[A-RP] The Games of Redridge - Concluded

I lean so far left that I’m legally banned from driving : (


Not much of an argument - “if you hate x you actually love x”

I personally don’t swear very often at all on my characters - it’s not engaging to me so it isn’t really fun to RP either

If people want to drop the f-word in some rare / fitting circumstance I don’t personally care (which is perhaps hypocritical, since I wouldn’t say the same about ERP et al) if it serves some narrative impact

If it’s just “xD im a sailor who roleplays in stormwind… im gonna say it!!!” then I just think DAMN is that some lower order roleplay in my path and don’t stick around


Saying everyone’s a hypocrite so do whatever you want doesn’t solve much of anything other than cause things to decline further. Blizzard have stated a while ago that it is up to the community on roleplay realms to uphold standards and enforce policies they wish to see. It is up to players to set bar and determine what is and what isn’t acceptable within Blizzard’s own policies.

I and many others think excessive swearing, or using words not appropriate in World of Warcraft roleplaying should be kept to an appropriate minimum (or avoided). I don’t think that’s really hypocritical or ‘puritan’ in anyway. If you think it is, then I wager you’re playing the wrong game if anything.




I have never complained about griefing honestly


the grief gest…


Look, guys. Okay. I’m primarily peeved with Marik because he broke character for his OOC agenda. The content? Not even remotely sensible or even, in regards to common sense, appropriate.

If you hold to the opinion that sexuality doesn’t exist in WoW, however, even of a violent nature, then you’re a fair few lore books behind. That’s in response to the ‘this doesn’t belong in my wholesome, overly violent universe!!’ crowd. On that note, there are so many fictional works that touch on these inappropriate topics that are openly accessible to minors that the argument, especially in this scenario really holds no weight whatsoever.

No, I’m not saying this should be advocated for public or general RP, or RP at all. I’m just saying that our characters, presumably aren’t hatched from eggs. If you’re role-playing an adult character, you will presumably have the comprehension of an adult. If you’re knowingly role-playing with minors… that’s weird, especially if you don’t know them irl as a relative, or at the least, a close family friend. But- but – what if I don’t know their age? Uhm, exactly? See wut I did there? Derp. Poop argument.

That being said, if I had been present, a number of my characters would have taken issue with Marik, not only for his Yu-Gi-Oh weeaboo name, but likely because what he said went against every knightly virtue and any code of decency. Your character/s might want to ask and take open, active and potentially aggressive issue with the fact, that the event organizer advocates the ‘r’ word.

In regards to excessive swearing, I agree with Perroy. Stormwind is full of estranged, out of place cockney street slang white teenage girl characters that all try to play off a bizarre version of a pubescent Powerpuff girl, usually confined to the use of one or two repetitive expletives. It’s even weirder when they actively turn up at RP campaigns/events for no apparent reason other than to ‘socialize’ but naturally their approach to ‘camp follower’ RP is very SJWMarySue-oriented, wherein they can fit just about any mould despite not having an hour’s worth of martial training.

Those and idiocy, ruin campaigns. Know what? Marik apologized, but still, since nobody has mentioned this yet. Marik – have some integrity for the character you’re playing. Is that the type of thing they’d advocate? If so, you should go RP Game of Thrones, or set up your own edgelordy universe, or find a suitable crowd. If not, then what you did is BD RP because you broke character to peeve people off, and have put another stain on those who can pull off mature themes appropriately. Go and sit in a corner, think about what you’ve done, and then make a youtube video.



Is this a new coypasta meme


This is a good pasta to remind lotheridan on a daily basis about his rp


This is what a washing machine sounds like



You are so edgy I cringed through your whole post. Like, the rest of you are making sense. This is just, eh.

What I did was wrong, and I know it was wrong. But I’m not going to stop creating the Games of Redridge over it, or take a back seat. I’m just going to learn from one of my now many mistakes. And get over it.

The people who took deep offense have left, and I’m really pissed off at myself that they have left. Because there is -alot- of peope that are having fun, To my knowledge.


On other news, feel free to post or send a direct DM on my discord what you think would be best for the many games. Be it Jousts, Racing and that sort!

I look forward hearing from you!

All I got from this was ‘Marik is a name I think comes from Yu-Gi-Oh’.

Amazing copypasta.


Tbh it’s 100% the highlight of that post.

what an argument

imagine unironically using the term ‘bad rp’ in 2019 HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH [wheeze]

I wanted him to admit he messed up properly without shrugging it off like a lol, whoops kinda thing. He admitted, despite the OOC screenshots making his confession questionable.

The only reason I dislike what he said is because firstly, who knows what the blood elf has been through on an OOC level? Their experiences? Potential trauma? We live in a world where this culture has been brought to light numerous times and seek to eradicate it. Now we have to endure it through other people on a game?

If you want to RP that way then sure, go ahead and threaten to do things to a persons character, but be a little more tactful with your language and take into account who you could be rping with. I daresay it’d make the story more interesting without alarms going off. Take reference to how the game and story is written, aside from that one time with Garrosh, a lot of these more heinous themes have been referenced or insinuated to a degree of storytelling with a play on words, not straight up.

This may be a game where these themes are somewhat present in lore ( or very present depending on the theme) but that doesn’t give you the right to downright tell people to get your [snip] out IC (I mean, is that word even a word to be used IC? Think of the diction that WoW uses, definitely not 2019 highschool lingo, or dare I say GoT)

To me its not about age, its about respect for the person you RP with, and what they could have been through. Just having a little bit of tact would have made something like that go down smoother. People don’t always want to play this game to be threatened IC with that. And lets face it, many of these themes do require a level of OOC understanding and agreement to go through with it IC.

IC is IC and we get that, but once again, tact, subtlety and a play on words. Also, don’t /yell darn it! Sure it was probably bad to take it OOC but I’ll be honest in saying sometimes things can’t just remain solely in character.

On another note;
YoU SHoULDn’T bE PLAyING tHEn isn’t valid anymore, everyone is free to play the game, just remember that these are people behind those characters when considering themes that can be triggering.

Its not always avoidable, but it can be.

Yeets out


Shockingly enough, the Blood elf in question was alright with -any- consequences. I checked with her OOC


Illidan is a poop head.

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And that’s good. You at least had a mind to check with the person, so cool beans. But the Blood Elf was not the only one subject to that. /yell carries far, and there were other people on the vicinity. Other people might also find it triggering too.

It’s just food for thought.

But yeah, kinda done here, said my say and all that, don’t want to derail this thread further.