[A-RP] Shal'dorei Defector is looking for Guild

I agree the horde loyalist part was weird, but multiple posters in this thread have continued to take a discussion that should be held solely IC, into OOC. Unrelentingly so. Sort of unsurprising that multiple posts then sound like some weird inbetween, then.

Also, I feel like I’ve seen a lot of forsaken/Sylvanas loyalist OOC meltdowns the past year that had a very similar touch, so I don’t think it’s fair to put this onto the players of a specific race. This sort of bias is a widespread problem throughout the entire RP community and the general WoW community (ironically even more so in some players who just do OOC content and never RPed, for some reason).

I saw, yeah. I’m not really interested in discussing the IC concept, OP seems to be willing to accept consequences on that front so that’s just about the only qualification anyone can ask for.

In my experience the forsaken scene has taken the turncoat mantle in stride, so I can’t say I know anything about that. And while it’s true that RP problems like that rise everywhere, forum RP has been most usually seen by nelves (and draenei, but…). I play a nelf too (like people with alts in a game might do): it’s not like I’m about to dip into some zanny speeches, so don’t take it personally. There’s humour in it.

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Full context for the Night Elven anger v. the Nightborne:

  • Tyrande is actually a NATIVE of Suramar (keep that in mind)
  • Upon her and the Quel’dorei’s arrival, they openly displayed non-commitance to the Nightborne’s plight, including the attacks on Starcaller Retreat and the Waning Crescent during the night, targeting civilians unaffiliated in their homes and a school of children. Nightborne, like their kin, are Nocturnal, which means these attacks were planned to legitimately get/kill anyone at home, at school, or their place of business at peak hours.
  • Made it clear their main goal was to destroy the Nightwell, not provide relief (from World Quests).
  • Actively said they would use the Rebellion as front-liners in order to preserve their own troops.
  • Afterwards gave no aid except to say mean-naughty things to Thalyssra. Outright denied any offers of friendship or diplomacy because, and I quote, “Arcane Bad, Druid-Arcane Good.”
  • Largely disenfranchised the Nightborne due to their ties to Azshara during the War of the Ancients, despite their active rebellion and having stopped second invasion single-handedly (see WotA trilogy).
  • Despite similarily agreeing that they brought upon their own ruin and deposing their leader like some of the Shen’dralar, were denied any sort of kinship with the Kal’dorei.

I do wish OP all the best with the endeavour, but even IF she can overlook what the Kal’dorei have said about Suramar it’s going to be a MASSIVE uphill battle because, and I quote, “Arcane Bad, Druid-Arcane Good.” Bearing the mutations/corruptions the Nightwell provided physically is going to make it all the harder as a visual identifier.

I would recommend maybe looking at a few Illidari-themed guilds that invite other classes though. They’re generally more themed around outcasts, and may be an easier ‘in’ than a strict Kal’dorei guild.

Edit: Having read the rest of this thread, I have no idea how someone okay with burning the Financial and Political Poor (including the children) of their own people, including torture and the destruction of their actual soul so as to never rest among the grace of Elune, because they MIGHT have MAYBE been affiliated with the Rebellion is going to make the logical leap towards not being okay with doing about the same to Teldrassil.

What particularly confuses me is why she’s Anti-Thalyssra, because Thalyssra kept the government in-tact (including the pro-Elisande Aristocracy), continued the various ‘First’ positions in Government, made sure transitions of power, and allied with the Horde because, and I cannot stress this enough, “Arcane Bad, Druid-Magic Good,” rhetoric from Tyrande.

Even though the only person who -really- betrayed their people was Elisande in selling them out to the Legion, whom they previously violently ejected from the Temple of Elune (now the Tomb of Sargeras) for practicing Necromancy on the remains of their fallen people. Suramar was the testing ground for the Nathrezim’s experiments with the Plague of Undeath and Necromancy during the War of the Ancients.

While I still do wish you all the best, even with the most twisted grasp of history I can’t see why a Pro-Elisande-Loyalist who was down to burn kids in their school, backed by the Aristocracy, is mad enough about the Horde (who arguably did -slightly- less worse but by about 1mm) to defect to the people who went, “Lol watch those people burn under Fel Fire. Suramar suxx” instead of enjoying the perks of languishing with your VERY powerful associates or just going neutral and working against the Horde. It’s a leap in logic that I can’t follow no matter how far I suspend my disbelief. Best of luck.


no judgement but I’m not touching this concept with a 10 foot pole, especially after seeing this thread


Just think how bad it’ll be when blizz removes factions as an OOC construct


Good, it lets me /duel all the Paladins and Priests and then we can PvP over Religion as Daddy Metzen intended :dagger:


Where is the dislike button

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Body seems unclear, is this a complete sentence or three?

OP, I know you’re clearly (and rightfully, as it’s your own) attached to this concept, but I think you could make it work just as well with a one minor adjustment. Why not just make her Highborne? She could have been a part of Azhara’s Court, or in Dire Maul, or wherever else Highborne did nefarious things - and, in Cataclysm (or whenever), she defected and joined Kaldorei society under a druidic Shan’do.

This lets you explore what is essentially the same character (Nightborne are, for all intents and purposes, just Highborne+) whilst still engaging with most if not all of the night elf and Alliance RP scene. It could allow you to have a lot more fun with your roleplay, even if it does mean retconning the months of RP you’ve done prior.


this is actually a very productive suggestion; a former azshara loyalist highbourne finally realizing the wrongs of her ways, or pretending as such to reintegrate with the kaldorei? theres a lot of excellent highbourne rp out there rn


And given how night elf Highborne are accepted in night elf society, they can easily fit among any night elf guild, including those that want to avenge Teldrassil.


Nice summary :slight_smile: Would just like to add one thing that people tend to overlook a lot when it comes to Tyrande’s motivation.

Suramar was her home indeed but when the Kaldorei fought and died in thousands to fight the Burning Legion the elves of Suramar rose up the barrier and hid behind it offering no help, relief or support to those outside who died to defend their lands from Azshara’s and other highborne’s madness.

Given this I would say it gives a good sway to Tyrande’s reasoning that the trust have been broken. Thalyssra was alive back then and safely tucked way in Suramar when so many have died before and during the Sundering.

And instead of trying to prove that she and her people could be trusted by trying to mend the ties and establishing some diplomatic relations she chose the easy way out and joined with the Horde.

Also the fact that it was a Kaldorei druid that helped them cultivate Arcan’dor and then they go and burn Teldrassil and raid elven lands during the War of Thorns looks a big ungrateful to me.

Although I do understand why it happened as Blizzard wanted Nightborne with the Horde and did not bother with establishing a deeper premise.

Also I fully agree that Duskwatch and Elisande loyalist who first killed her own people then helped kill the Kaldorei sounds like a rather hard thing to pull off when it comes to a redemption arc.


I agree, it’s a major point of contention, that part of the War of the Ancients. Because Suramar rebelled so quickly (and violently) during the climax of the War of the Ancients, Tyrande never saw it. Thalyssra, who was definitely around, also just hasn’t -mentioned- the fact they repelled a second demonic invasion and hated Azshara for some time before that, and then of course Legion recontextualizes the barrier going up -during- the Sundering which doesn’t help much. Given some clear Azerothian relics having being kept (like a certain Gnome), it’s become apparent that the Magistrix, if not the whole aristocracy, was well aware Azeroth had survived and then lied to the rest of the populace about it.

She did reach out to Tyrande, several times apparently, as is mentioned in the Heritage Questline but Tyrande shot her down every time. Eventually, the river’s going to flow around the rocks as they say.

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Okay wow, you’re really sinking so low as to insult a genocided people who have suffered nothing but punch after punch by Blizzard since they were introduced in WC3? All Blizzard ever does it spit on night elf players, killing our immortality, world trees, lore and people all for the benefit of privileged Human Male Paladins like you. I’m so sick of you HMP’s mocking the night elves every time something bad happens to us and quite frankly it’s unacceptable. And yes, us not getting a brewfest stall is a punch to the face. Apparently there are so few of us left that we have to outsource our products to a ‘crack squad’ of void elves, the antithesis of all that is night elf second only to HMP’s. This is why subscribers are tanking and people are flocking to Classic, because of how Blizzard treats the night elves like garbage, especially post cata. It’s not funny, so take your human male paladin privilege and human potential elsewhere. Going through the indignity of following an 18 year old human boy is bad enough as it is without scrubs like you rubbing it in.


REEEE 3x. :stuck_out_tongue:

This isn’t 100%, though. In that one short about Lor’themar Theron visiting Suramar, wasn’t it pointed out that Suramar was very active during the day, thus basicly making the Nightborne Diurnal?(I suppose its one of the upsides of coming out of a bubble without day and Night cycles!) Might be misremebering, though!

I am feeling strangely offend by this comment, Mogi :frowning:

I doubt anyone really knows about the Valewalker, but he sure ain’t a Kaldorei in the sense of one of Tyrande’s people in the same way that the Moon Guard has no ties with the Kaldorei and joined the Nightborne(A shame, imho, would’ve loved if the Moon Guard joined the Shen’dralar out of spite of the Nightborne did to them)

Point of it all is; we can argue back and forth about it, but at the very basis of it all is that the Nightborne just fit better with the Blood Elves, but lorewise and storywise and now that their stories are more intertwined I think it was the right decision in the end even if it was weird at the start(for me)! Just a shame they didn’t involve the Shen’dralar abit more during the Suramar campaign!

Didn’t you ever get that feeling? That they kind of took over your niche?


We did it and we have surpassed the highborne in every possible way. Especially fashion sense.


Not really, since all they did was basicly becoming Blood Elves 2.0.

If you want to talk about hardships? Both Blood Elves and Nightborne got nothing on the Shen’dralar who lost their source of magic/immortality AND their city(City 2x even)… Which is really more then either of the Nightborne or Blood Elves ever lost. Aside from the whole trying to get accepted back by their former kin without selling out to much of their own society/history/culture!
Which offers way more niché RP then both the Nightborne and Blood Elves aswell. I think only the Void Elves and High Elves come close, which is all my opinion, ofcourse!

laughs in customisation options


If I could cry, you’d see tears in my eyes. But they didn’t have the budget for that.

…Only for leaves in your hairs, you damn hippies.


I have not read everything in this thread, but geez. And people make fun of Blizzard being fun police. It’s a very interesting concept and the OP has repeatedly stated that they are aware of the difficulties that come with it. Just… let them try it.

As someone, who has had their Nelf DK attempt to reintegrate back into the Kaldorei society (hence a bit similair experience), I can tell you that such a concept can be quite a challenge. There will be characters who are going to be more openminded, others are more likely going to try to cut your head off. But that’s part of the RP. Part of the fun. Good luck, OP!