[A-RP] The Bladecrest Sentinels

The Bladecrest Sentinels

Originally founded to combat the third Legion invasion, and later continued to serve during the Fourth War. The amount of casualties sustained led to the temporal disbandment of the unit, and the surviving members were drafted into the army of the Black Moon, to aid in the retaking of Darkshore.

After overcoming years of scrutiny and even some scorn from her peers, the cadre’s captain is once more entrusted at the helm of her own, accepting no other name, despite the grim stain it bears (or perhaps because of it) – the Bladecrest.

Presently tasked by Elune’s Sisterhood with the search and retrieval of relics lost during the Fourth War, while simultaneously serving other kaldorei interests wherever required, the cadre seeks capable individuals for the challenges ahead.

Representative of the modern changes in the night elf military, the cadre accepts night elves of any gender, as well as worgen Moonclaws in the form of complementary auxiliary personnel.

Hello, roleplay enthusiasts!

The Bladecrest is an old sentinel guild that enjoyed a brief tenure on the roleplay scene from mid Legion to a few months into BfA. After a (very long) hiatus, it is back with the hopeful prospect of providing more avenues to the ever thriving night elf scene.

What to expect

A tight knit group of like-minded roleplayers, intentionally limited in scale to keep it manageable, and allow characters to retain the identity and edge that keeps them enjoyable for the individual playing them.

What I expect from you

I’m not too keen on enforcing super strict rules and mostly defer to people’s sense of common decency. I only want to stress the fact that roleplay is a hobby we all commit our (often limited) free time to. Be respectful of that and remember that communication goes a long way!

Characters are expected to have at least some form of combat background, but this doesn’t necessarily have to be limited to a sentinel scope. They could be veterans from the 7th Legion, former watchers, SI:7, or even as freelance agents.

Some of the nitty gritty details
How will this guild compare to those of similar concepts?

Loose military theme

Much of the day-to-day military aspects are watered down in order to create more of an equal footing where everyone can enjoy themselves, retaining only enough of it needed to make for an immersive atmosphere.

What this means, in practice:

  • Training pertains to what is the most interactive and engaging. Lengthy survival campaigns following a loose narrative and the occasional informal sparring.

  • Uniform regulations are kept to a colour scheme tailored around the updated Darnassus tabard and whichever is appropriate for a night elf sentinel, allowing players some input into what their character wears on duty, while still keeping it cohesive to the portrayal of a military unit.


The captain is there to oversee operations from home, conveying mission objectives to the rest, and delegate tasks, but the arbiter of field disputes is mantled by the cadre’s Tactician.

Other ranks reflect the roles of the individual members, and there is no core ‘bread & butter’ rank, so to speak. Every member is a sentinel, as the tag implies, be they a Tracker, a Custodian, a Specialist, or the cadre’s Provisioner.


Events try to utilize as much player freedom as possible. Although there will be a standard (D20) system acting as a baseline, appropriately powerful narratives or compelling character moments will always trump an RNG based outcome, and events will strive to be flexible enough to accommodate the disparity between characters skill levels and experience.

We have a simple trait system that players can opt into, but it isn’t required to partake in and influence the outcome of the narratives.


The Bladecrest operates throughout night elf territories, both on Kalimdor, and beyond. Between deployments, they are stationed on Amirdrassil, sharing accommodations with other occupants of the Arlithrien Lodge, for the time being.

The ongoing plot that currently drives the Bladecrest is tied to the continued recuperation of the night elves, chiefly the reclamation of that which was plundered during their numerous conflicts with the Horde, of cultural artifacts that now resides either in the hands of their ancient enemies, or neutrally aligned profiteers.


Thank you for taking the time to give this a read!
We have a few more spots open before temporarily shutting recruitment, so get in touch if this is something you think might be of interest to you.
Looking for alternatives?
I can heavily recommend the Taloncrest and the Nightblade sentinels, respectively, for their own unique takes on sentinel roleplay.

People to contact for inquiries, pertaining to recruitment, or general questions about the guild: Oceanrage/Sisterhood or Saleysea/Wildbough

Recruitment status: Selective.


We’re also opening up a coffee franchise, looking for capable night elves to make the magic happen at the ‘Brewcrest Sentinels.’


Hoping to open up a collaborative chain with the critically acclaimed Taloncrust Sentinels.


Welcome back, nerd. Good luck with the revival :pray:


:kissing_heart: Thanks, geek!

Good to see you all back, I still have fond memories of interacting with Bladecrest during BFA (on several characters). Hope the return goes well!


-Excited whooping and hollering-


Welcome back! Looking forward to seeing the Bladecrest in action once more! :bouquet:


Good luck Saley!


:pray: Would snipe IC but this is totally based seeing a return!


Woooh! Good luck with the revival, Saley! Exciting stuff!

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So hype to see you guys back!

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Best of luck Saley! :heart:

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Welcome back!

Glad to see the Bladecrest return to the forefront of Kaldorei military might! :slight_smile:

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This concept sounds interesting and very fitting for those who wish play sentinels without too many militaristic restrictions. Looking forward to seeing you guys in action, good luck!

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Loved seeing the Bladecrest back in the day. Saleysea is a wonderful DM and an excellent roleplayer, can’t recommend this guild more to those looking for sentinel roleplay!


Keeping the recruitment on the down-low for the time being.
Thanks for all the encouragemnet, peeps!


We’re back in business after a little breather, welcoming some fresh meat for the sabers! For real, though, Querethil’s an absolute cinnamon roll and we love him already. :purple_heart:

Recruitment will be open for a moment now, do find us on Amirdrassil before we sail away on our first campaign! Really, it’s the opportunity of a lifetime!


We’re chilling around Forest Song in Ashenvale for a bit, hatching some plots, schemes and cunning plans against our first objective: An unsuspecting goblin town, deep inside Horde territory.

Feel free to come swing by if your road takes you there, travellers!


Hello there!

Do you think there would be some room for Elune’s grease monkey child?

hopes to hear a positive answer as he launches an AWACS towards ashenvale

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