[A-RP] The Seventh Legion - Sixth Cohort

All your bassssses belongsss to usssss…hssssss…

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It will be an honorable battle! Lok’tar!

Good luck to the lovely seventh legion!

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“… snakes… why’d it have to be snakes.”

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After a short break for the Easter period and a couple of small events during this time the Seventh Legion are once more ready to kick Horde and Naga butts.

Happy hunting all!

Sends in Thanh the Ravasaur


The Legion faced a real challenge in tonight’s event, being forced to protect civilians from the incoming naga tide. Now they must guide them through the mountains and back to the safety of Alliance lines.

Bloodwatch stands.


…give me my pencil back

As those of the Seventh Legion within Blood Watch stood in shock, the Legionaries’ instincts kicked in, he whisked the small draenei child away from the impaled body of her friend, he took her back to her kin, her parents who sobbed and held her tight when he told them what had happened, it turned out that other child was her twin brother. The Legionary sent them towards the main building, hoping they would be safer there before heading back to the Legion, back to the fight.

As he approached the ledge above the rest of the Legion, he spotted the ballista teams that had killed the child and the Void flickered across his right hand as his anger rose and he clenched his fists, without even a second glance he made his way through the Void and shadows towards the ballistas, upon arrival he decimated the first team with ease, taking out the main operative first and then the other two in swift succession.

In a blur of motion he moved to the second ballista team and their main operative, taking out the Naga as it’s attention was on it’s next shot, aimed for Blood Watch. Pain caused the Legionary to yelp as two tridents collided with his body, the first impact to his shoulder luckily caused him to shift, making the second one aimed for his torso scrape across his ribs rather than impale him. Using the Void as his aid, he managed to take out the two Naga. However, now all of them knew he was here…

The Naga were closing in on him. In a split second decision he used the ballista, as he had dispatched the operative before the Naga could fire it, the ballista itself was aimed at the Naga forces heading for Blood Watch, with a smirk the Legionary fired the motion caused the ballista to shunt backwards, using this motion he assisted it off the edge of the hill, it crumpled in on itself from the impact and the Legionary slipped back into the shadows to get back to the Seventh Legion.

The town of Blood Watch was surrounded by Naga, the locals and the Legion fighting for their lives, the Legionary made his way around the town to the Draenei, as he arrived more fell, he had to stop the wave of Naga pushing towards the main building. Corporal Croft formed a barrier of Light around the entrance to the building where the locals were causing the ballista bolts to fizzle and disperse against it rather than hitting the building.

The Legion needed time to pull back as well. As the locals headed towards the building being replaced by the Legion, they all started to fall back, however, the Naga just kept coming. With a growl the Legionary gave into the Void, using it and the shadows cast by the Naga to lash out at them, holding back the wave until the Legion could retreat to the building, behind the barrier of Light.

Slowly, the Legionary moved backwards towards the building, keeping the Naga closest to him at bay, with a gasp he stopped suddenly, pain seared through his right thigh, the Void flickered and also came to an abrupt halt, a large spear thrown by one of the Naga had gone straight through his leg, pinning him to the ground.

As soon as the Void dropped the Naga swarmed again, the Legionary had no time to think, with a grunt he yanked the spear out of the ground, still in his leg as he shadow stepped behind the Light barrier. Swaying slightly at the pain this caused him, he watched as the Naga parted and let forward a Sea Giant, a large anchor swinging in its hand, the Sergeant relayed the Lieutenants orders to shoot at the Giant, hoping to slow it.

“Raiyen, there is a medical kit on my belt.”

The Legionaries attention shifted to Croft who was holding the barrier up with the aid of Aspirant Holdring before he took the medical kit, his gaze moved to his thigh and he knew he would have to push the spear all the way through in order to get it out. Stealing himself, he did just this, allowing the coiling energies of shadow mending to work briefly on it as well, however as shadow mending always damaged the user, it caused his other wounds to split open further. Swaying on his feet, he managed to wrap a bandage tight enough around his thigh to slow the bleeding.

A strange noise came from the barrier above him and Raiyen only just caught Croft before she hit the floor in time, the Light barrier faltered before it was bolstered again by Aspirant Holdring, with a nod of thanks she steadied herself and aided her fellow Light user with keeping the barrier up. The Sea Giant had swung it’s anchor at the barrier, it was about to do it again.

“Raiyen? Can you Rift us to safety?”

Raiyen’s mind raced, could he? Thinking over the variables he nodded.

“I… I can but everyone will ‘ave to be ready, I won’t be able to hold it open long.”

The order spread through the ranks of the Legion and to the civilians alike, rallying them together, as Raiyen managed to rip open a tear, the Rift that formed was shakey at first before it stabalised, leaving Raiyen shaking instead, his weakened, injured state was not making this as easy as usual. A few of the Legion went through first, followed by the civilians, Raiyen collapsed to his knees as the rest of the Legion filed through, holding it open still as the edges of the Rift shivered and quaked.

Lieutenant Walgrim, grabbed him and dragged him through, they were the last two and just in time as they stepped into the Void, the Rift slammed shut behind them. Within the Rift was rather hostile, the coldness from it amplified, the pressure was constricting and it felt like they were rushing towards something dreadful before suddenly it stopped and they were practically vomited out onto the floor by the Rift.

Those injured and healing were bleeding again as their wounds had ripped open once more from the pressure in the awry Rift, Raiyen fell to his knees as his gaze shifted over their surroundings, he frowned a little. Where were they? A noise behind him made him peer at the civilians, the little girl that he had whisked away earlier yawned as she looked at him from her mother’s’ arms, she was safe so were her parents. A few of the Legion rushed forward towards the noise that had made Raiyen turn, the Lieutenant had collapsed. Everyone was stood or sat in silence, huddled in groups, tending to wounds but not their usual Legion selves.

“Get your arses up! Set up camp. Thodim, Gladerunner, you are with me.”

The order from Sergeant Havenbleach spurred the Legion into motion, Raiyen frowned and dragged himself to his feet, the pain ripped through his leg but he had to scout, Raiyen fell in and followed Thodim and the Sergeant, they scouted out the area towards the south of where they had landed.

Masking his pain through gritted teeth and keeping his hood up, Raiyen struggled on, keeping up with them as best he could, his need to find out where they were and how much he had messed up with the Rift kept him going, his mind wandered from time to time to Dawnsong, the Commander and the rest of the Legion left behind who had been out scouting and away from Blood Watch during the attack. Were they alive?

“Bloody… steep here.”

The voice of the Sergeant pulled him from his thoughts and he loaded his grapple hook, taking aim he fired it towards one of the trees higher up on the mountainside, it coiled around it and hooked on, with a test yank he climbed gingerly, cursing slightly from the pain.

“Oh…. I know these rocks… Sarge, I think we are in those mountains…. Stone something…. Stone Mountains…. Feck what’s it called!?”

Raiyen glared at the rocks as he got to the top he had been here before during an archeology expedition, he knew this area but he had been to so many places that remembering all of their names was difficult, they carried on and were suddenly joined by Gladerunner, climbing higher they watched a battle unfold below them between the Alliance and the Horde.

“Damn…. Can’t lead the civvies this way.”

The Sergeant muttered as he scowled at the area below, their attention shifted towards a distant settlement, before the Sergeant spoke again.

“Right best get back.”

With that they turned and made their way back down the mountain, abseiling it was easier on Raiyen’s leg but the pain was causing him to sway on his feet, finally they got back to the rest of the group, the Seventh Legion and the civilians had set up camp. Aspirant Chapman had even managed to find a stag for food. Sliding down one of the trees, Raiyen swam in and out of consciousness as the Sergeant planned, the others awaited their next orders, tended the wounded and fed the civilians. Closing his eyes he fell asleep.


“I didn’t do it!”

Raiyen yelped in his half dazed state as a pencil hit his head, waking him up.

“Get your wounds seen to and give me my pencil back.”

With a grumble, Raiyen tosses the pen back to the Sergeant and pulls himself to his feet with pain ripping through his wounds once more, moving to his bag, he pulls out a leather bound item, shuffling to the Sergeants’ side he’d flop heavily and painfully to the floor, unfurling the leather, revealing a large kit of medical vials, a anti venom creation set and several other pots and vials, a miniature alchemy kit.

Unwrapping his bandaged leg, he curses slightly at the damage it’s bad, really bad but luckily most people are paying attention to their own issues and worries, he uncorks a vial and pours it onto the wound with a sizzling sound it burns a bit more of the tissue closed but it is nowhere near healed. He wraps it again in a fresh bandage before he senses something behind him.


Rising carefully he turns to be greeted by a familiar face, Dawnsong. He grins brilliantly as the Legionary moves closer to the Legion, noticing Kel’shara’s limp, the smile falters slightly and he moves closer to Kel’shara, circling him, inspecting him for obvious wounds and damage, which of course earns him a scowl. Raiyen smirks a little.

“I’m fine!”

“Aye? Ya better be… idiot.”


The Seventh continue our campaign in Kalimdor, and as the battles rage on the nature of total war begins to show itself.


I was not allowed to kill wounded Horde soldiers ;-;


… the Rift went awry

A frown spread across his face, hidden behind his hood as he watched the Seventh Legion gather, under the command of Lieutenant Walgrim they prepared themselves to head over the mountains, ropes had been placed by the scouting team that consisted of Thodim, Dawnsong and Valadian, but now the Legionary was watching the civilians and doubt settled in the pit of his stomach. How would they all climb the mountain? Could they?

“Lead the way, Valadian.”

Came the curt order from the Lieutenant. Fear flooded through him, what if he faltered, he was still injured and in pain, his leg had not healed well and nor had his other wounds. Swallowing it down, he nodded at the Lieutenant and made his way towards the first set of ropes. It was secured onto an old tree but it’s roots ran deep. Pain ripped through his leg when he climbed, when he got to the top he felt himself pale but thanked his lucky stars for his hood and mask.

“All safe!”

Raiyen yelled out as he shifted back from the edge and wrapped a fresh bandage around the wound to his thigh, hiding the slowly growing blood stain. Just as he had finished Corporal Longmane landed with a thud. He had jumped… well that is one way to get up…. Moving back to the edge, Raiyen watched as a few more climbed. Dawnrider used her demons strength to get her up the mountainside, of course.

“Dawnrider… ya think one of ya portal things would work? Might get the civvies up…”

“Mhm… I suppose I could assist them in getting to the top. Yes.”

Rolling his eyes a little he watched as she did indeed summon a portal for the rest to walk through. Unfortunately, this only led to the draenei civilians to cower back in fear, of course they were scared of it. Scowling at his own stupidity he watched Neimi climb instead, there was a groan from the tree and it shifted.

“No no no no!” Raiyen shadow stepped to the rope, grabbing it and holding it steady just as Holdring also assisted, using his plated weight to keep the tree from moving further. Together they were able to keep the rope secure and in place for Neimi to reach the top, they continued to hold the rope and the tree just in case anyone else wished to climb as they awaited the outcome of the whole portal business.

After a while Kraanos appeared through the portal, causing the rest of the draenei to follow him, the Seventh Legion and the civilians carried on up the mountains. Until the second rope, Thodim stood at Raiyen’s side this time and once again Raiyen was able to hide his pain long enough to get to the top of the rope and call down for the others to follow. Carefully he made his way further up to the third and final rope, this one lead down the other side.

As Raiyen reached the top he flicked his gaze over the Kaldorei lodge in the distance, then onto the ruins closer by. The forested area between here and there was almost silent, pain ripped through his thigh again and he glanced down to notice more blood had started to soak into the pale bandages, he only had a few more moments of respite, undressing the wound he winced and scowled.

Shadow healing, it was painful but it would help a little, he knew he had to do it, muttering to himself as he channeled the spell he watched as tendrils of shadow knitted a small section together before the pain from it ripping open the wounds to his shoulder and ribs was too great and he had to stop, hearing someone coming he quickly applied a fresh bandage and shoved the blood soaked ones in his bag.

Dawnrider appeared with her demon in toe. Her distaste spread through the air like poison as she glared at the drop. “I suppose I will be required -again- they have already had two portals, I suppose a third will be acceptable.” Raiyen couldn’t help but smirk, the arrogance of her was astounding, his gaze shifted again to the rope.

“Abseiling next.” he stated simply.

“… you have got to be kidding me. No one is crazy enough to–…”

Dawnrider’s words were cut off as Raiyen aimed to prove her wrong, taking the rope he did indeed abseil down, it hurt less going down than it had going up, or was it just that the small amount of healing he had done aided him? As he reached the bottom he grinned.

“It’s sa–… Fecking!”

“Lok’tar Ogar!”

An orc appeared axe raised and aimed for Raiyen, he wasn’t even able to get his weapons out in time, the orcish axe embedded itself deep within the elf’s shoulder, before being ripped free causing the Legionary’s blood to splatter out across the ground beneath their feet. A roar came from above as Corporal Longmane came to his aid, slamming into the ground as he charged towards the Orc.

Gaze blurring, Raiyen staggered before two others came to his aid, Neimi and surprisingly Dawnrider, both ready and willing to heal him in their own ways. With the burst of energy he gained from this Raiyen moved to stand the other side of the Orc. Longmane brought him low and moved back to the others on top of the mountain as they had their own battle to fight against more Orcs that had arrived.

Dawnrider stepped in and Raiyen knew her idea, her path… as she started to draw the Orcs soul out from his body, Raiyen frowned and aimed to put a stop to it, slitting his throat instead, hoping that this would cause the soulstone to stay empty. Through gurgled noises, the Orc let out a slight chuckle and a grin, as he showed the pin in his hand to the pair. Eyes going wide, Raiyen yelled at Farnith’s demon to keep her safe before throwing himself behind a tree and aiming to protect Neimi.

The explosion rocked the tree slightly and the three of them peaked out from their respective cover, Farnith dropped her barrier with an irritated sigh, before she began tapping the soulstone, trying to awaken the Orc’s soul. With a scowl Raiyen and Neimi set up a perimeter and waited for the Legion to make their way down the mountain.

The Legion and the civilians finally arrive, but three short. They had fallen before the Orc riders attack, luckily the young girl that Raiyen had helped was still with her parents, no more misfortune befell that family. They pressed on, making their way towards the kaldorei structure, as they drew closer they came across an illidari who had been tasked with seeking them out before they made their way to the entrance of the small settlement.

“Welcome. You are a long way from home… What brings you to Stonetalon?”

A kaldorei matriarch stood before the Seventh Legion, she welcomed them and the civilians into the settlement and escorted the Lieutenant to a small sheltered area in order for them to continue their conversation.

“It is a rather long story… full of awry Rifts and mountain climbing.”

“Not my fault…” Raiyen muttered to himself as he flumped to the floor with a hiss of pain, he felt the blood soaking into his armour from his ribs as he sat there hoping that the bandage on his thigh would not turn red again. After a while of talking, the matriarch gave them hippogryphs to fly further south, so that they could find space to rest properly and have a bit more safety for the civilians.

Dragging himself back to his feet, pain rips through his thigh once more and he limps his way to the hippogryph. On the other side he should find somewhere to stand, somewhere out of the way… he nods a little as he clambers onto the hippogryph and files towards the village, when he arrives he mutters before he sits next to a large tree, stretching his legs out in front of him with a wince of pain as he pales a little more. Kel’shara appears from the shadows, grinning at him.

“Damn my feet hurt.”

Raiyen shifts and yanks Kel’shara’s boots off with a slight smile, hiding his pain from Kel as he does so.

“Eh!? What are you doing?”

The indignation in his voice causes Raiyen to chuckle softly, “It’ll help ya feet relax a little, ‘urt less.”

“No it won’t.”

“It will…”

“I think I would know better than -you-.”

Their playful banter is put to a halt with the arrival of Corporal Croft, as she sits next to them, she notices that Raiyen is in pain and paler than usual, as she goes to touch his leg, Raiyen snarls a little at her and moves away.

“It’s fine.”

“I… I see… well… Do you want pain relief instead?”

Kel gets to his feet with a frown as he mutters something about getting his stuff ready before walking away. Raiyen’s gaze follows him before shifting back to Hazel. A frown forming on his features before he shrugs.

“Sure. Pain relief sounds fine.”

Passing him five pots, she is muttering something about the dosage and amount he should take and that he should only take them with water. Frowning a little Raiyen tilts his head at her and then breaks her strange spaced out muttering.

“Croft? I don’t think I need this many…”

“What? Oh… how many did I give you?”


“Oh… Oh…. sorry, no you don’t need that many…”

Taking three back she offers him a weak smile before getting back to her feet and walking away, with a frown, Raiyen tips three of the tablets out into his hand before taking them with the water from his water skin. Dragging himself to his feet as he goes in search of Kel’shara. He finds him readying a hippogryph, his bag over the creatures back, he turns to face Raiyen and nods at him before speaking.

“I’m gunna fly a bit, see how far I have to go before I can get a message to the Commander, or Rift to them… whatever comes first. This area doesn’t like the Void…”

“Be careful. Ok?”


With a soft smile, Raiyen nods to Kel’shara and allows him to fly off on the Hippogryph, standing there for a while before moving to the inn. Leaning against the doorway as the pain relief starts to work, causing him to feel slightly nauseous. Closing his eyes he enters a strange zoned out state, it’s only when he senses the Void that he pushes himself off the doorway, the sudden movement causes blood to soak into his armour and bandage.

Out of the Rift steps the rest of the Seventh Legion, including the Commander. Upon his arrival the Legion that had followed Lieutenant Walgrim moved to welcome him, saluting him and speaking, their concern and voices merged and flowed over one another as the Commander listened. As the Lieutenant was still recovering himself, the next in charge and present was Corporal Longmane.

“Longmane, report.”

“Of course, Sir. I advise bringing Valadian with us though as he knows some things better than I do.”

The Commander nodded and then escorted the pair to an upper floor of the inn. As they enter, they hear the footsteps of others, Rune and Thodim appear in the doorway, along with Gladerunner. Swaying slightly, Raiyen starts to give his account on what happened at Blood Watch, but when he gets to creation of the Rift and where it dropped them out, he falters and sways a little more, the colour draining from his face further.

“I’m sorry…. I failed… the Rift went awry…”


The Commander using his first name caused him to look the Quel’dorei in the face. Although Raiyen’s eyes blurred a little more he focused enough to be able to listen to his Commander.

“If it was not for you, everyone at Blood Watch would have died. Not only the civilians but the Seventh Legion as well. You did well.”

Again Raiyen swayed and the Commander’s gaze flicked over him. However, this time he looked at him properly and noticed not only the blood soaking into the bandage around Raiyen’s thigh but also the blood soaking into his armour around his ribs and shoulder.

“By the gods… sit down.”

Raiyen obeyed moving to one of the beds in the room, as Rune moved with him. Luckily the pain relief given to him by Croft earlier was working more now and Raiyen was able to sit without too much issue, he stretched his leg out with a shudder and a hiss before Rune took the bandage off his thigh, cutting away some of the blood soaked leather before really looking at the angry wound. Raising his brow he began to work on Raiyen’s wounds, as the Commander and Corporal spoke more.

After a while the wounds were sealed under the expertise nature healing of Rune, the Commander had left and Raiyen was told to rest. Lying down he nodded to Rune and thanked him for his care. Guilt still sat in his stomach over the Rift going awry and now he was also worried about where on Azeroth Kel’shara had got to… but these thoughts would have to wait as sleep finally claimed him.


That was a slightly older story from Stonetalon.
The Seventh Legion are now back in Blood Watch for a period of time.


…it appears you slipped.

Entering the main building that the Commander was using as a basic headquarters, the Legionary made his presence known with a slight clearing of his throat before saluting. The Commander’s neutral gaze fixed upon the Legionary before returning to the paperwork on the desk he was using. He moved a few papers as he spoke;

”What is it, Valadian.”

“I ‘ave a lead, Commander.”

The Commander’s gaze flicked back up to Raiyen, a flicker of intrigue within his eyes before the neutral expression returned.

”Go on.”

“‘Tis about the Troll, Sir. The one with the snakes and such… ‘e’s hidin’ in the area North of the Horde base.”

A slight frown appears on the Commander’s face this time, as he pulls out a map and unfurls it, placing a few items on his desk at each corner. Then shifts his attention back to Raiyen.


Blinking, Raiyen mutters his apologies before crossing the short distance between him and the table, from this side he frowns a little before moving to stand next to the Commander, he then nods and plonks his forefinger upon the location.Their gaze meets before the Commander nods and shifts his gaze back to the map as Raiyen speaks;

“‘Ere, Sir.”

“Very well. Take Dawnsong with you. See what the pair of you can find.”

“By your will, Commander.”

Raiyen salutes once more before making his way out of the building and back through the small town of Blood Watch. His gaze falls upon Kel’shara who is lying down on the bench, he appears to be unconscious, Raiyen’s heartbeat accelerates and he gains speed as he walks with purpose towards him. Beside him sits the Aspirant Daeharice, Raiyen’s gaze shifts to him and then back to Kel’shara as he drops to his side. Dried blood sits at the corners of Kel’s mouth and at the edges of his nostrils, Raiyen takes Kel’shara’s hand in his and gently aims to enter his mind but before he can the Aspirant speaks to him.

“Rune tended to his wounds, he did not know what was wrong with him, but I think he overexerted himself.”

”Overexer–… Doin’ what?”

The Quel’dorei hesitates for a moment, avoiding the taller elfs’ gaze as he’d mutter to himself before he finally responds to Raiyen.

”Well…. He helped me. I am unsure who ordered it but with his skills in the Void he was able to help re-organise my mind if you will, after the Chaos explosion.”

Running his hand through his hair Tathe rises to his feet and out of the range of Raiyen as the Legionary’s gaze darkens, slowly it leaves the Quel’dorei and falls back on Kel’shara. Gently squeezing his hand he would enter Kel’s mind, aiming to lure him back to himself and wake him up. To Tathe, this looks like a rather swift process, however, to the other two it takes a long time. Finally Kel’shara wakes up with a gasp and a frown at Raiyen.

”I’m fine!”

“Sure ya are…. That’s why ya ain’t restin’. Get up, get ya stuff. We’re gunna go hunt ourselves a Troll.”

With a grin the shorter elf springs to his feet and makes his way across Blood Watch to the tent to get his things. Raiyen rises to stand, peering around he notices that himself and Tathe are completely alone and he turns his attention to the Quel’dorei. With a swift movement he sweeps Tathe’s legs out from under him causing the elf to fall and smack his chin off the bench with a pained yelp, biting his tongue as blood pools in his mouth.

“W-what was that fo–…”

Tathe falters slightly as he watches Raiyen move, the tall elf crouches grabbing Tathe by the scruff of his neck and dragging him to his feet, making him dangle for a moment before allowing him to find his feet again.

“Careful Aspirant, it appears you slipped…”

With a scowl Tathe, spits blood on the floor, as the bruise on his chin starts to form almost instantly. Taking a few steps away from Raiyen he glares up at the giant for an elf. Just as Kel’shara gets back, the Ren’dorei’s gaze flicks between the pair of them for a moment with a slight frown before Raiyen speaks.

“Ready to go huntin’?”

“Yeah, lets go.”

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The Seventh Legion will deploy to the ongoing conflict in Ghostlands, with the intent to reinforce and aid the Alliance forces in the region. Recruitment will be open for the period so from now until the 8th.

After that we will return to Stormwind for one week to regroup from our campaigns.



The sound of hooves ringing against stone echoed through the empty gate house, Theon glanced up from his saddle at the old and broken gate. It had once served as a shield for his people against all threats, and now he was marching a Cohort of Alliance soldiers through it, a strange twist of fate. Clearing his throat he yelled out his orders to the Seventh.

“Raise the standard, blast your horns. I want all of Quel’thalas to know we are coming.”

Often the Legion would deploy days ahead of the main Alliance army, sneaking into position to spring an ambush in time with the main assault. But not today. High Command had requested that the Sixth Cohort reinforce and stabilize the slowly degrading northern front, soldiers had already begun to flee the battle and morale had to be restored. And so the Legion pushed into the Ghostlands, their golden and blue armour glinting in the dying light and their voices carrying over the coming night.

The Legion pressed on, deep into the Ghostlands. Not a single arrow was loosed or a spell thrown in their direction. Not until they reached the slopes of Tranquillien. Arranged before the town stood the Horde, they looked almost as battered and battle-hardened as the Alliance soldiers the Legion had moved to reinforce.

“Form ranks for battle.”

Sergeant Havenbleach echoed the order, and the Legion snapped into action. Rushing down from their mounts and forming up either side of Theon. They would form the centre of this assault, and with a single whistle blow from their Commander the Legion pushed forward as one. Walking towards their foe, slamming their shields as a challenge and a warning to any that dared to block their path.

A short recap of us joining the battle last night. I’ve not written about that battle itself as that was played out during the roleplay. And was indeed epic, we got some amazing screenshots from one of the Horde GMs that really show intense and chaotic the battle was.


Four days of battle in Ghostlands has seen the Alliance forces routed, only the Seventh, Bloody Third and Pinecrest remain to hold back the tide of Horde that now seek to join together in Plaguelands. Tonight they make their stand in the Thallasian Pass.

Really fun campaign so far, it’s been a little wild west but it was nice to arrive late for once. However as tradition dictates the Seventh must complete their objective.

Once we’re back on Thursday we will return to SW for some much needed time to cooldown. Recruitment will be open for this period, so come find us if you’re looking for a spot in the Seventh Legion.


RE: To your lovely post. We never die, I’m too handsome to die.


Slide down a banister again and we’ll find out!


I’ll slide into your shins…


This means war.


You’ll lose!

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Going to come ambush you on your island!