[A-RP] The Games of Redridge - Concluded

obi wan explosis

Whatā€™s all this th-

Knocks over the rice


You are either a first-timer or an obvious apologist, cause most are tilted by double standards applied, not by the action itself


If that is the case then Iā€™ve miss-read the situation.

Hello there,

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Why donā€™t people understand ERP is bad, but making jokes about mass gangrape are okay?

Bunch of SJWā€™s right? /s


It wasnā€™t a joke though, it was a mass invitation for people to join in a public channel. xD Just saying.

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Youā€™re just not redpilled enough to understand based gamer humor.

I do, but I just donā€™t find the humour in this situation unfortunately, it would better to be able to laugh at this, but I just find it all a bit unsettling.

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I canā€™t believe my boycotting of the event hasnā€™t worked out in my favour


I shall smuggle my cheeses into the games, and sell them for a decently fair price, and make thousands of gold from it! AHAHAHaHaHaHAhahahahahahahahahhhahhahahaahahhahhaahahahahhahaahhahahahahahahhaaaaā€¦ Ahahā€¦ Hehhhhā€¦

redpilled xD
absolutely based xdd

just stop

While what was said was absolutely abhorrent and something a mere apology is not gonna cut it, I donā€™t think itā€™s fair to boycott an entire event with hundreds of people just because of some very nasty statements, but the fact that it was done in /yell was even worse. Glad I wasnā€™t online at the time.


Are we talking some proper Dutch cheese, or that horrific southern-european maggot cheese?

Nothing maggotyā€¦ Also ewā€¦ Like ew thatā€™s some desecration right there. But yeah no. Nothing revoltingā€¦ Like blue cheeseā€¦ Urg.

It was done at like 2am, all the kids were in bed because itā€™s a school night.

I simply move my pieces around the board frantically and get you in checkmate, a smug grin upon my face. :sunglasses:

(Edit:) Please buy the raffle tickets


It wasnā€™t done at 2am tho

How dim do you have to be to think it could have affected just the kids

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Atkcktchtually it was done between 1:40 and 2 AM :nerd_face:


Very, but surely the main argument here is that ā€œoh my GOODNESS Marik, think of the CHILDREN!ā€ but half of the people even admit to not being online when it happened.

I PERSONALLY think we should blame the person that actually posted the screenshot and risked exposing the wider population to the events of the night.

(Please buy the raffle tickets we need the money to actually have the supplies to leave redridge)


Yeah! Exactly!