Long ago, the demonic forces of the Burning Legion very nearly destroyed the world. The memory of this evil was still fresh in the minds of most of Azeroth's citizens.
However, some still would consort with demons on a regular basis. They could be witnesses of the power of the Burning Legion and lust for that power themselves. They could be those who strive to learn more about these beings so they might be better able to combat them, should they return. They could be those that desire to "turn the tables" on the demons, to force them to be the slaves, instead of the mortals.
However, their dark practices and research are not generally accepted among the general populace. As a result, most warlocks were to be secretive, with their research facilities in the dark corners of their respective cities...
Regardless to personal interests, the organisation Eredun Lullaby, founded by demonologist Sir Ashkaar Laerent Armandel, wanted to offer a base for scholars of the darker arts.
Alas, it was not meant to be, circumstances silencing the tune.
Three years later, and with a new invasion of the Burning Legion underway, demonologist May L. Winters seeks to continue from where Sir Ashkaar's Lullaby left off.
Original preface, and a considerable amount of content below, was written by Ashkaar for the original guild thread, and adapted for the present.
In years past, Eredun Lullaby was a one-of-a-kind guild on Argent Dawn: a coven of warlocks gathering to share knowledge and further the Dark Arts, aligned with the Alliance, but also serving as a medium of communication and cooperation among other guilds of all sorts that warlocks called home.
Fluctuat nec mergitur. After a four-year hiatus, with our spirit living on in the hearts of persevering and persistent members, the Eredun Lullaby once again echoes in the darkest corners of Stormwind, seeking those who will hear it, interpret it, and seek it out.
Who are we?
The Eredun Lullaby is an organisation for warlocks and witches who devote their lives as scholars of the Dark Arts. It is a guild open to warlocks only and was founded as a coven where members can meet and study together, exchange and preserve knowledge, perform rituals, and do all things warlocky.
The concept of this guild is that it's members will form it's cause; what we provide is a meeting point for those who IC'ly seek to meet like-minded people in the shape of dark magicians.
We accept associates to your character, of any race and class. However should the bond between master and servant/guard end, the non-warlock character will be removed from the guild.
We are also open for warlocks of the darker kind that would consider themselves loners and therefore have no role playing guild to join. So, if you want to spend time OOC with other warlock players, want the beneficial perks of a guild but no guild-duties, do poke us for a OOC rank in Eredun Lullaby. Guild-rules and guide-lines still apply.
Every applicant will be considered individually, and we feel that your roleplaying style or character is not suiting for Eredun Lullaby, we will decline your application. We are very adamant about adhering to canon lore, so a good grasp of and respect to it is required.
General information
Name: Eredun Lullaby
Faction: Alliance
Concept: Warlock, Magical Sciences, Scholarship
Base: Surwich, Blasted Lands
Argent Archives: https://www.argentarchives.org/node/82752
Recruiting officers: Mayliffe
I created Eredun Lullaby in July 2011 after a rather long search for a guild suiting for a warlock. I found a few that sounded like grand guilds, but most of them had a purpose which I felt that my character could not commit to. I wanted a guild that did not force me into act towards a goal that wasn’t truly my own, and in the end I realized that there wasn’t one. I also realized that there wasn’t any true warlock-only guild. Sure, there are guilds based on warlock roleplay, but most of these guilds accept other classes as well.
We offer a sanctuary for warlocks that just “want to be”, without forcing anyone into a vicious goal of spreading corruption or fight for our right in the society. We’re simply a scholar’s guild – a place for warlocks to freely speak about their art, freely act and train, share their knowledge and their perhaps not so accepted goals, and together with others act towards those.
We have since the start been based in Surwich. Members are free to come and go as they like, but the rather small, quiet village is a perfect place for warlock roleplay and it is also here that we find most of the guild-roleplay.
Surwich is close enough to Stormwind but still far enough from the judging eye of the populace; close to the dark portal with its leaking fel-taint, which also serves as some kind of natural protection as it’s not exactly a popular tourist attraction.
We are more then willing to aid beginner-locks with lore, talents and background stories. Don't hesitate to apply even though you feel unsure - we can guide you in the right direction!
Six years after the original guild's founding and four years after its demise, this preamble still rings very true. I have joined a few guilds of my own in these past four years, but no matter how hard I tried, none fit the niche that this coven covered.
Eredun Lullaby was and is a guild for the warlock who sought to focus more on the academic and scholarly side of the class and their own personal agendas, as opposed to following the agendas of others, or spend their whole time vanquishing good or evil guys.
Today, we seek to continue the legacy of this old guild, as well as bring it to the future of Warcraft in Patch 7.3 and beyond. As in the past, our aim is to provide the same safe and welcoming haven for warlock role play, and expand upon it.
As it has always been, we expect members to bring the role play to the guild, but also provide to them. Continuing from where we left off, we offer a large library of knowledge that we will ICly seek to enrich and build with member support, through contributions, events, and more.
And, as in the past, we are more than willing to aid beginner warlocks with lore, talents, gameplay advice, background stories, and even a warm community to kick off from.