[A-RP] W.E.I.R.D. Company


W.E.I.R.D. Company is a group of adventuring entrepreneurs who’s main priorities lie on it own community and the betterment of the Alliance as a whole. Though found mostly in Kalimdor, specifically in Kaldorei lands, this group often spreads its wings anywhere it needs to go!

W.E.I.R.D. is an acronym which stands for W ild E ndeavours I nto R adical D ilemmas, and if that doesn’t give you an idea as to what we do, I don’t know what will!


There is no strict uniform policy here. The colours of the group are orange and black and upon joining you will receive two items! The group colours, and a group badge! Neither mandatory to wear and neither is colour matching, however it’s respectfully asked you keep the badge on your person as they come in handy to show other W.E.I.R.D. Marines where your loyalties lie!


Because we’re not a military group, ranks are limited to three levels, only one of which holds some semblance of power. There is the Company Master and the Second Company Master , both act as one lead. Then there is the Advisory which act as the name suggests. An adviser! They advise the Company masters and the marines on anything they can help with. Think of them as a helping hand or someone to look to when the Company Master is not around. Finally, there is the bulk of the group! The WEIRD Marine . From many different backgrounds they come, they are able to do what they put their mind to effectively and efficiently.

We run very little ranks as we believe the more ranks there are, the more chaotic the inside structure becomes as well as the possibility for infighting and those who seek a leg up over someone else.


We’re a small adventuring RP guild which acts as a home for those deemed too eccentric or unfitting for other guilds. We avoid the mandatory need for uniforms, the strict rules, the need for lines and instead we concentrate on what really matters for us, a community, a group, the bonds formed by the fire and the clash of steel.

When WEIRD Company was originally founded, our idea was always to create RP, not just for ourselves but for everyone to participate in. We are against guild bubbles and do our best to encompass everyone to RP, be it individuals, randoms, outsiders and even other guilds.

That said, whilst it was mentioned there are no strict rules, there are some that have been put in place to avoid unnecessary bitterness and drama that can occur through conflicting ideas and conflicting RP.


We run events fairly often, however we like to focus on the casual RP and spontaneous events when someone feels like doing something. There’s no requirement to turn up to these events and anyone can run an event whenever they like for whoever they like and more often than not, people outside the guild are welcome to join!


These guys are quite chill and nice who i know personally, quite kind and chill, i strongly recommend them if you’re looking for a chill group to have fun :slight_smile:


Yes, yes, chill, chill.


Chill fun is good fun.


What foul sorcery is this. A forum post? Weird. :drum:


After having been to Northrend to find a lost family heirloom only to find that they’ve been duped, the group has now wandered up North towards Arathi, participating in a small capacity in the Northern Offensive campaign! Hordies beware for those in orange! Very easy to spot in a sea of blue!






WEIRD Company have made it to Silverpine to assist the Alliance with the Silverpine Offensive! Whilst not openly engaging on the front, WEIRD have made themselves useful by carting supplies back and forth between the front and back lines.

In memory of Darnassus! For the Alliance!


The gates of war closed, the screams and chants off in the distance now nothing short of a memory that plagued the land, much like its blight clouds and stained dirt in blood. Marks and scars upon the bodies, corpses now spread in the forest that served as a carcass reminder of the late incursion. Oddly enough, explosions and yells can be heard, birds flying away scared by the sound of odd traps rigged or triggered by lonely scouts or troops. The flags of blue and courage flew by the keeps, victory? Yes. No cost too great or too little.

The hefty pace of WEIRD left their trail in the murky mud, the rainy climate a normal sight as with their last supplies they came home, looking forward to their next endeavour, where would their call come to? Their gaze now reached over towards Feralas and even Uldum.



WEIRD Company has finally returned to their home, Feralas! After a long time away doing work in Ashenvale, Northrend and then in the Silverpine offensive, they had made their way on a boat from Booty Bay to Feralas… During the trip they fought off massive flaming zombie shark which explode when they die… Well, maybe it didn’t quite happen like that, but they are safe now!

Come say hi!

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How weird are you on a scale from 1 to tumblr?


About that much.


That’s pretty weird. :smile:

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With their small break in Feralas coming to an end, WEIRD Company has got wind of a neat little contract to help create an Uldum exhibit for a small group of Dwarf Archaeologists in the area. What could go wrong in such an arid land full of dangers such as curses, pgymy dudes and what not.

Finally the group can stop complaining about being paid! I pay them!


WEIRD Company have finally made it to Uldum, resting in a camp outside Mar’at! Come say hi! Enjoy some adventure! We wont be there for long as we help the Eenie, Meenie, Miney brothers gather artifacts !


With two of the Dwarf brothers deceased, and one of the brothers missing, WEIRD have concluded their time in Uldum. However a clue left by one of the Dwarves could lead towards the mysterious killer who ended the Dwarves lives. Fortunately, WEIRD were paid before this happens. Where could the group possibly go next? Stay tuned!


After heading to Dalaran to stop this rogue killer from getting an important artifact, the group now need to recuperate and re-supply as they get ready to participate in the war campaign in the Ghostlands and Eastern Plaguelands. But with the killer still at large and now having two powerful artifacts in its possession, will the Company rest easy?

Come join us to find out!


Haven’t seen a W.E.I.R.D. guild since my old one on Lightspire back in WildStar. Nice to see others embracing WEIRDness :grinning:. Best of luck to you!


Seconding that! Seen WEIRD around a lot, but they’re always fantastic to roleplay with and good lads. Hope they continue to grow and do well.