A Suggestion for 2h Enhancement Shaman

The sims show that 2h Enh is actually the worst dps spec in phase 5 (not including shockadin). But we cant have a second attack because “PVP balance”.

Im slowly losing hope…
It started so good in p4, now we are an afterthought again.

I would love to imagine that we got Froststrike, which would lead us to use a spell that is never used, frostshock. Which would make our rotation more dynamic, more fluid.
We would have a second melee attack! HOW UNBELIVABLE that would be…

Meanwhile I dont know what melee attack i will press next on my hunter.

Sorry for the rant

In the end the shamans and the 2H warriors find themselves on one point, we are both behind the DW, the difference is that the 2H warrior is last on the WCL.

“so therefore shaman should not get anything before warrior does”

-warrior andy

You can Hope, like I Hope that one day arm will be better in pve