eggs safely stowed away, leave their fears and doubts behind them, returning to the Temple of Elune with a glider of questionable quality that they will carry up the mountain with them. Observers will be brought up the summit by hippogryph, and ultimately also travel back to the temple that way.
Temporary blessing: The Mistress of Birds grants you the wind’s favour, accelerating your swings, general speed and granting the ability to slow your fall. Your bond to the avian beasts of the wild may strengthen, and on occasion, some may aid you in your most dire need.Day 5
After a last ceremony at the Temple of Elune, a portal to Darkshore will be opened. From there on, the pilgrims will part ways.Combat Resolution: Regarding Ashamane and the Twin Bears
Participants are given the opportunity to make their preference regarding combat resolution known: emotes only or rolls. They will be matched according to their preference, however if one pair ends up uneven, then someone will sadly have to make do. Emotes should not extend past two paragraphs.
Trial of Ashamane
Emotes-only: 30 minutes time cap. Participants are asked to wrap things up in the next two rounds past the time limit, and if necessary, decide the outcome with a single roll.
Rolls: 30 minutes time cap. Participants are asked to wrap things up in the next two rounds past the time limit, and if necessary, decide the outcome with a single roll.
Trial of the Twin Bears
Addition: Players will be able to “intervene” hits for their team mate, though they will skip their next turn for that. In the case of those that chose the “roll-mode”, they will automatically lose 1 HP should they intervene (even if not depicted through an actual hit IC).
Emotes-only: 30 minutes time cap. Participants are asked to wrap things up in the next two rounds past the time limit, and if necessary, decide the outcome with a single roll.
Rolls: 30 minutes time cap. Participants are asked to wrap things up in the next two rounds past the time limit, and if necessary, decide the outcome with a single roll.F.A.Q.
Who can participate?
Any Kaldorei or Worgen that reveres nature, the Wild Gods and Elune. Other races are free to observe for whichever reason they may see fit! Death knights and Demon hunters will not be permitted to participate due to the nature of the characters organising this IC. Their safety will not be guaranteed either.
1. Why Val’sharah?
We were torn between Hyjal and Val’sharah, and while the close distance to Darkshore clearly speaks for Hyjal, we feel that Val’sharah’s updated graphics, the lack of NPCs, fire and phasing, will make for a much more comfortable and immersive experience. The problem of travel time should be fixed by portal magic, which may seem cheap to some, but I feel their use is justified considering the purpose of this event chain (preparation for war) and the urgency of returning to Darkshore.
2. Why do you have to choose between the blessing of one Ancient?
The idea was sparked by a quest in Darkshore (https : //wow gamepedia com/The_Ritual_Bond) where the player only gets to choose between the blessings of one of the animal spirits. We feel like it adds weight to the character’s decision and cements their personality and individuality. Furthermore, from a practical perspective, it limits the amount of people that go through each trial and prevents having to decline people from participating!
3. Can I participate with the intention of having my character fail the trials?
Yes, in fact it will be unavoidable to have some people “fail” their trial and not qualify for the phase 2 of some of the trials (e.g. Ashamane and Twin Bears). It is therefore quite welcomed that you -choose- to fail it, instead of the organizers having to decide themselves who is “worthy”.