[A-RP] The Games of Redridge - Concluded

I would like to get some extra attention on this years event.

Operation: Redridge
Suggested Numbers for a squad: (5 - 9)
Required numbers to form a Fireteam (2-4)
Available on Tuesday and Thursday from 19:00 and on. (Thursday will likely go on way past midnight)

Mission Description
A squad turned rogue after half their unit was brutally murdered in the war for Loraderon. Multiple calls of distress were made on the radio, but none were heard, or answered.

After failing to receive back up, this particular squad escaped the warfront and began to plot their revenge. The Games of Redridge, being their target.

Our Intelligence shows their Combat Outpost to be in Stonewatch, a garrison that was once the pride of the Alliance. Find out what you can and capture Sergeant Ericson

Rules of Engagement

  1. The Squad will only use Lethal force when absolutely necessary.
  2. All Aggresive Hostiles are to be overpowered, disarmed and captured for possible questioning
    • Aggressive Hostiles (Noun) ‘’ 1 An enemy which directly threatens the operation by active wielding of weaponry or other tools of destruction.
  3. All other personnel in Stonewatch are to be considered non hostile, and thus halted, disarmed and evacuated from the vicinity.

Final Notes
Work fast, our scouts have picked up an IED Threat.

For our Location this year, Lakeshire will be our main hub. Find the Imgur link below for more details about Combat Zones.

ht tps://imgur.c om/a/9gzJuTt

If you wish for your character to get a special announcement, contact: Ansal Sax#7686 - The deadline for this is the 15th.

For Sign ups this year:
All the Games require a Champions Pass, this pass shows an image of the Games being held on that day. Every day, you’ll have to renew your champions pass for the Games of that day.

We’ll be posting the brackets later to give you an indication of the numbers in the Tournament.

Staff Passes
For all Medics, Squires, Guild Masters & Organisation Staff. You will be asked to check in with the Welcoming Committee to receive a Staff Pass, which ill give you special entree to our FOB, the FOB asks for Identification at the door.

I’m really excited for this edition, as a small story will be telling you the passing off my previous character. (Marik Caloran) - and this edition will introduce my new character as new host for the Games!

After Afterword
This is an extra announcement. Because I keep receiving the same question.

Sign ups on the forums are a courtesy for me to plan brackets.
Sign ups for the Games are individual and start 21 hours in advance of the first game of the day. Strictly IC at the Welcome committee. (So at 23:00 the day before until 19:00) - Signing up outside these brackets are possible. However require an OOC fee of 5000g. Early Bird Sign ups start the 15th. IC the early bird sign up us a single golden coin.


What date will the Marksmanship competition be on?

Monday the 22nd. As noted in the Schedule in the OP!

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Guild Name: Nightfall Brigade
Numbers at peak: 10
Participating in the Games: Yes


I hope you are all excited, there has been slot of effort put into this year’s addition as always, it is a credit to marik, who does deserve alot of appraisal as it gets slot of rp going on the server that is on the downfall, hope to see you all there!


Upon entering Redridge you see various notices plastered at the roads leading into Lakeshire

You are now entering a restricted weapon zone. No weapons are permitted past this point in the interests of safety.
Surrender any and all weapons to security forces in exchange for a weapon ticket; your weapons will be stored safely and will be returned to you upon conclusion of the Games or your exit from the restricted area.

Note that weapon restrictions are in place for the duration of the Games of Redridge in order to preserve the King’s peace and ensure public safety.
In case of attack, please remain within the restricted area and allow security forces to deal with the situation. If your aid is required, you will be notified by the organisers.

Failure to uphold the above rules will result in the disqualification of both yourself and your group from the Games.

See you at the Games!

With The Games of Redridge nearing us! I want to say a special thank you for my dedicated Staff who’ve been working and giving me feedback during this all!

  • Arvo Deluves - Liontooth Squadron
  • Sergeant Matheson - Footman
  • Eugene O’Malley - Footman
  • Sir Ortellus Falheim - League of Arathor
  • Sir Matrious Smith - House Briarcliff / Calorans
  • Sir Cristopher - Calorans
  • Sir Eric Hightower - Calorans
  • Sir Edmyn Darpley -

Honorable mention to Sir Jack Asheton, who’s helped me with some Gryphon must know aspects.


Just 5 more days, cannot wait to play the medic. Im a professional… somewhat. (If your right foot and left hand end up amputated and switched I will not be held accountable)

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Can I watch from a distance?

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Sure, there will definitely be some spike from which you’ll have a great view!

This event gonna be fun! Looking forward to it! Recommended to attend, Marik is a cool guy :slight_smile: and he holds this well!


Yes, contact Morseth. :smirk: :male_detective::crossed_swords:

Thank you so much for the kind words! Maybe I should have a go at an RPPvP campaign once.


Surely do so if you have time! I’m sure it would go well, hopefully :smiley: :heart:


Only five more days! I’m excited, what are you most excited for?

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Guild Name: The Games of Redridge
Numbers at peak: 1
Participating in the Games: Yes

Hope I formatted that right, coming on my lonesome. I know it’s being left to the last minute!

Can’t wait for the duelling and the melee!

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But do you have cheese…

Guild Name: The Games of Redridge
Numbers at peak: 1
Participating in the Games: Yes

Sorry for late signup///

Guild Name: The Games of Redridge
Numbers at peak: 1
Participating in the Games: Yes

With over 160 sign ups so far, The Games of Redridge are promising to become one of the larger Server Events on the Alliance. The Games of Redridge is a one of a kind Tournament hosted yearly, this year is the third edition and the largest of the three.

Below, you’ll find some must know details for this edition!

  • Sign ups start at the same day of the intended event.

    • Example: Thursday the 25th starting from 23:00 until 19:00 the next day opens sign ups for the Joust on Friday the 26th. Sign ups are IC. If you wish to sign up outside of these timings, a fee applies. (5.000 )
  • Lakeshire has become a weapon’s free zone.

  • Guild Masters and Medics can claim a staff pass

    • Giving them acces to the Forward Operation Base of the Organisation, allowing them to discuss the day, raise concerns etc.
  • Operation: Redridge is a special event that requires more than 4 players to sign up

  • Special Combat Zones have been designed for the Games

    • htt ps://imgur.com/a/9gzJuTt - Meaning that all other sorts of combat are prohibited outside these zones. If you have a personal feud. Ensure the spectators have a good view and move to a designated Combat Zone.
  • The Games of Redridge has plot for spectators to engage in!

    • Be on the look out for suspicious activity… :cowboy_hat_face::no_smoking:

Character name: John Ralin

Guild Name: No guild
Numbers at peak: 1
Participating in the Games: Yes

Apologies for late signup///

It’s alright! Adding you regardless.