[A-RP] The Games of Redridge - Concluded

Consensual context for non-consensual character RP. More shocking twists at ten.


What the did you just say about Illidan you little ? I’ll have you know I was trained at the Black Temple on how to kill little like you.

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TRP OOC: Keeps OOC and IC seperate! ^w^
This session: REEEEEE.jpg


I was trained by Archimonde himself how to beat the living nanny out of wee fan bois like you! <3

Late to the party but…
What the hell happened?

Go away. Its over now. Or is it?


As a side note, I’ve been enjoying the great amount of roleplay from various different attendees despite the little hiccup.

what did he mean by this though


Really enjoyed the events tonight as a spectator IC and to be honest OOC I was pleased there was no rp/pvp that spoiled the competitions with confusion, when everything can get confusing enough as it is when there are so many roleplayers in a small space.

Shall look forward to tomorrow’s events and rp, as long as there are no more turtle jokes. (You had to be there.)



He met a joke by this


Due to some low interest on Operation Redridge, we will be canceling this days activity for Thursday and replace it with some good old fashioned Tavern Activities.

  • Costume Contest
    Dress up as your favorite person or hero! At the end of the night, one person shall be picked as the most creative costume designer!
  • Hearthstone
    With the new expansion out! Hearthstone will be brought to the Taverns of Lakeshire, challenge others to a friendly match of Hearthstone and roleplay your characters reaction to match!
  • Lakeshire brawling
    Lakeshire is known for their underground fighting community, take the ring and challenge others for a good old boxing match! ‘Gloves provided’
  • Are you lying?
    A game opted by one of our attendee’s sit with a couple friends down, and tell some strong tales, if you’re found lying. You drink! If you catch a lie! You can tell someone to drink!

This gives the Bards a place to present their tales and songs, may they be mocks or truthful stories!

I hope that our attendee’s at the Games are still enjoying themselves, I for one, get a little bit flustered with so many things going on and around me, but I hope I haven’t been to anti social the past couple days.

Some special shout out to Footman, who’s been doing a stellar job providing the security of the Games.


I personally find the whole obscene language scene to be breaking the immersion for my roleplay excursions.

It’s really cringeworthy, and many people use it and justify it through Game of Thrones. And the current state of Alliance roleplay is full of this.

Edit: replying to above.

Also Mariks’ Intro scene


Why we say bad words?

Foreman Zog beat Womp very hard if he say ‘heck’.



I’d use pvp-check, but there’s only one human paladin obsessed with them and he’s allergic to alts. Surely this isn’t Galford?


Aye, the RP has been fun and amusing, confusing and eluding, uhm… yeah, despite what’s happened at least the rest of the RP is grand. People make it lively. I’ve enjoyed the few interactions I’ve had with my silly priest.

It’s a solid set of events and the number of people that made my toon feel at home is nice, so kudos to the team that organized it. :v:t2:


I dont get the bs, marik messed up ye. What else can he do then be sorry and take it as a lesson?

I feel this has been a weak try at a witchhunt.

I had my own *uck (cant believe i cant say the full word) ups my self anf learned from it i am damn sure marik will also learn from it

And a bout the name argument well i can’t say too much just something about adding a J and an additional L to an Arthurian Knights name.

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it’s time to d-d-d-d-discuss marik’s conduct on the forums


A turtle made it to the water!
The Circle of Life continues!

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To talk about something actually constructive…

As someone who was there, I can say that the Horde rp-pvp encounter was very confusing and sudden, and a majority of people were unsure if it was meant to be taken ic or not, or how they were meant to act on it. People slowly started taking part, spending some time figuring out whether it was meant to be restricted or not as well.

Not to mention that we all had our weapons removed for the sake of the Games, so if Horde saw a lot of people on the bridge not fighting, then it’s because they were unarmed and generally confused.

It was a good idea, but execution a bit unfortunate. I doubt people intended to snuff at or ignore the Horde, they just didn’t know what was going on or how they were meant to react.


As far as I understand it, the Horde were never meant to fight all the attendees because of the discrepancy in numbers, only they didn’t get the memo and decided to go unrestricted as a way to even out the odds without telling anyone, resulting in them steamrolling into town and giving no one time to emote about or react to what was happening.

I don’t know where exactly communication broke down to lead to that situation, but it was definitely not the attendees fault that no one could make sense of it.