[A-RP] The Crown Confederacy — A Stormwind Project

I thought that is well known by now?

Creating events works, but that can be done without having a permanent sort of ruleset ingame. I am generally not very fond of people who try to force some sort of narrative on communities and people that may not be interested in it.

Though perhaps OP can clear this up.

Does it matter what you are personally fond of? This is something you opt-in to (like all RP) - if you’re not interested don’t get involved / ignore it all - otherwise your posts basically ring hollow

What makes you say that

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Sort of baffling to me that you posted this within moments of:

This is an initiative to both offer a shared narrative, and try to make people more familiar with one another and so hopefully more inclined to approach strangers, more inclined to create storylines with one another, and generally more inclined to trust one another — very important on a consensus-based platform IMO.

You’re referencing prior initiatives which sought to establish control — I don’t remember any that seem similar to my own, but am open to discussion on that point, and I don’t remember any at all which also attempted to create open OOC communities around them


So it’s christian singles for Alliance RP? Nice.


Happy to offer my ineffectual help wherever needed.


I remember Albrecht being pretty good back in Three Corners. Best of luck.

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Why shouldn’t it?

So long as the lines of communication are (and remain!) open and taken seriously, I don’t have a great deal of concerns with this. Quite the opposite, I’d like to see it add another take on the Stormwind role playing scene.

Where did you get this notion, I think Albrecht has made himself very clear on what he wants to achieve, by no point has he mentioned ostracism etc… Furthermore it’s being done out of all of our interests, Stormwind RP is terribly boring and mundane at the moment so in all honesty we should not grimace at the sight of change because any change will do better than what we currently have lol.

Tentatively looking forward to seeing how this turns out, truly. I’d love to see a more unified Stormwind - and I think Albrecht’s the one to pull it off. It goes against a lot of people’s sensibilities, the idea of someone “being in control” - but you have to bear in mind that it’s entirely optional. You can merrily ignore the entire thing and still find your RP on AD. It’s how the Watch worked, back in the day, and people still talk about them with great fondness - Albrecht is responsible for a lot of that too.

Wishing you luck, anyway! Might even convince me to stop simply observing SW with mixed dread.

You are being terribly defensive for no reason at all. Deep breaths.


Albrecht i salute you.
Great initiative as i am looking forward to see how this turns out.
I wish you best of luck!

Hit me up for ‘Tentatively hopeful’ for 100, Bruce.

As others have said, if this remains transparent, this could be a great kick start for Alliance side RP in Stormwind. Be the Change you Want, etc etc.
My time in-game is very hit and miss at the moment, sadly, otherwise Id be very interested in rezzing this character (activity IC wise).
As it is; Good Luck! :slight_smile:

Except that it, eventually, isn’t.

Do we need more bubble RP?

I like the idea of a working church, and working shops and taverns and such. A decent judicial system may be good too. Not so fond of the word “government”, though.

The watch is remembered with fondness because they respected people, and existed solely to create RP, and they were not spasmodically trying to boss people around. The latter thing is the issue with many guard guilds and player ran governments.

On behalf of the Church of the Holy Light, I say, aye, and support.


Everything is always, you can never be forced to role play, but what you want to say is obvious and I’m simply going to do that for you:

“I fear that enough people will follow this idea to the point where I am forced to also acknowledge it in order to role play with other people”

To which the only answer is: Tough luck =)


Yeah, that’s kinda bad for RP. I mean, enforced headcanon and bubbles. What can possibly go wrong?

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Not much of an argument

If someone who isn’t going to get involved with a project/initiative etc them reminding you that they are fond of something else isn’t really important information since they will presumably have no impact on its running / its roleplay

Sure, they are more than welcome to post but in terms of content it isn’t any different to them posting “bump”

If it gets to that point, it has done so through the overwhelming consensus of the majority. Sounds like you have incredibly high hopes for OP’s project

The judicial system is a branch of the government isn’t it


The watch had a player-created lawbook that had laws to justify ignoring player who weren’t roleplaying in an appropriate way or wouldn’t acknowledge those player-made laws (and both of those things were a good thing)

t. used to be a sergeant in that guild

Another great post from a fellow titan of the mind

The only thing that’s gone wrong is that there’s no blacklist :sunglasses:


I find your opposition to this (frankly good-natured and extremely necessary) project a little bit strange, considering the guild you use as your vanity tag, there, is a guild that was absolutely central to the previous incarnations and movements of this type in Stormwind.

I think we can understand your opposition, but I also think as you don’t really roleplay much in the city it won’t be a huge issue. If you’d like to properly discuss your objections to what we’re doing you are more than welcome to join us on discord, would love to try and burrow down into this!

The allegations of bubble roleplay are also a little odd, if I’m honest - seeing as what this initiative is doing is bursting every little bubble in Stormwind to try to bring it all together. You do have a bit of a history of being a lil Contrary Mary on the forums and that’s fine - I think you’ve made your points(?) in your own way and nobody can fault you for that! Thanks for sharing.

Hope to see you on discord soon to chat through this x


It would ruin her long standing narrative that roleplay is dead, and that there can never be an RP golden age ever again.

Otherwise, looking forward to seeing how this goes. Albeit I won’t be in SW to experience it.


The ghosts of yesteryear insisting they are still living…