[A-RP] The Gilded Compass

The troubles of the world were multiplying at a rapid pace. The armistice between the Alliance and the Horde was tenuous at best. Major battles gradually erupted in strategic locations like Alterac Valley, Warsong Gulch, and Arathi Basin, bringing the two factions closer to all-out war. What the Horde and the Alliance did not realize was that this explosion of disorder was partially the work of the Old Gods. The entities were subtly fanning the flames of conflict to weaken the world’s nations. But they never had a chance to spread. It was not the legendary heroes of past wars who rose up to fight for their world; it was the ordinary citizens of Azeroth who intervened. They began their journeys for different reasons. Some fought for adventure or for the noble cause of justice. Some fought for vengeance and to join the war against a hated faction. Some even fought for money and looked for ways to profit from the conflicts. Still others fought for glory, so that their names will be remembered by the entire world. And some traveled alone, while others formed mighty guilds that worked together to fight against the darkness.

As the years passed, these extraordinary champions would be called upon to do the impossible. Without them, Azeroth would surely have succumbed to evil.

  • Para-quote from the third Warcraft Chronicle volume, Chapter IV: Old Hatreds

Who are we?

The Gilded Compass is a conjunction of people coming from all sorts of walks of life, whether they are masters over dark magic or champions of the Light. The thing that binds these people together is the desire to combat what threatens their homelands and what threatens Azeroth itself; be it the Horde or the armies of the Old Gods. This guild’s purpose is to fight for Azeroth’s well being and her denizens as well, one good deed at a time, either by fighting or by just offering a hungry beggar an apple. Though, as the guild is founded by alliance members, some of which may be heavily affected by the Horde’s actions, the Horde is also seen as a potential enemy. We do not trouble the trouble that does not trouble us.

Rank System

The guild itself does not have a huge emphasis upon a hierarchy, as it is not a military guild. Ranks won’t matter much, as everyone has a voice within The Gilded Compass. Officer ranks ICly are just there for the sake of keeping things running.

OOC: This rank signifies that you are an out of character member of the guild or perhaps an alt of a member of the guild that is not in the guild in character yet.

New blood : Brand new people into the group of adventurers.

Initiate : You’ve proven yourself to the group, we trust you to look after our backs and can trust you to do non-critical things on your own (Such as scouting etc)

Proven : Main bread and butter of the group so to speak, people who’ve been around and been on some adventures, trusted to do most things on their own and they are asked to help the new bloods find their footing in the group.

Veteran: Being a veteran means you’ve been in the guild for a while, and it also means that qualify for showing the newbie cookies around, answering any questions they might have about the guild, and help include them in activities of the guild.

Advisor : This is the officer rank for both an in character and out of character basis, and basically includes management / oversight of the guild.

Leader : Another self-explanatory name, this is the rank of the Guild Leader.

Rules and regulations.

Do not be rude to people out of character(OOC).
I cannot stress this enough. Even if you’ve some gripe with the person, don’t cause them harm or seek a fight with them, whether they’re in the guild or not. Just keep away from them, and if they try to harm you or approach you seeking quarrel, put them on /ignore or tell an officer. We’re a family; we got your back. And if you want to talk to them, just be polite. Nothing good can come from unwarranted arguments.

Keep IC as IC and OOC as OOC.
While you and someone else may wage war in character and even want to kill one another, the player behind the computer surely does not want that upon you, so don’t take it so.
And while you may not like someone OOC, don’t bring spiteful words IC to a stranger just because you hate them OOC. Instead, you can just choose to have minimum interaction with them, as nobody’s forcing you to talk to them. And if they talk to you, you can respond or keep the RP short lived if it makes you uncomfortable on an OOC level.

While on a campaign, do not leave IC settlement ICly
If we are attending a campaign of whatever nature, if we’re in Winterspring, don’t go to Stormwind City in search for RP.

Uniform Rules
Technically, we don’t have an uniform. And we encourage that you make up a set that you like. But please; keep it on a realistic level; humble sets, mostly.
Something fitting with the Tabard is preferred too but not a requirement.

Location rules
We’re a rather open minded and carefree bunch, so we won’t restrict you from going anywhere ICly (Apart from Goldshire. Seriously, do not go there, IC or OOC.) when we’re not in campaigns, as long as it makes sense / you can explain it.

OOC information

• This guild is an alliance-aligned guild that welcomes players of any race and any class that make sense. (I’m not sure how a DK will get along with other members or why a Demon Hunter would work with us.)

• Some of us here are lore geeks, and we’re -more than happy- to help out any player, new or seasoned with lore that they might have gotten wrong or which they simply do not know. Same applies for us; should we be wrong about anything.

• The guild’s exclusion system will work on a warning system of 3 warnings. That means 3 IC warnings and 3 OOC warnings before you’re requested to leave the guild or kicked should you not take your leave.
- These warnings mean that if you cause trouble IC or OOC for 3 times in a row (Whichever comes first), a kick will be ensued.
- For example, you can have up to 2 OOC strikes and 2 IC strikes. Whichever one of them becomes 3 OOC strikes or 3 IC strikes first will get you the boot.

• We don’t currently have a base, but if guild members want one, we’ll find one.

I want to join this guild, how do I do it?

Well, through IC interactions there’s always the chance to join the guild!

Otherwise, you can whisper an officer or myself about it; and we’ll get you sorted as soon as possible.

Or just talk to a guild member of any rank and when the officers are around we’ll get you initiated IC!



Very excited for this


Oooo. Good luck with that Alyn


Thank you!


Idk what it is or what she’s doing, i know Alyn is actually a nice person and pleasant to be around, try it out, i’m sure you mooks have nothing better to do anyway. You yeah, you, you know who i’m talking about. Also she gives out free cookies.

DISCLAIMER: may not actually contain free cookies

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Good people, even better GM. Best of luck.


Idk what to say here… Hi Mom and will be an Interesting guild to be part of


All I can say is goodluck. This certainly looks like a great guild, and I can assure that the GM’s are well worth their status. :slight_smile:

Alyndaria is a good person and an awesome roleplayer! (And let’s not get on the wrong side of her pvp. ;D)


Good luck. :slight_smile:

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A very nice guild, with VERY NICE AND LOVELY people in it, i very recommend it ^^ :heart:

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Good luck with the guild! Cannot wait to see what shenanigans you get up to :wink:


Not to pick sides here, but is it usual for certain people as soon as they see something to immediately go on a hunt to post as much derogatory stuff as they can find in order to increase poo-flinging and cause even more drama, especially since, according to some, Alliance roleplay is already a big heap of yikes?

At this point all of us may as well be degenerates, both accused and accusers.

Perhaps I’ll post on one of my alts next time as well because I don’t want people to see my main and cause more infighting, drama, and more reasons to hate one another.


I just think some people have nothing better to do with their lives than to try and ‘investigate’ someones fantasy character. Including the linking of an F-list that doesn’t exist. And an F-list of someone who I don’t even think is in the guild.

That’s something I got to ask. Why are these horn dogs visiting F-list so much?

It looks as if the post was not just deleted, but nuked from existence.

oof in 10 chars.

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His sad little Sherlock Holmes post is gone. As it should be. Imagine caring that much about a guild you have zero intention of joining lmao


I often hypothesise its people who basically dont get any attention from people or erp so they basically incel themselves into oblivion.

Also, it seems the post got rekt harder than the titanic to the iceberg.

Not only that. But they’re taking stealthy screenshots of some very vague pieces of conversation.

are you okay there kalmor

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Getting off topic either way, id say the actual guild is a pretty nice idea and frankly I hope it does well.