[A-RP] Night Elf Roleplay

You bring up a point there: are thornspeakers to druids like how sunwalkers are to paladins? Ie same class in game but different in lore.

Sort of?
(tho paging people who actually know stuff about druid lore)
The Thornspeakers keep the balance of life and death, and protect the wilds (the forest specifically). This is pretty much the same core fantasy as a Druid, but it originates from the Drust teaching the Kul Tirans, instead of Cenarius teaching the Night Elves.

Potato, potato, really.

What makes Thornspeakers also special to most Druids, is that they very much promote the “Death”-aspect to their own form of Druidism. Sacrifices, dressing yourself up in a “boney”-outfit, etc aren’t really common practises for Night Elves/Worgen/Tauren/Troll druids who portray the aspect of “Life” way more than the Thornspeakers do. Kul Tiras is a harsh land.

Hence, the other Druids may look at them with doubt.

… they’ll get used to it. :wink:

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I’m gonna turn Drustvar upside down to learn everything.

Updated the thread, something that was loooong due but, in hopes of possibly regaining trust level 3, something I put off. Added Dirge of Teldrassil to the list of active guilds, and added the upcoming Pilgrimage Across Kalimdor event!


Added the [Kaldorei/Worgen-RP] Andu-falah-dor! event, a rally for night elves to attend!

Here’s hoping someone could possibly bump the Rumour Mill soon; it’s about to be locked, and it would be sad if there’d need to be another one.


I’ve added the Darkstar Trackers and The Umbral Order guilds to the guild list. Good luck to both guilds!

I’ve also updated the Kalimdor Rumour Mill thread link; the old one got locked automatically after thirty days of inactivity.


Cheers Myth for keeping the thread updated!


Edited the upcoming events & event archive tabs, and removed the Crescent Vigil from the guild list since I’ve been informed they’re inactive. The Covenant of Teldrassil is no longer a thing and has since been removed.

Looking to get a hold of the Last Court’s leadership to gauge their activity - if anyone knows more, it’d be lovely to hear!


Thanks for involving us Mythundis :slight_smile: greatly appreciated

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Added the guild Starweavers to the guild list, and added the Samha event to “upcoming events”!

Looking forward to seeing what Shadowlands/Ardenweald bring for the night elves and Tyrande - depending on how much lore it is, I might write another little compilation like done with BfA lore.


Removed the Umbral Order because their AA states they are disbanded, and added the Glaivewings guild. Though they’ll not be making a forum thread, they do have an Argent Archives that you can use to contact any leading characters!

I’ve also kind of neglected the upcoming events tab (sorry!). Moved Samha & Alysianna’s “A Requiem for the Fallen” to the event archives.

As last, I’ve updated the Rumour Mill link and touched up some of the guilds’ information tabs; AAs, armories, whatever else.


You are awesome ! Truly are !

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Added <The Silver Talon> guild to the list, and moved Wrangleroot Wrestling to the archives. I’ll potentially start a habit of taking screenshots per public event (if I can make them); nobody really seems to do that, and it’s nice for people who couldn’t make it to have an actual look at the event in-game, outside of forums/archives.


:clap: :heart_eyes:


I’d add that more people should take screenshots if not for others for their own memories. You wont regret it in a couple of years if you ever come by them again, but you will regret the lost memories as you get older.
Sorry for the momentary darkness but it is needed <3.

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On the 22nd of December we will be hosting a public Winter Solstice celebration in Winterspring! More information about this event can be found here: https://www.argentarchives.org/node/234542

Do you think you could add it to the event-list, Mythundis? :slight_smile:


Done, thanks for the notification!


Thank you! <3


Having attended the Illthanyn event, I can say it was fun! I’ve compiled some screenshots made while on my rogue, Hydris: https://imgur.com/a/h5XHUHP

Thank you for the event!