[A-RP] The Games of Redridge - Concluded

knights aren’t silly you big GOOFBALL TROLL


Marik clearly made a stupid comment, one which was of humourless taste. Now we’ve suddenly got an army of self righteous pundits lurching on it, but also weirdly attending the tournament aswell. Lmao


I don’t think anyone disputes that, but it doesn’t mean that people should suddenly be stripped of their capacity to freely choose what, where and who they want to RP… With…

yeah i’m not part of the crowd saying the event should be boycotted, people are within their rights to attend what they like.

basically a little bit more remorse for being a [redacted] should’ve been shown imo, that’s my Big Bugbear.

my only other complaint is people like Ocelot Proboscis up there (obilot oblong or w/e it is) noting that the event’s still fun so the comments can’t have been THAT BAD because that’s one h*ck of a mental disconnect.


As much as I understand your point, personally, I think you’re wrong and are either downplaying what happened, or you simply haven’t looked at all the screenshots.

There was more than “a stupid comment, one which was of humourless taste” and don’t presume most people here who have a problem with it are attending the event and I imagine in some cases, people might want to go to keep an eye on Marrick now.

Rape comments in a 12+ game btw. Not just one comment btw.


Thankfully we have a report system in game that not only silences the perpetrator on your feed, but also alerts the community moderators so they can take proper action :smiling_face:


Well done, glad you know how the reporting system works. As you can see I was replying to what Arethorn said, if you didn’t notice :slight_smile: If people are going to talk about the matter, may as well not downplay it and be honest.

Honesty is best policy.

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You’re correct that this is a 12+ game, and I understand that you’re trying to raise awareness for sensitive subjects, I personally think it was a comment of bad taste. Though Marik has clearly -apologised-, and I think it’s about time to suck it up and move on rather than charging about with pitchforks on his thread. If you’re having issues with certain individuals, take it up with them in private message. The thing that gets to me is, some of these people going berserk are actually in attendance to the tournament.


Why are people telling other people to be mad over this?
Why are we spending so much energy trying to convince people to get angry over roleplay in a video game?

“But 12+ and rape joeks!”
Like stated before, report and move on. If Blizzard cares to uphold their policy then he will be banned.
Let the moderators moderate. We don’t have to do that for them.

I swear people pour way to much energy on the drama.


I came here without the intention of commenting, but when I see someone downplaying something to either make themselves feel better or the community, I can’t help but point it out.

It was not one comment. It was quite a few comments.

In reality if they came across a Horde spy, or even a Horde person… The normal reaction should be take them as prisoner, or even kill them on sight. Not rape. Pretty obvious. It says a lot about a person/character if that’s what they result to.

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Some people might consider the whole matter ill suited for discussion on a forum meant for discussion of a 12+ game tbh.

Report and move on is the best policy if you ask me.


That way we can’t milk the tasty DRAMA though!

If I am talking to someone in a thread, I am going to reply.

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hi there chief i’d like to be the first to welcome you to the internet

edgy human rpers will always be edgy human rpers. if there’s a dark and grim option, they’ll take it, even if it’s tasteless.


Whatever rocks your boat, mate. You seem to know me, so, judging by your post, your ROAR OUTRAGE has less to do with the comments than with stirring drama.

But that is what AD does best, stirring drama.

honestly i just wanted to josh on your name.
orangina prospect
ocelot proboscis
oblong proximity

are any of these doing it for you


I’m offendet

Obilot offended :frowning:

offendet prognosis

Offendus Obilotus