[A-RP] The Games of Redridge - Concluded

Guild Name: The Games of Redridge
Numbers at peak: 1
Participating in the Games: Yes

time to stab some peeps who think they’re better than me

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Guild Name: The Games of Redridge
Numbers at peak: 1
Participating in the Games: Archery

Hey! The Sign ups for Archery opens up in the Town Hall on Sunday the 21st - 2300 - Until 19:00 Monday.

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Guild Name: The Crimson Covenant
Numbers at peak: 10
Participating in the Games: Yes


"Few days before the famed Games of Redridge, the Head Chef of Lakeshire has been missing without a word. Whilst notice about his disappearance has been placed, no one made a fuss out of it as the man returned few days later alas he was different. The vocal chef was in fact a mute, his tongue missing and his attitude shifted into solo work. No one questioned it, the drama from the harrowing experience must’ve taken its toll on the poor man.

Unknown to most, the Chef went through quite the ordeal with the bandits, or deserters in fact, camping in the area. As their way of repaying the Alliance of leaving them to die in the fields of battle, through mind bending they brain washed the chef into spiking the food for the games with two herbs: Bloodthistle and Flushbloom."

Those tasting the food may come under influence of either of the two plants, whilst they are rather toxic we will have medics available for the RP! Of course, any elf shouldn’t disregard the threat as both of these, whilst toxic to everyone else, are highly addictive to you.

PS, I am in no shape of form accountable for this! Marik held me hostage!


Just a friendly reminder! I’ve been bombarded with the same question over and over again!

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I believe you’ve forgotten to add a schedule to the bard contest, unless it has been removed from this years participating games. :slight_smile:

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Guild Name: The Bloodied Goats
Numbers at peak: 10
Participating in the Games: Yes - just one person competing, though.

(Sorry we’re late!)

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Better late than never, and last year was entertaining!

Guild Name: The Games of Redridge
Numbers at peak: 1
Participating in the Games: Yes


The Lonesome traveler and the Tavern.

“Ay! You there!” Marik gobbed off to the nearest person able to tap him another. “Do me good this time alright?” he said in a jovial tone. “Get this man one as well!” I gulped, he was pointing straight at me. What should I do now? Little time did I have before the broad man shoved a pint straight in me arms. “Now chug it.” Marik said laughing, he looked him dead in the eye with his amberpine headlights. “Well come on then?”

I began shaking, I didn’t enjoy the pressure of the beverage nor did I feel comfortable being the center of attention, at least for now, politely I declined and before I could sprout roots and before I could put in the groundwork for my reasonings, the pint got taken away from. “The Lord give it, and the Lord take it away.” a towering blonde said behind me. “Name’s Eric.” He said, burping loudly.

“Right… ehm, Pardon my rudeness, but I’m looking for the Organisation of the Games.” My hands nervously fidling with the cords of the bag of coin I managed to save. “I’ve eh…” My eyes, trying to find Marik and pull him apart.

I walked out of the Tavern, my head covered under a cowl and my bags considerably lighter. “Right then, let’s hope I won’t get matched to the Veterans.”

The man in the Story paid me 10k. Cough up friends.

That being said, this year’s prize pool depends largely on donations by the crowd! Any donations are welcome to fund the OOC prize of the Games of Redridge, you’ll receive a honorable mention

OOC on the forums, and be announced as a sponsor ICly!

For clarification! The Bard contest will be judged throughout the week! Sing your tales in the Taverns, in the Combat Zones, be noticed and you’ll be in the races! :slight_smile:


Don’t be afraid to takes part in some “Pre-games rp” that is active now. As long as the weapons restrictions, so don’t be alarmed if you are asked to turn over your arms and are searched!

Guild Signup:

Guild: House Meltherne
Number at peak: 8-12
Participating in the Games: Yes

So sorry for being late, was swamped irl!


For good and safety measure of the delivered weapons, the Retinue, with the blessing of the Sergeant of the footmen operating as security, reinforce the guard numbers by the lockers and racks where weapons are contained with a Death Knight, confident without the mundane needs of the livings so to have the surrendered tools of wars safekept.



Yall they’re just selling knives in the middle of Redridge tf are we gonna do now




The tavern was packed! Unfortunately I didn’t get a screenshot of it’s peak hours, but I did get an early one: https://imgur.com/a/KIIokn5



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The games are upon us! Come down to Lakeshire and respect our no weapons policy to properly enjoy not getting beaten down to pulp by Footman!

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Come down to Lakeshire and look for the big Pandaren in red to enquire about weapon smuggling services. No job too big.

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An awesome first day of the games! Can’t wait for the rest to come this week.