[A-RP] The Games of Redridge - Concluded

Twenty to two is very like 2am, my millenial speaking habits are also a defense mechanism.

The chessboard literally implodes

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Knight takes bishop


Tessalyn “The Games must stop or I’ll turn you into a pork chop” Reeves strikes with vim, vigour, and a dash of vinegar…

I ain’t been to the games but my boys enjoy it. Unfortunately while I think what Marik did was simply retarded he’s the head organiser of the games and so is rather hard to seperate from them as some extremely bigbrained people here recommend.

Trying to excuse Marik for being a dumb-dumb is a Foole move but so is trying to shut down an entire thing over a very :poop: joke.


I like how the argument “it’s a pg12 game!” is yelled out whenever it’s fit when it’s other times ignored. How many at the event do you really think are 12 anyway? I bet the majority is over 18. Not that that excuses anything but making the issue being that it’s a pg12 game when there’s probably not even a 12 year old there makes it just sound silly. AD is not pg12, there should seriously be an age restriction on this realm. Also like people have said, stupid thing to do, but he apologized, and truly, it’s not like anyone got hurt irl, get on with your life.

I also want to ask if the event is in warmode or not?


Warmode off, dear friend!

Come join us anytime you like, Lakeshire is lively these days.


Now, I want to give my small two cents on what I witnessed during my short stay in Lakeshire as a guest.

This was one of the strangest RP-PVP events I’ve seen happening since a while. Mostly from the Alliance’s side and the blatant ignorance the attack received. Not only did most of the Alliance people on the bridge ignore the planned attack, for whatever reason (the Horde was attacking a small town!) but also the execution on how to save your citizens and fight the enemy was strange.

You sent all of your able-bodied soldiers to the front but complained OOC-ly(!) about my gnome yelling to “sound the Town’s Bell to evacuate everyone”. The organiser simply gave me a an OOC-/w, saying “Can you not?”. So, thanks for that IC interaction!

  • The Town Hall, is no severely damaged. Whilst the public was quick to react with various good, water and magic. Some of it is destroyed. In the coming days, Alliance Workers are seen repairing the building.

I find it very strange how a Town Hall’s ceiling sustained the magic of a giant Blizzard raining down on it… to extinguish fire? Since when do you rain Blizzard on your own buildings to exinguish your fire? Whatever.

And not to mention how unprofessional the organiser handled his encounter with a Blood Elf. What was that ERP talk all about?

All in all, I’d like to get more insight into what the hell happened and why people chose to ignore a surprise attack. You do not HAVE to be on the front, but at least let your character react to something that was planned as a surprise by the organisers?

Most things could’ve been handled so much better. Sadly, some certain things just ruined the RP completely for me. I am forced to not attend Marik’s events in the future, just how tasteless things were handled, both IC and OOC.


That same reason was that people didnt come for rp-pvp

Tho it did look funny, ngl


Yes, I can understand that, but like I said: You don’t even have to fight. But to get into safety, halt the games on the bridge and let your character react properly to a surprise attack like this, that would’ve made the RP overall much more pleasant and authentic. For me, it just looked plain ignorant and I feel sorry for the ones who wanted to make this an unique RP experience for once.

The organisers could’ve handled things better. They could’ve announced the attack, when it happened, through Raid-Warnings and the General chat, Discord, etc.


This is a very valid post. Allow me to elaborate later on this. At work now


A couple skeleboys is not gonna scare us hehe


Sure, it would’ve made sense, but why would people properly react to something that was so highly hidden (afaik) from the majority of the participants? That just looked as plain ignorant to interrupt\halt games for the sake of something that wasn’t even announced.

It was obviously miscommunication (re. numbers, location and overall en masse bursting in some moments) and yet another boulder thrown at organisers, but that barely makes original attendees of the games ignorant or guilty by ignoring this whole mess, imo


Funnily enough I raised the same point two days ago in the “/y gunshot” thread before this took off. The whole “It creates RP.” is not an argument, it is not a free pass to do as you please.
This is in the same category as the “/y gunshot” rp we see in many places.

The general points also raised by others in that thread of it being intrusive to others, being done for shock-value, and attention-seeking also ring true here.

In this case especially it is highly dubious and worrying to see it being brushed off as nothing, considering the content involved.
While appreciable the offending individual has come out and apologised, the simple fact of the matter is it shouldn’t have had to be like that in the first place - considering it was deliberately done to cause trouble as well, on an OOC level.

Arguable, considering other reactions for similar (or even lesser) perceived offences done by people with less agreeable standing within community rankings.

Context matters very much, broadcasting very much not PG-13 content in a very public channel is arguably much worse at exposure of explicit inappropriate content to possibly underage individuals than two persons sitting silently naked by the pond in Eversong Woods with implicit inappropriate behaviour going on behind the veil. :fishing_pole_and_fish:


Someone asked me to post my opinion here so i’ll do that since I wrote about what happened IC and I was there on Shellby as it all happened.

People in the event seem quite okay with explicitly violent RP, but one person’s objectively terrible IC behavior is somehow so bad he must be barraged ooc? It was tasteless but that is no reason to try to shut down the event by an out of character outrage mob on forums (from what I have been told!). There are many ways to deal with this reasonably and effectively, such as confronting him in RP about it, or if you simply do not wish to RP with someone like that then you can always stay away as many people do who cannot stand ‘edgy’ darkrp types. :smiling_imp::smiling_imp::smiling_imp:

This is probably not a popular opinion but I really do think the bar should be high on what a person should be ‘allowed’ to say if it is IC and their character is just tactless and evil before it is considered an ooc offense so horrible that it cannot in no way be dealt with through pusback in RP.

But hey this is just one opinion, people are allowed to have those still right? :wink:


When will the 3x Hammers apologize btw :crazy_face:


Yeah you are right, thats a very unpopular opinion


Is rape (let alone the encouragement of it) a topic that should be mentioned when you are roleplaying in a game intended for an audience that includes children? “It’s all IC” only goes so far, especially when there’s explicit evidence that there was OOC motivation for Marik’s character behaving that way.


Man… do you really consider /yell gunshot to be on par with the comment in question

You really hate gunshots huh

I guess people will ultimately defend their friends but I will say that you’re 100% correct that very similar dialogue from our resident pine-crested knight a few years ago got a much wider uproar

IMO there isn’t really a massive difference between doing sweaty roleplay in /e or /y and it’s fundamentally bad RP no matter which spatial channel you slime up with that kind of content

When somebody says “that roleplay was heavily embarrassing” people who reply “heh… whats the matter… sjw… did you just get owned” are pretty strange to me because I don’t think the idea that Old Town tier RP isn’t so great is necessarily a political stance

The OP has apologised and presumably won’t do it again so beyond people personally deciding to avoid them from now on there’s not really any further outcome to this. I honestly think that most of the blame lies with the norms in some areas of Alliance RP - when I roleplayed on Alliance actively for a while in 2018 I was pretty shocked to see the kind of content you’d see in perfectly average RP sessions (ie. not ERP but just chatting in the streets or w/e). People would say similar things to OP, they’d threaten their IC enemies with that kind of thing, they’re discuss parts of their anatomy really vividly and you couldn’t go 2 minutes without someone dropping dialogue that is like 80% swear words

If you RP in that environment a lot, it’s easy to begin to consider it the normal. That doesn’t really excuse OP and he basically did crypto-ERP with everyone who could hear his yells which is really funny but also not very epic but IMO that’s the context of what happened. A Stromic tragedy in three parts ( before some human paladin spins my jaw off, Horde has its own problems as my Kul Tiran colleague here will no doubt allude to in a cryptic way … aughhh )

Calling for some big boycott (beyond doing it personally) is kind of pointless because ultimately that will just grief the people roleplaying at the event more than anyone else (which is prob the reason why people are defensive - people don’t like losing out on roleplay)

Times truly do change


someone asked me to jump off a bridge and i eventually decided against it

think for yourself sometimes


I don’t know about the first one, probably not but my real concern is that if outrage mobs get to police RP, it will result in more of it and for things that might be mature such as explicit language (RPing a sailor!) or emoted violence or anything that could be controversial. Like is the line drawn at what is PG12? Because then bad words will have to be policed.

Your second point about there being OOC motivations I know nothing about but if that is the case then yeah, you are right.

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Works for me.