[A RP] The Crystal Path - Heroic Adventuring RP

The Crystal path is looking for able bodied adventurers to help explore and save Azeroth!

The Crystal Path is a multi-racial travelling and adventuring, caravan group RP Guild, that has been going for over three and a half years now. Our main focus is on traversing the vibrant and colourful world of Azeroth. And now that it has been mended by the Champions of Azeroth, attempt ensure that it’s recovery continues. Our tasks and activities often include

  • Cleansing lingering Shadow and Fel Corruption
  • Mending wounds in the earth
  • Battling monsters and those that seek to abuse their power
  • Rebuilding communities damaged by the Fourth War
  • Researching ancient lore to find old Titan vaults, and powerful artefacts
  • And recovering any Azerite we can find, to bring to Azeroth and it’s Champions

To accomplish all of this, our group requires a variety of different individuals. While everyone is encouraged to pitch in every way they can, we have 3 key roles to be fulfilled. They are:

  • Artisans, to keep the caravan running, well stocked, and funded
  • Guardians, to keep the caravan, and the world around us defended
  • Mystics, to cleanse the corruption we find, and study any important artefacts, relics and other powerful items we find

As a travelling guild, we will be moving across all of Azeroth, where we will dedicate usually a few months to a region of the world. During which we will balance our time between staying around social town hubs, and adventuring out into the wilderness. Likewise, we will be aiming for a comfortable balance between participating in our own guild events (which will serve to complete objectives, and further both guild and personal character storylines) and doing casual RP either around the campfire in the wilderness, or in busy towns and villages along the way.

The guild schedules roughly 3 RP events per week, taking place on weekday evenings at 19:00 Realm time, and usually running for a few hours. These events lead the caravan from zone to zone, allow the Pathfinders to explore and experience the goings on in their current location, and advance the guild’s current overarching story. Most of these events make use of a simplistic DM’ing system, which includes an easy to understand and customize character sheet, to influence rolls whenever they come up.

Though the guild does have some very important objectives and tasks, it is not designed to feel like a strict military or religious order. Rather, it’s designed more to feel like a close-nit group of travelling friends and even family, filled with a variety of different individuals. Additionally, the guild is designed to evoke the experience of travelling through a large and lively world. Travelling across the regions and zones may take time, but through either events or by participating in the community RP that we find, it should feel exciting and fresh.

If you’re interested in joining us on our travels, please feel free to get in touch with myself, Casious, or Molge. We will be happy to answer any questions that you have, or arrange your induction. Additionally, if you wish to arrange any other kind of RP with us, which we can participate in on our travels, we would love to hear from you.

Thanks for reading, and have a wonderful day everyone.

From the desk of Ironforge Senator Galdir Stonedust

Calling on all able-bodied adventurers and travellers of the Alliance. The Burning Legion has been defeated and severed from our world, the Fourth War has drawn to a close, and the Black Empire has been vanquished. However, the years of terrible conflict have left our lands scarred and broken. In the Dark Titan’s final act, a blow has been dealt which has left the fate of our world uncertain. Though the Herald of Azeroth, Magni Bronzebeard, is confident our world will make a recovery, we must not sit idle.

Join the battled tested caravan of the Crystal Path! Travellers, menders and fighters of all skills and backgrounds, who are dedicated to protecting Azeroth. Not content to let corruption fester and grow again, our small but specialized and highly manoeuvrable group, works to search for emerging problems and lingering wounds, and deal with them before they grow into larger scale calamities. If you’re a: trader, craftsman, warrior, scholar or mender, who wishes to travel across the world and make a difference where you can, then seek out Farseer Lebular and the Crystal Path.

Our esteemed caravan has ventured across the Eastern Kingdoms, Kalimdor, Northrend, Pandaria, and now most recently, Kul Tiras. Over two years of travel they have triumphed over the machinations of a conniving Dreadlord, who sewed chaos and despair across the dying world of Azeroth. They have brought Azerite to hidden Titan chambers beneath: Uldaman, Ulduar, Uldum, and the Vale of Eternal Blossoms, expelling a shadowy menace from the surrounding region’s wounds.

However, two more chambers must be located and restored before this servant of the Black Empire can be completely vanquished. Our team has discovered the next location to be in the swamps of Nazmir, upon Zandalar. Anybody who has information on the region, or who wishes to provide help however they can, please get in contact with me.

While dangerous and uncertain times are ahead, our resolve and bonds of unity will keep us strong. For Azeroth!


Welcome back to the forums, glad to see you guys are still thriving, great bunch!

An extract from Stormwind Quiver; "The Triumphant return of house Silverhale."

“From what I hear my friends of the Crystal Path have been keeping themselves very busy in Vol’Dun. Though i’m not jealous of the heat nor sand, I must admit I do miss the adventuring. I understand that so far I’ve missed out on exploring unearthed troll ruins, repairing ancient irrigation systems, hunting for rare and dangerous beasts, riding the sand dunes at high speeds and most recently crashing a Tortollan wedding.”

Editors note, Mr Silverhale pauses for a while to stare at a Hat and Jacket hanging up on the wall.

“But I suppose the day to day life of running an Orphanage is an exciting adventure of its own, though probably with more crying…”

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Are guys new to rp acceptable? Not new to the game, though(my 3rd account for 3rd game comeback)?:slight_smile:

Still going very strong, unstoppable in fact. Like a bullet train but drawn by fierce Dun Morogh ram.

Join our caravan and help us help Azeroth.

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Hey fellow adventures!

From some red side folks of a similar vibe, if you ever want to meet up sometime and quest together I’d be more than game! =)

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Heck yeah, always up for some cooperation.

We’re in Nazmir at the moment, if you fancy swinging by to deal with some cultists worshiping a spirit of decay. Or, if you’ve got anything going down in the future, we can probably help out there. Send us a message

After battling a clan of Blood Trolls, and their Mogu masters, the Crystal Path has departed from Nazmir. There’s some places to explore and quests to be done in Zuldazar before we can explore the titan ruins beneath Uldir, so we’ve made our camp in the Verdant Hollow for now.


The Crystal Path have spent some time in Zuldazar, where they have helped to: free a group of gorillas from the grip of a mad gnome, rescue some direhorns from ethereal experimentation, investigate and expose the powerful necromancer attempting to pull the strings of various important figures within the Zandalari empire, and help a young troll they had encountered across their journey complete a quest for his loa and claim his reward.
Now before they go home for Winter’s Veil, with assistance from their new allies, the Crystal Path will head into the titan facility of Uldir to help mend Azeroth and defeat the evil lurking there.


Hey gamer!

Late notice I know but! I’m trying to get an event together for tonight in the same zone (Storm Peaks); fancy joining in with some fellow adventures to save the world ? :smiley:

The Crystal Path has been taking a little well earned holiday break over the past few weeks, but we should be getting back into our adventures in a week or so. The Pathfinders will be having a meeting next Monday evening to determine where the caravan will go next.

I was simply curious if your guild is still looking for people.
If so, I would like offer my mage as an artisan.

We may work out the details later, yes?

Yeah we’re still open to recruiting new people. If you’re still interested, please feel free to get in contact with one of us in game. We’re about to start a new adventure so now’s a good time to join.


The Crystal Path has made it’s way to Ashenvale to help the night elves investigate the signs of a strange new corruption trying to take root within the darkened corners of the forest.

Our recruitment will be closed for a while, but if there are any groups or individuals in Ashenvale or nearby zones who would like to arrange some RP with us, then feel free to hit us up


The Crystal Path Caravan has now moved up to Whisperwind Grove in Felwood, covering the next leg of our journey to ascend to the top of Mount Hyjal, to restore an ancient spirit to health, and banish an even more ancient evil.

Sounds like a lot of interesting adventures! Good luck from a puny Lordaeronian if you’re still up and running <3

Thanks very much! We are still out and about, staying in Winterspring now. Last stop before Hyjal.
We’ve had a few new members and returning faces in the last few days, so we might have to tighten our recruitment for now. But depending on how things go, when we head to the Broken Isles in a few weeks, we could open up again.

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Recount us with your tales oh great adventurer! :partying_face:

Hello Argent Dawn, a couple of weeks ago the Crystal Path’s caravan completed it’s quest to reach the top of Mount Hyjal, assisting a lesser known spirit in regaining it’s powers, and banishing a familiar dark entity that sought to spread corruption through the Emerald Dream.
Now we have ventured to the Broken Isles, to locate the last in a series of six mysterious titan vaults, that have the power to defeat our malign foe once and for all.

Thanks to Kaitylinn for the fun crossover last week, and if anyone else would be interested in arranging some RP on the broken isles with us, feel free to get in contact.

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Hiya! I’d love to ask about the guild and run a few questions by you! I’ve added you (Lebular) to my friends list to try and catch you online but are there any other guild members i can look out for or contact, or somewhere else to do so asides from ingame?