[A-RP] [Warlock] Eredun Lullaby - Scholarlicious!

No blasphemy here good sir, just cookies and milk!

What a cool guild! :slight_smile:

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Educates you in the dark arts with ease.

It’s official: our next lecture is coming next week at our usual lecture day, though at a new time slot! Got curious? There will be a detailed announcement later today or tomorrow!


Had a great encounter with the members of the guild on the opening of TNR Nees’ bookshop. Lovely bunch of people! Highly recommend these guys :slight_smile:

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Now that summer absences are gradually sorted out, EL is getting back to regular service. We have two or three different lecture topics on the works, though it will be a couple more weeks before we can formally announce something.

Most importantly, we’re reworking our internal rank structure slightly. Please remember we’re also open to non-warlocks through our associate positions! There’s a decent chance we might fully incorporate non-warlock characters into the guild soon too.

Great people and great storylines! It’s here where quality is above quantity! Each member has a unique story and RP-style! Seek them out!

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I now make a glorious return as the internal poll for whether non-warlocks can gain membership concludes.

Gonna try to have some fun again real soon. :wink:


I’m working on a few announcements about the guild, including opening up membership and what not, but thus far I’m reserving them to coincidence with a reworked Argent Archives page! IRL time limitations don’t help but it will be ready soon :kissing:

Oh, and we’ve conducted a poll to find out your topic of choice for the next lecture. Thanks to everyone who voted!