[A-RP] The Games of Redridge - Concluded

In hindsight, maybe it was a little bit of a heated gamer moment. It just got out of hand.

Yeah “she could have prevented getting herself nonced on” was also a heated gamer moment


it’s just so easy for stuff to get out of control when you’re intently focused on gaming

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That explains the presence of the Retinue, I suppose.


But where is girem


Marik has a sad history with apologies on public. Maximum he will toss you an apology via in-game mail and that is not even a sarcasm


Why are ally rpers so obsessed with non-consensual acts?


Instant Drums of War Darkshore flashbacks


Alliance seems to need a large community in their midst that takes a strong stance against that sort of behaviour.

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Isnt it historically accurate?

That’d require Alliance roleplayers to work together, though, and god knows that’s not going to happen.

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There will be a nonzero number of people who unironically believe that.


yikes, basically this

Unironically ally rp pre-2013

Inhuman, as my man Garithos would have said


Hello everybody, goodmorning/afternoon.

Yesterday something happened that I feel, I need to correct. In the late evening hours we had a Horde player, which name I won’t mention here paraded through Lakeshire as an alternative to character death, because nobody likes to enjoy having their character killed. This was done in a way which is unacceptable in our community. I got carried away so far beyond any ethical limits, said things before thinking them through toroughly and this is wrong. Not only did I infringe on the online safety of many people. But also unintentionally insulted/hurt many of my attendee’s.

As an organiser of this event, this is really unacceptable, and I would like to apologise to each and every one of you in person. However, I’m unable to do such thing, so I hope that my message reaches you here on the forums. If you know anyone who has a hard time with what had happened here, know that this sort of behavior will not happen again under my watch, and that I wish to promise you. I hope you will still enjoy the remaining festivities of the Games of Redridge, and I hope logging on will not feel anything other than relaxed for you today, this week and this year.

Yesterday, I was too tired to set my priorities straight hence, the late reply as I only now just woke up. Today, I will continue doing my best to bring the Alliance Community together by creating, after my comments have driven some of you further away.

I’m sorry.


On behalf of all of AD I forgive this lost war r***** and cleanse him of his sins


Time to launch queldorei bladewang @aerilen

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I’m sorry, war rapists?


You’re right, although that wasn’t only unacceptable but also despicable and you should have known better. A simply apology doesn’t really cut it as this kind of behaviour shouldn’t be encouraged, even by mistake.

If I had any thoughts of attending this event then this basically decided it for me. I’m going to boycott it on all my characters.


Damn, events gonna suffer really hard lmao