A Suggestion for 2h Enhancement Shaman

First, I want to express my gratitude for the recent changes to the Two-Handed Enhancement Shaman in WoW: Season of Discovery Season 4. These improvements have made it competitive with the Dual-Wield variant, which is very nice.

However, the playstyle still feels clunky compared to Dual-Wield. One reason is the lack of a reliable filler ability like Lava Lash, which leaves us with limited options to trigger Windfury procs outside of Stormstrike. This often results in low Maelstrom Weapon stacks, making it difficult to use Lightning Bolt or Chain Lightning as instant casts.

My suggestion is to make Lava Lash usable for Two-Handed Enhancement Shamans, with a reduced damage output—around 50%-75% weapon damage—since a two-handed attack is naturally stronger. This change would improve the fluidity of the playstyle and help us better manage Windfury procs and Maelstrom stacks.



And for Pvp ?

forget about lava lash.
2h enhancement needs a proper ability that works as a filler AND a valuable attack, and i got 2 suggestions on that note.

Whirlwind (Yes, literally just whirlwind).
125% weapon damage, hits 5 targets around the shaman, X mana cost, 6-10 sec cooldown.
cannot proc WF on targets hit cus that’d be broken (similar to how warrior cannot do this on secondary targets).

-add shaman flavor to it as you please

  1. have it be magic damage or physical depending on a dice roll.
  2. make it a 1/4 dice roll to do elemental damage (fire, nature, frost) or physical damage to give it that enhancement dice roll flavor - now the ability will do more/less damage depending on the target hit with the damage type rolled - physical proc will do more damage to low armor targets, elemental damage will do more damage to armored targets but also be mitigated by resistances provided by gear/buffs/potions.

Shatter (literally just shockwave, but for shaman).
stuns all targets in a cone for 2-3 seconds.
does 125% weapon damage.
neat fire/earthquake effect on ground with boomy sound effect.
cannot proc windfury on targets hit, obviously, cus that would be broken.

regardless of which idea you’d go with, a 2-handed restriction applies to lock it out for shield+1h and dw shamans.

Is this bozo really advocating for shaman buffs?

He wants to give shockwave to Shamans? Jesus christ.

These forums in a nuttshell, gray parser pve andy´s asking for shaman buffs.


your parses are being carried by 2 broken abilities which are both due for a nerf.
imagine being carried by chimera shot and trap.
ultra crutch.

these two abilities literally account for more than 50% of your overall damage which is just hilarious.

pure hunter.

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https ://sod.warcraftlogs.com/character/eu/living-flame/zmug#difficulty=4&boss=100667

5.7 parse andy lol.

Sure thing gray parser man.

Dude is litteraly asking for buffs to shaman, and he wants shockwave - how stupid can someone get.

Just uninstall dude.

yeah rockbiter fell off and i died because i lost my tank rune LOL.
btw this also made the parse calculate me as enhancement dps kekw.

notice the little icon with the hammer?
that’s enh dps.

Imagine you are playing a warrior, a shaman (ele-enhancement) jumps you, you pop recklessness and see your crits doing 160 damage to them, while they continue to 3 shot you.

You get quite confused, and visit the forums thinking “hey I can’t be the only one seeing this issue”.

You see the second top topic on the forums is shaman mains asking for Shockwave.

Shamans are currently place 9 dps for MC, which is ok.

Also a 50% weapondamage filler spell for the weaker of the two enhancement dps specs is not too much to ask imo.

Idk where that whirlwind or shockwave idea comes from, but the gray parse argument is so cringe, do ppl not have a voice if they parse low?

Elitists are also a reason this forum is toxic, just to let you know.

the idea behind whirlwind/shockwave for 2h shaman is to give it a source from which to build maelstrom.

can’t build maelstrom very well with 2h unless you proc wf constantly.
you get 1 maelstrom with storm strike, and other than that you just gotta sit there and hope you get a wf with auto attacks to proc more.

that is not good enough.

if you had whirlwind (a way to hit 5 targets at the same time) you could force maelstrom x5 every 10 seconds or so.

ignore big brain hunter above. he is convinced he has somehow exposed me in some way and he’s known around here as a bit of a jerk with no valuable input in any discussion he has ever posted in.

he isn’t here because he is concerned about 2h shaman or to address that build’s issues, he’s just here to try and get my attention because he feeds off of it.

So, you want Warriors to quit their class to play Shamans or what?

i suppose the notion that shaman gets a melee ability for their 2handed setup is unphathomable to some and would essentially just turn them into the warrior class with spells right?
a la “my class needs attention, not yours, you play fotm, you are op wuaaah”

i mean its not like warriors have heroic strike, rend, hamstring, mortal strike, bloodthirst, cleave, whirlwind, sunder armor/devastate, sweeping strikes, slam, overpower, revenge, execute (even got sudden death!), mocking blow, charge, intercept, intervene, victory rush, recklessness, retaliation, shield wall, thunderclap, raging blow, quick strike, meathook, shockwave, and a variety of shouts that provide UTILITY (remember, you’re not allowed to have that because PuRe ClaSs) and blizzard even went as far as to give you a bloody world buff that you can just whip out of your pocket.

they EVEN gave you guys self-healing in victory rush and enraged regeneration for a whopping 60% total self healing AND THIS IS WITH PLATE ARMOR - you don’t see shamans moaning that warriors can heal, making shaman less relevant, do you?

all this among a bunch of runes that improve your scaling to the point where a fully buffed warrior can reach upwards of 6k dps on single target.

god forbid shaman gets a variant of ANY of the above abilities restricted to 2h use yea?

please spare me of the warrior moaning, you guys are beyond “fine” when it comes to performance and i am getting so sick and tired of warriors always budding in with their whiny takes whenever a class that isn’t warrior has the nerve to ask for something that may intrude even the slightest bit on the warrior toolkit.

the fact the vast majority of warrior players can’t breach 1k dps is a git gud issue, and shaman getting an aoe attack such as a version of whirlwind is not going to make the warrior class even remotely irrelevant you absolute lemon.

4 bloody :poop: ing phases of warrior players going “BUT WHAT ABOUT MEEEEEE” while being top performers in every phase but one… bro just give it a rest already.

you know what?
you’re right, you SHOULD quit your warrior and roll shaman.
perhaps you could contribute a proper amount of dps or maybe don the dress, go resto and be useful for once in your SOD career.

:-1: :-1: :-1: :-1: :-1: :-1: :-1: :-1: :-1: :-1: :-1: :-1: :-1: :-1: :-1: :-1: :-1: :-1: :-1: :-1: :-1: :-1:

Shaman main asking for shockwave, and then he thinks Warrior has “self heal” - compared to shaman self heal that aint anything you bozo.

Said the shaman who is parsing gray.


Just uninstall dude, seriously.

listen ‘bozo’ warrior being able to heal while wearing plate for a fixed percentage (60%) of his full health bar is far superior to the plebian healing that shaman is now able to dish out considering maelstrom and mental dex was mega nerfed + the 30% healing reduction from the pvp aura which does NOT affect warrior due to warrior healing being a fixed percentage of total health.

this means warrior is literally better at self sufficiency than shaman is now.
hunter brain exposed to the elements again.

as for the rest of your comment; irrelevant nonsense rinse repeat :poop: that has been refuted countless times.
keep dancing, clown.

Listen Imbecill, a ele shaman with proper setup has higher physical mitigation than a warrior in full plate (both arms&fury).

And you are comparing enraged regenation with shaman healing, have you ever even played a shaman??

Ok you are beyond stupid. Please do uninstall now.

it’s spelled “Imbecile”, you imbecile.

not true.
warrior has more hp AND armor.
slap on a shield if you need to mitigate damage which can be done in combat and you are easily above what an ele shaman can achieve.

enraged regeneration is percentage based healing, the more total health, the more healing. not affected by pvp aura.

shaman heals for flat value, and only ele and resto are even capable of healing right now.
enhancement heals are nonexistent.
HaVe You EvEn PlaeYed ShAmaaN?

clearly you haven’t.
hunter brain.

Enraged reg is 30% of max health over 10 seconds that consumes an enraged effect - with 3 min CD (AND IT IS A RUNE SLOT).

AND you are comparing this to shaman healing and you think this beats shaman healing, jesus hahahahahahaaa.

You dont even know what this ability does and here you are yapping, no wonder no one takes you seriously - you take the price in being the most clueless troll on these forums.

i know, you absolute :poop: ing lemon, i mentioned another ability there though, didn’t i?
you bloody brainlet.
i mentioned enraged regeneration AND victory rush, didn’t i?
guess what, their total healing when combined is 60%.
30% from victory rush, 30% from enraged regeneration.
wow math.
everyone clap for this bloody idiot.

Math aint your good side, how on earth is that 60% you imbecill.

Can some warrior main talk to this troll, he is soo clueless it aint even funny anymore.

turns out it is in fact 30%.
i was right.