[A-RP] The Crown Confederacy — A Stormwind Project

if anything one ought to wonder why these rugged soldiers (as they claim to be) are at home at all.

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OK cool the circle bash is really interesting but hehe house guilds are so bad isn’t why poor Albrecht made his thread mates.


Hope it works out.

In reality this doesn’t happen in Orgrimmar


Are you basing this on personal experience or is this something you just heard through the grapevine? Because to me it seems like massive nonsense either way and I don’t think you are helping your own argument by telling fibs like this.


in my just about 4 years of rping on horde side now. I can’t recall one situation where everyone was just running around and rping inside of their little party groups inside of orgrimmar. Think there has been few cases of it due to being dmed events, but nothing else. By all means correct me and give examples


In 2077 they voted my city the worst place to Live in Kalimdor.
Main issues? Sky high rate of Violence, and more people living below the poverty line then anywhere else.

Can’t deny it, it’s all true, but everyone still wants to live here.

This city’s always got a promise for you. it might be a lie, an illusion, but it’s there. just around the corner and it keeps you going.

It’s a city of Dreams, and I’m a big dreamer.


To continue the discussion from [A-RP Crown Confederacy] Servant of the Crown - #15 by Dangerbeard-argent-dawn

I’d like to ask the organisers a question - are the Alliance races other than Humans/Dwarves/Gnomes/Worgen going to be widely involved in any of the Crown Confederacy concepts? Seeing the concepts that came up so far… I’m getting worried that they’re going to be excluded from all the RP going on.

You could always start one, Like an Embassy.

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That would be a solid way to go about it, certainly. Some of the less familiar races in Stormwind could benefit of having an ambassadorial platform in this project.

I still believe Dwarves and Gnomes are positioned more closely to Stormwind’s affairs than the other Alliance races though, by virtue of being neighbours and firmly established allies for a good while now. I would expect them to act in a far greater variety of roles than “just” ambassadors.

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Name a role Higher than Ambassador that a Foreign Delegate could hold.

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I said a variety of roles, not necessarily ones outranking an ambassador.

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Name those Roles.

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Ye-ah, whatever Orgrimmar is, this ain’t it, chief.

Current Org RP is 100% more natural and open, imo, than the semi-immersion-breaking Cathedral Crowds and other nonsense in SW of late. Oh, and it’s primarily in /s, too?


A Dwarf or Gnome could work as a lower magistrate in the judiciary system of Stormwind, just like a human could. The Dwarven District and the Deeprun Tram indicate that there’s a permanent Dwarven and Gnomish presence in the city and I don’t see why these Dwarves and Gnomes should be restricted to roles as “foreign dignitaries”.

That’s not to say that there can’t also be the roles of ambassadors exclusive to races other than humans of course. Any of such initiatives could be easily integrated into the structure that The Crown Confederacy hopes to provide.

Really, if I had the time right now I might be tempted to create an interest group for the religious rights and needs of Night Elf refugees in the Kingdom, but sadly I find myself without the time.


Just because you can easily travel between the two, doesn’t mean they still aren’t a foreign people. Stormwind Belongs to the Humans, It’s their city, they hold the important roles.

And why the hell would you let a Dwarf be in charge of Human country’s justice system? It’s not their country.

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Stormwind belongs to Stormwinders, more specifically. I imagine there’s scope for ambassadors from the other nations, too.


Good luck.

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Mortlocke reveals his manifesto for the presidential elections

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I see absolutely zero reason why the committee in question can’t have a token Dwarf, Gnome or even Night Elven candidate given that especially the former two have a stake in Stormwind’s welfare. Stormwind is, after all, directly linked to Ironforge and an invaded Stormwind might be bad for Ironforge.

Reeeeing about how Stormwind is just for Humans doesn’t really add up when you consider most of the roles will be filled by Humans anyway.

Let your imagination roam for a bit. We’ll see what Albrecht says.