Would any guilds be willing to take me in :(

Hey! I’m a returning WoW player (hopefully Dragonflight will bring me completely back) So I’ve been leveling this character in advance. But I came to realize I don’t have the rp skills I used to anymore. I have 0 clues about places, etiquette etc… Also realizing sitting in silence and leveling doesn’t really bring me a lot of joy it used to. So essentially would be looking for a guild that takes rp newbie in :slight_smile: Your guild can be big or small, only wish from my side is that it’s a friendly one and doesn’t require hardcore rp skills :sweat_smile:
Thank you for reading this and even more if you comment on it <3


Plenty of guilds that will gladly take you in, dont worry

I have in my experience never encountered a guild that isn’t overjoyed to take in a newbie.
So I can safely guarantee you that there is a guild out there for you to roleplay whatever magical unicorn-blood splattered toast with goblin snot on that you desire.
Most guilds would likely have one single requirement of you, which is to learn. Quite simple when many veterans get a hard on whenever they are asked to explain lore in its many forms. So ask away, folk are very happy to answer.

“Well, 'round ‘ere we folk like to know sum’ about what theme u fancy”

If you have a theme in mind, military, adventure, race, etc.
it’ll be tons easy to recommend a flow of guilds for you to check out.

Adventure sounds fun. See here’s the thing that I’m not sure what type of RP guilds there even are xd But like adventure would sound nice

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And when we find something to discuss/disagree on! Love it when that happens even though not many people change their opinions in the end.

Thats the magical part.
there is a little bit of everything.
we have guard guilds, crime guilds, mage guilds, paladin guilds, race guilds, mixed guilds, good guilds, bad guilds.
you name it.
as for adventures, lets see…

Mercenary guilds:

Adventure with a scholarly twist:

Regular adventures:

Here is a few you could try and contact.
I can’t vouch for them as I haven’t RP’ed much with most of them, nor can I say (at this moment) if they are still active, but in any case here is a quick list gathered from scrolling through the forum.

Bare in mind these are just alliance side.
there are a few neutral pirates and other such groups who does cross faction RP together.

Might I also recommend you install the addon Total RP 3, if you haven’t already,
its a neat little addon that allows you to further detail your character with a last name, backstory and other such neat little things.


Thanks I shall check out their posts :3 I have installed the rp addon although its still baffling to me how to use it. Think I created a basic profile. But anyways thanks a lot <3


Most people on the server use the addon, and many are more than happy to answer questions on how to use it.

Thanks for the shout out! Yeah, we’re friendly to all! Except those on the contracts, we need the coin to eat our daily grub.

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Don’t worry! I recently “returned” after a 10y hiatus myself. Took me a while to figure out how to use TRP, but there it is. Skulk around. Ask. And play some for yourself!

Best way to catch up really, I found. In addition to the Nightblades <3 and Wild Oath <3 guys helping me along.


TY for the shout-out my man!

Yeah if you’re looking for a rookie-friendly environment then give us a ping. Deets in the post.

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