Immersion has been around for years and we are a group of friendly folks with a wide membership from all over the region. We are looking to bolster our raiding team to tackle the next tier of heroic (and hopefully a few mythic) bosses. We consistently achieve AotC for each tier and usually take down a couple of mythic bosses too.
The guild is active outside of raiding where our Discord is lively. Even if raiding isn’t your gig, social members are also very welcome!
Raid Information:
Currently recruiting all roles/classes for our Raid Team:
We raid Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday 20:30 - 23:00 (Server Time). Usually Weds/Thurs is progression and Sunday is more relaxed.
Raid Requirements:
- Use Discord for voice communication.
- Be responsible for yourself - turn up to raids prepared.
- Good attendance - please ensure that you are able to attend the raid times specified above (at least 2/3 of the raid nights).
If you are interested or have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch via the following:
Officers -
Battletag: Palkei#2140, Solitayre#2714 or Kolixo#2144
Discord: Palkei#4864
or whisper any of the guildies and they can point you to an officer.