[A-RP] Shal'dorei Defector is looking for Guild

A Scarlet RPer that often posted similar threads such as this about Scarlet RP a few years back. He had an amazing ability to twist any argument you made against him, even if what you said is 100% supported by the lore, into an argument that both proved and supported his idea / concept / argument, or something that allowed him to dismiss it outright.

He led the Sigil of the Seven, if it rings a bell, a group of ex-Scarlets that surrendered to the Alliance back in, if I remember correctly, Cata and were given the king’s permission to recruit in Stormwind and fight for the Alliance, as long as they did not wear Scarlet tabards. Which they of course always did. Of course, then a few years later after both he and the Sigil had been inactive, he returned once more with a “fresh” guild concept and revealed the Sigil’s surrender had been nothing but a ploy to give the Scarlet Crusade a new beginning using the Alliance’s resources and they promptly cut all ties with them and resumed being hostile fanatics. Thankfully that guild never went anywhere, though.

Liberated by both factions, rebuilt by the Horde, amongst which the Nightborne also have kinship in the blood elves. Elves that openly welcomed them with open arms, whereas the night elves threw them aside. Indeed, in the war campaign, there’s people of all races that expresses concern with the Horde’s path.

Void elves personally vouched for by one of the Alliance’s largest heroes, but that isn’t the thing. We’re not dealing with Anduin giving someone a permit to be in the Alliance; we don’t speak for lore figures neither. We are talking about a Nightborne that desperately wants to join the night elves for reasons that make little sense, especially when given the reasons for why she wishes to do so. It is why I suggested she consider the Cenarion Circle if she was determined to continue with this “story”.


#Alannyse /10char

Literally no one has told them they can’t RP this. The concept has been criticised, scepticism has been roused - from myself included, but no one has just said “yeah u can’t rp this”

I feel like the OP is more than welcome to have a go at this concept if they like, but I also wanted to make sure it was clear that it might not be well-recieved IC, and thus might not spark the type or quantity of RP that they were hoping for.

They do, and technically all of our characters are non-canon/headcanon, but at the same time if you want to play a Horde defector in Stormwind for example then you’re not likely to find roleplayers there who are 100% on board with it. Whilst for some the faction divide is an inconvenient and outdated mechanic and they hold the belief that we should all be able to raid together regardless of what race we choose, it’s difficult to act as if the faction divide doesn’t exist, that characters don’t hold grudges against the opposite faction, and doubly so off the back of an expansion where the whole focus was faction conflict. You’re welcome to complain that Blizzard burned the crossfac bridge, but you still need to acknowledge that it happened IMO.

I mean if somebody wants to play a complete headcanon character, with capabilities matching the canonical champion of Azeroth or other huge important lore figure then they’re more than welcome to do so, I can’t and shalln’t stop that person. But I’m also not going to lie and tell them that everyone is going to be on board with that and accomodate them when that’s blatantly not going to be the case.

Just avoid Stormwind, most Alliance settlements and RP-PvP campaigns so my character doesn’t murder you on sight

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As a person who has been rping a kaldorei (not alliance) aligned Nightborne since the day one they came out (granted my char never set foot into any Horde business or lands) I can only assure you that it is difficult to pull off, takes a lot of time and dedication to prove your character’s intentions - which in this case will be even harder given your char participated in the War of Thorns.

I suppose I can wish you luck and remember the Shal’dorei are good with illusions so that can come to your advantage - though I must admit the whole druid concept is sitting a bit meh with me, considering how attuned the Nightborne are to the arcane and how inherently opposed the Druids usually are to it.

But ultimately anyone can rp whatever they want, I hope you find some players as your targeted audience and you all have fun with this. :slight_smile:

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I’ll be honest, it comes off as a bit weird that you keep asking the questions you’ve been asking. I mean, what you’re wondering about are legitimately IC reasons and when you don’t get a satisfying answer, you continue to ask OOC anyway? Why? So the OP’s character is a hypocrite; genuinely so what? Likening a simple concept like this to Exaviel’s nonsense doesn’t seem fair when the OP clearly isn’t saying Nightborne are welcomed by the Alliance. They’ve repeatedly said they expect and will play out whatever criticism they get IC, so I’m honestly not sure what your problem is.

If you’re really so keen on debating the character’s viewpoint, do it IC and not on the forums. Criticising her acceptance by the night elves is all well and good (that’s the concept and should rightly be called attention to OOC), but asking why she supported Elisande but not Thalyssra? C’mon.

As for the OP, I largely agree that this is a difficult concept to do and that you might struggle to find people to RP with. Defection is already a tricky concept, and trying to join the night elves in their current state is even more-so. You do seem willing to accept whatever happens though, so I wish you luck. While you say you want her to become a druid, it might be a good idea to approach highborne characters or multi-racial guilds like The Melorian Circle that commented above for now, to sort of slowly start building connections before going straight for a nelf settlement. Just my thoughts.


Because in my opinion, and this is personal, Anduin giving anyone a ”permit” is never done well, and besides, why does he care about that 1x character so much that he gives just them a permit ?


I remember someone walking around Stormwind with a ‘permit’ from the High King.
And he roleplayed a troll, disguised as a draenei.

This is why you are getting some ‘eeeeh’ comments regarding what you are doing.

Nelfposting within nelfposting?

Cope + seeth = the thread

Because OP has repeatedly made it clear this is their viewpoint OOC as well.


I have a permit from Turalyon to obliterate any Horde defector in Stormwind.



I was willing to be considerate and thought, hey, far-fetched but I guess I’ve seen worse. Then this comes up. This is borderline night elf fanfic (or that cool copypaste about HMP) made by people who thought NB would join the Alliance so flocked and made nelf-NB in the first patch, later defending their actions as ‘I’ve put too much effort only to be cucked by Blizzard, I refuse to go back’ (only to go back a month later and join Horde-aligned guilds because they were starved of RP).

I’m not saying people standing their ground or changing their minds is a bad thing; consider it encouragement, even. What the moral of the story is that a good RPer shouldn’t let their feelings or bias towards the story contradict it. Thinking that a racial leader sucks doesn’t mean that in-lore they do so drawing conclusions from what we see in-lore is the only acceptable thing for a character (queue the og bfa forum argument of Sylvanas being a strategic mastermind but throwing tantrums) . Ultimately, you’d have to be playing the 4D chess game and convincing people OOC in order to be accepted IC—see example, here—and I don’t know if commitment to a story should go that far.

On top of that, I caught a glimpse of you wanting to ‘look more like a nelf’ — a terrible idea that’s clearly oriented towards clinging to a character desperately while removing all original racial aspects.

Don’t take what I’m saying as a hostile jab. Just consider the past mistakes we’ve seen as RPers and think if you can learn from them. Sometimes letting go is the best. Gl finding a guild.

Like many have said, I don’t think you are going to know for certain until you roleplay the concept out in Stormwind and make the approaches yourself. It’s your decision to make, and I don’t think we can help you, unfortunately. You might find that roleplaying the character in-game on Alliance side and finding people there will be much easier than trying to find people here that will roleplay with you with this concept, so I have to agree that this is a very trial and error concept whereby you have to find out for yourself by doing it rather than asking.

I am also of the opinion that this will most likely be a very difficult concept to pull off on the blue side. I can’t say I am very fond of defectors and other races with a blue armband on that states that Anduin said it was okay so therefore our characters have to be okay with it. This is just my two pennies of course. I do recommend you give it a try and seek people out through in-game interaction, but be prepared that people’s characters may not be over the moon at a Nightborne who participated in the burning of Teldrassil.

Not every Horde character agreed with Sylvanas’ actions or the burning of the world tree, but Kaldorei are not in a forgiving mood as others have said. It’s just a little warning that this might be very difficult to pull off, but I would recommend giving it a try despite what we say, because it’s about your enjoyment at the end of the day.

It’s a valid IC opinion/viewpoint you are getting worked up over OOC for no reason. Same thing Clovus mentioned above, really.

I assure you, you misunderstand. I said idc about the concept, but certainly found the forum RP weird. Advising someone to leash in OOC bias is perhaps the opposite of being worked up (:

So you can’t have the same opinions OOC as your character holds IC? Whatever you say.

Also, the ‘lol’ and passive aggressive smileys do make you seem worked up.

While true (and I admit, I’m a little weirded out by the whole “calling players Horde loyalists” – the few times I’ve looked at the story forums tell me some people really are diehard pro-Alliance or pro-Horde players IRL, but it’s still strange to me), I still think it’s likely a better discussion to have IC or in a thread specifically made to discuss people’s views on the lore.

I get your point, I do, but after you haven’t gotten the answer you’re looking for after some 5 (?) replies it may be better to try asking something else. Questioning a character’s thoughts doesn’t come off as especially constructive to me, but stuff like “Anduin wouldn’t give a permit to one person” is. That matters far more, and if true is more in line with your point about Exaviel’s antics.


Me & my char can think Sylvanas is kinda cool but I won’t RP on the forums all “can’t argue with you, tree-dweller”. I guess I can see why you’d think I’m being passive aggressive but that is not the case.

I have seen many people who refuse to let go of characters even if the story position they’re in is a dead end (coincidentally as per my original post, many of those nelf-nightborne) . It’s not a gripe with the character (although unusual), but OP’s approach.