A Suggestion for 2h Enhancement Shaman

Yeah afraid you editing your previous post to change this statement didnt age well.

Imagine being this clueless imbecill. When he gets fact checked he goes and edits his post and claims he was “right” lmao.

Listen troll, its obvious you have no clue about anything.

i already edited it back to the original value which was right the first time.

its 60% (victory rush + enraged regen).

you are the guy who put that to the question in the first place, and it turns out (surprise, surprise) you were wrong.

i’ll just stick to my guts next time and not edit anything to satisfy you, since apparently you are just always wrong.

Enraged + Victory = 60%

Enraged = 30% of total health, with a 3 min CD (rune slot that requires an enraged effect).
Victory Rush = 30% of total health, requires warrior to get a last hit to use.

Just to make it simpler for you to understand. And no enraged was not 60%, you were wrong.

And you somehow think this is better than Shaman offhealing? You understand I cant take you seriously anymore right.

i didn’t say it was 60%.
i said warrior’s total self healing capability = 60% of total health.
the fact these self healings require a rune slot and/or a last hit is completely irrelevant.

warrior has sudden death rune, so getting a last hit is far easier than it normally would be.

You understand this right. If not my condolences.

So here we have it folks, Shaman main actually advocating that they need Shockwave and also claims that Warriors have better self heal than Shamans in P4 SOD.

Im out. You simply cant argue with this level of stupidity.

keep your condolences, you’re gonna need plenty.

and maybe learn to spell, read and practice a bit of reading comprehension before you even dare insinuate that other people has a comprehension problem.
you are by far one of the most brainless posters on this forum, as in; you literally cannot spell correctly, you literally fail to interpret the english language - repeatedly (peak german btw), and you ignore objective literal facts all the time.

consider yourself lucky i haven’t put you on ignore yet.
speaking of which, perhaps its time.
nothing of value will be lost.
bye bye.
go bring someone else down to your level of intellect.

I´m not the Imbecill who is parsing gray and thinking that Shamans need Shockwave, while he also somehow actually calims that WARRIOR´s in SOD have better healing than Shamans.

I think anyone reading this can conclude who of us are full of crap.

back on topic, pretending the clown above does not exist:

give 2h shaman whirlwind so he can proc more maelstrom and the spec is fixed, at least in pvp and during pve fight with multiple targets.
single target dps will be more or less the same, with the added bonus of 1x more maelstrom every 6-10 seconds assuming it hits the boss.

Back on topic after this clown got exposed yet again.

No shamans do not need Shockwave, and they sure as hell dont need WW.
If anything the guy above me needs to l2p.

plays the easiest class in the history of wow and try to tell people to “l2p”. the irony writes itself. hunters are unironically the worst players alive.

Can we please go back to the topic?
As a reminder “50% Weapondamage Lavalash while twohanding”
Not a shaman version of whirlwind or shockwave.


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Me when i found out that warrior can heal himself for 60% hp;
https:// imgur. com/gallery/where-are-they-batman-meme-GgYJRR5

I approve the idea of giving Shaman’s the Whirlwind and Shockwave so i can easy reroll to shaman and play Warrior 2.0

that is a boring and bad idea.

once we are given this cringe lava lash filler for 2h we are never getting anything ever again, so if we’re going to get something, it should be something that borders on “nice” and not literally the worst melee ability ever made.

better boring than unrealistic.

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agree to disagree then.

The problem is that your suggestions are warrior abilities, but better. 125% weapon damage whirlwind? Mine does 100% weapon damage.

Filler should be just that, filler. My filler is Quick Strike; it deals 10-20% AP as damage; getting buffed to 20-35%.

I’d suggest the 50% weapon damage noodle-hit (that counts as nature damage) and guarantees a maelstrom stack.

its not really supposed to just serve the role of a fillter.

2h shaman has 1 melee ability and then he has his shocks (that all share cd).
this makes stacking maelstrom weapon a big issue when using 2-handed weapons.

fine, make it 100% then, hell make it something that isn’t whirlwind, just give me another button to press so that odd feeling of having no button to press after stormstrike/shock can be dealt with.

i only asked for whirlwind because its an ideal way to stack maelstrom, shockwave is the same.

you can’t just call dips on anything that has the audacity to hit more than 1 target and call it a warrior copy or whatever.

you wouldn’t be able to give any melee ability to anyone without somehow relating it to rogue or warrior in some shape or form.

Some ppl may think that a second WF source for 2H enhance is not good for pvp balance. But with the pvp damage dampening that argument is longer valid imo.

Blizzard, for love of Chris Metzen, pls give us 2h Lavalash.

We will be eternally grateful!



i like the whirlwind idea better.