[A-RP] The Games of Redridge - Concluded

What happens in /say stays in /say.


It was good fun, a horde of alliance vs 14 of the Grim Gest, wasn’t always within the rules but it was good fun gentlemen


While it went a little more chaotic than intended! I really enjoyed the second day of the Games of Redridge.

  • The Town Hall, is no severely damaged. Whilst the public was quick to react with various good, water and magic. Some of it is destroyed. In the coming days, Alliance Workers are seen repairing the building.
  • The Horde Pressence is IC - This was planned, but not executed well enough.
  • Due to this, Weapons are now officialy able to be carried by all those actively patrolling the woods and actively defending the Town from further attacks. (Toggle PVP / Beware of Griefers, RP’rs will engage in Restricted PVP - One ability every 5 seconds, no AOE ETC)
  • Dungeon Masters are allowed to act on this, and create roleplay for their guild in the woods north of Lakeshire.

Day Three:

Aerial Jousting & Racing.
See you tomorrow!


During the late eve of the first day of the Redridge Games

The guard with the large moustache came back with Mauro’s sword and buckler, “Take care of yourself out there, Gnolls are lurking about.”
“Will do, soldier. Light blessings upon you.” The two exchanged a salute and Mauro traveled onward to Elwynn. As the sound of people singing from the inn lowered until it was almost silent, he took a moment to stand on the middle of the bridge. It was here where the Grand Melee was helt, where he and many others watched how heroic fighters fought for glory. Mauro’s mind drifted off to remember how violently the contestants fell: where one yielded where they fell off their feet the other was knocked unconcious… where that one knight fell backwards and managed to brush off and walk away that one farmer-

‘I shouldn’t wander out here, best I get going.’ he thought to himself, starting to walk the road again. The torches of the Three Corners’ tower lit up the border between Redridge and Elwynn, the further he moved away from the border the darker road became. The torches lit along to way to the Eastvale homes were dim and only lit the road as best as they could, Mauro could’ve sworn he saw a worgen proaching in the distance. Nevertheless, he made it to the Eastvale Logging Camp, and approached one of the houses. ‘Home of Lord Randall Thorne and Jeanne Dawncastle’, was written on a sign stuck to the door.

He was welcomed inside by his sister, and by her two children. “Uncle, Uncle! Tell us about the Games!” “Where there knights and fights? Lords and Ladies?”
Mauro was happy to see his nephew and niece, he crouched down to their eye-level and spoke “Oh there was a grand melee with lot’s of heroic knights and fighters. There was a Sir Winsor, a Lady Rivers, a Lord Meltherne, a Lady Krizina and many more! They fought with the heart of a lion, I think I’ve even heard a gnome bellow a migthy roar.” The two children listened in awe, as Mauro held his tongue for just a second both of them started asking a different question at the same time again.
“Alright you two, go upstairs. Uncle Mauro will tell about the Games come dawn.” The two hesitated but their mother only needed to give them a stern finger and they went to their room.

“The medical duty not too much for you? I’d bet you’d rather prefer performing in the Games yourself little brother.” His sister said, teasing Mauro somewhat.
“It’s my duty,” he said with that cliché answer… “everyone wants to win in their game. We at the Medical Staff just need to make sure we do all what we can to help any wound, no matter how awful it could be…”
Mauro saw his sister’s eyes narrow, “I don’t like your tone, did something happen Mauro? Something happened to those wounded?”
He’d bite his lip, “No, it’s not that. I just have to get used to looking out for wounded again that’s all.” He’d take off his headband, staring at the medical sigil before continueing.

“These games bring a lot of chaos, a Gilnean got an ugly cleave into his face, a Draenei was knocked down unconcious, a young lad yielded just in time for his wounds and… so much more. Thankfully a lot of folk volunteered as medical support, and some good folk at the craft they are. I’m very glad to not be alone out there.”

(OOC shoutout to my medical RP homies and those wounded fighters that we tried to help In-Character. I’m having a lot of fun roleplaying with you all and can’t wait for the coming days!)


You know what this place needs?


footman, footman of footman…


I’m incredibly concerned with the laissez -faire attitude here, the “woops my bad lol, sorry I got caught” apology, and the fact that these events are still continuing.

But those pesky SJWs, amarite guys?


I am pretty damn confused myself. Usually when someone does something like this, people are flaming the person, the worst of words are being sent towards them, without a single chance of getting out of it. Not that I would like that but there are some clear double standards here


Dont know why would you be confused there, chief, when you got the answer

Why should they not?

People are having fun at the games, so, what is the problem?


(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

Maybe something to do with the person running the games publicly calling for mass-rape via /yell in a 12+ game, and then making jokes about it in Discord?


There are like a 100 other people there to have fun with.

You can be there and still ignore the guy if you want.

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While I don’t agree that the event itself should be dismantled, a good show would have been for Marik to withdraw and find a replacement player to conclude things if required.

The problem is exactly what Tessalyn wrote it was. As far as horrid and inappropriate themes go, this lurks around the top of the list. The apparent truth seems to be, that so long as you “provide RP”, you are not subjected to the same set of rules in the court of public opinion.

I find that concerning, and for my part at least, it shines a different light on the so-called scandals of the past. And those who were vocal in perpetuating them.


I mean people have expressed their outrage over OP’s actions, OP has apologized, those who wanted to report him have done so, those who wanted to boycott his event have done so, those who wanted to keep attending have done so.

What more do you want? For the President of AD to publically condemn OP and throw him in the forum clink for life?


While his action was tasteless and stupid, I do think people are overreacting.

I, for one, enjoy RPing in Redridge with people I have not RPed with for quite some time, so… if you want to boycott this event, feel free to do so, but don’t ask other people to do the same.


I think you may have misapprehended my intent. I don’t want anything.

However, I would be remiss not to make a vocal note of something that I consider troubling to witness. In terms of immediate means to mitigate matters (and I do admittedly assume this is something Marik has an interest in), I did propose removing his hand in the ongoing event; simply because I would in his place.

I am very glad you are having fun. I do not doubt quite few people are. I did not suggest or ask others to boycutt the event; I in fact spoke to the contrary.

That being said, I still find the apparent shoulder-shrug on display from quite a few people to be not only concerning, but also thought provoking. Let’s leave it a that.

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But what are they suppose to really do besides seeming to shrug it off?
What are they to do to make you happy?


Maybe this “scandal” is just not as big as people are making it out to be. It’s definitely tasteless and dumb, sure. But AD has seen far worse.


or like maybe advocating for life-ruining crimes in a 12+ game is actually pretty bad even if you can’t personally comprehend why :eyes:

but hey wacky fun tournament look at all the silly knights