A take on a possible Tinkerer class

By that logic, how does a demon hunter feel fresh and unique? It’s basically a combat rogue with shadow damage.

How does a Death Knight feel unique? It’s an undead warriors.

Dark Ranger would be similar to how it was in W3, a ranger with dark magic. A mix between the shadow magic Sylvanas has displayed with old W3 abilities, like mindcontrolling undead and summoning skeletons.

Each of the three missing classes I mentioned would be MUCH more fitting for the direction of the game, I.E. Fighting N’zoth and chasing Sylvanas, than super special engineer.

Super special engineer would just be another monk. Loved by a handful of players and completely forgotten by everybody else.

Well this is a forum I suppose so debate is always healthy :smiley: I’m sure the OP and myself would argue that we already have 2 dark classes with DK and DH, I don’t think we need another death / shadow / dark anything, it’s covered twice. What we don’t have at all, is a turret and physical utility class (dropping buff items or throwing nets etc). We don’t even have anything close to that, or at least the gap between what we have now and a tinkerer, is much larger than the gap between a DK/DH and anything dark ranger/hunter’esque.

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We literally have a profession that’s been doing that for years.

Classes get released when the theme suits them; Legion suited DH, WoTLK suited DK and MoP suited the monk. Necromancers and Dark rangers would be much more suitable if the next expansion is a follow on with Sylvanas, N’zoth and Bolvar.

Shadow Hunters would have been suitable for something revolving Bwonsambdi.

But super special engineer? Where would they fit in? Mechagon would have been the best place for them, but instead we got robocop gnomes.

I don’t think engineering features very prominently anywhere during anything on a day to day basis. However comparing an entire class to a profession feels a gross over simplification, it’s like saying well we don’t need priests because everyone has first aid anyway. However I understand the point you’re making but if engineering was in anyway impactful, it would be a mandatory proff for raiding.

I thought Bwonsambdi is a voodoo shaman? or at least he looks like a voodoo shaman dude, i’m not sure why that has any more relevance to a shadow hunter than it does a demon hunter. Actually we already have 2 hunters, let’s not add a 3rd until we have a tinkerererererer :smiley:

Well I think now is the time for a tinkerer with the recent addition of mechanical gnomes :smiley: It paves the way for an announcement perfectly

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It used to be. Professions were heavily nerfed as crafting professions were mandatory by any semi-secious guild. Everything you could probably think of for super special engineer has probably already been ingame and available via engineering and/or trinkets before.

Engineering was possibly the strongest profession back in Vanilla, as it had access to slow fall gadgets, mind control gadgets, grenades, taunt dummies, spell reflectors, spell shields.

No, he’s a loa. A troll god.

You’re assuming the two are similar because they have “hunter” as part of the name?

A demon hunter is an elf trained to hunt demons using their own fel magic and demon souls. A shadow hunter on the other hand, is like a high ranking troll priest.


There’s a lot Blizzard could do with classes, specs and races. They could create the shadow hunter as a troll-only priest spec and remove access to the typical shadow spec that priests have. They could do the same with undead hunters and the dark ranger spec.

It would be much better for Blizzard to expand and work upon current lore and game mechanics than just pulling super special enigineer out of their butts.

I like my own take on it more :joy: ;

I want it to be ranged dps, healer and tank, wearing mail.

I’m not sure referring back to how engineering was 15 years ago really strengthens your argument, more so the opposite. Since engineering adds nothing to raid or pvp content anymore, all the more reason to pave way for an actual tinkerer class!

I just googled what a loa is, it’s a voodoo spirit? I think between deathknights, shadow priests, warlocks and demon hunters, the point is more than covered! I’m not even arguing against a 3rd hunter class, i’m saying it has in no way more justification than anything else, probably a lot less since it’s already so heavily covered.

Well your final point is the exact reason a tinkerer makes sense, especially on the back of the mecha gnomes introduction. Tinkerer has just as much relevance historically as a shadow hunter, however instead of building on what’s already been done to death with the other shadow/demon/death classes, give us a new class, not a hybrid of hunters, demonhunters, spriests and warlocks. We’ve never seen turrets from a class - I want this :smiley:

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I disagree entirely. Rather than throw engineering to the sidelines to make a new class, it; and other professions; should just be returned to their former glory. Professions not being useful any more is a complaint many have had over the live game.

What you’re suggesting of a super special engineer is basically the engineer class from GW2. Whilst the engineering profession has never had turrets; we have had a mini cannon trinket before.

Except, it’s not. Shadow hunters are part of troll lore, religion and culture. Death Knights and Demon Hunters aren’t part of troll culture; they’re connected to the Legion. And the shadow priest spec is connected to the void, rather than the troll’s religion.

No, it isn’t. It’s the exact OPPOSITE. There’s a lot in the game that hasn’t been explored and a lot that was half arsed which could easily be fixed. It would be better for Blizzard to complete what we already have rather than pulling more forgettable nonsense out of their butts; I’ve already said that.

Except, it doesn’t. Gnomish and Goblin “tinkerers” are just engineers. Hense why the profession used to be split between the two different styles.

Because suggesting three new ranged classes is the exact same as Death Knight’s and Demon Hunters, right? I mean, they have death! That’s almost identical!

That’s nice dear. I want a dark ranger.

I dare say a dark ranger would see much more play than a special little engineer, a little guy who says “hey i defeated the entire point of an age old profession just so me and 2% of the population could play this completely forgettable class :D”

Exactly! Nothing to do with the engineering profession at all. Though in fairness, the tinkerer from WC3 made a machine shop, which produced sort of mobile/marching mechs, hopefully the idea of a fixed turret is not beyond imagination :smiley:

The rest is just us repeating a never ending cycle of “shadow hunter is the basically an amalgamation of what we have in game already” and “no it isn’t, it’s a troll thing”

I think your statement about popularity is unfair and without any basis whatsoever, besides perhaps personal bias. However i’m not going to pretend to know the hearts and minds of WoWs players and what would and would not be popular. However I will say this though - the gnome population is the least played in the entire game, and yet they released another gnome regardless, so perhaps popularity is not what they’re gearing towards.

Either way, I hope one of us gets what we want :smiley:

I hope Blizzard will never make this class playable.


I would rather they let clothies/mail wearers have a tank spec first.

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No, no more Melees, no more Tanks!

Tinkerer should be Ranged only as DPS and Healer.

Which is literally the exact same thing as your little super special enigneer. You those those repair bots that the tinker summoned in WC3? We’ve had repair bots since classic, they were crafted by… Can you guess which profession?

It’s actually observation. People like familiarity and what they know, they don’t typically like buttpulled classes.

The Monk is a unique class with plenty of lore and uniqueness. Is it popular? No, least played class in game.

No, that would be goblins.

I actually said I wanted a fixed turret, which you pointed out is in GW2 and that’s exactly what i’d like, only in wow! The tinkerer summons mobile mechs, so as I mentioned - it doesn’t seem impossible. :smiley:

Well I think there is familiarity and there is just re-hashing and re-doing what is already done to death. I’m not sure how familiar you are with a shadow hunter, but you know their core skills are healing wave and hex? We don’t need another shaman and again - i don’t mind you requesting it! But blatantly exclaiming it’s best for the game and it’s what would be most popular just seems…well i disagree :smiley:

As for monks, they’re not very popular for 2 reasons probably! First and foremost, they don’t really have a weapon and almost everyoneeee loves a weapon , or in my case - an awesome turret to partner up with :D. Secondly, they have quite a high skill ceiling from what I can gather, however they are still more popular than the demon hunter :smiley:

I’m not sure why you think a shadow hunter would be any more popular than those, especially considering it’s a shaman with wards, which ironically act in a very similar fashion to a turret :smiley:

Ahhh if that’s correct my apologies! I shall rephrase, gnomes are 1 of the least played races in the game and yet still blizzard added more of them !

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I’m really for not releasing any new classes, but if it has to be than I would vastly prefer something like tinker to dark rangers and necromancers. We have enough edgy classes now. We are supposed to be the good guys saving the world and the lore already had to be twisted to make warlocks, death knights and demon hunters possible as playable classes. The theme of the misunderstood dark hero is really starting to run thin, and we don’t need another “the forces of the evil antagonist join us for some reason” plot either. And besides all that, the current classes already offer everything a dark ranger or a necromancer would bring, which means they would have to cannibalize the old classes again to make a new one. Just add dark arrows as a talent to marksmen hunters and give wands to unholy death knights and we already have all that these two “hero classes” require in the game.

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To be honest the hardest challenge Blizzard have making a tinker class is probably the sheer amount of options there are for the class and also getting a balance of what to them tinkering is.

  • Are they going to make it so that it covers all three specs?
  • Are they going to include both Goblin and Gnome Engineering?
  • Are they going to apply other forms of engineering such as Blood Elf, Draenei or Iron Horde Orc tech?

I think the worst thing they could do would be homogenisation like the Guild Wars 2 developers did with their engineer class where all races, however advanced their technology is, make their turrets and weaponry out of stuff that looks like cardboard and loo roll.


Having a tinker class doesn’t get invalidated by engineering at all. There are plenty of abilities that tinkers could have (evidenced by either wc3 tinker or Gazlowe in hots/Island expos) that engineers cannot do. Ie turrets, robots, lasers etc. The difference between them is one uses the devices for utility and the other for combat purposes as well as everything else. Sure there’s overlap between the two, but I wouldn’t say that someone lobbing the occasional dynamite once a minute whilst the rest of the time stabbing folks with daggers makes them similar to a class wherein they revolve around said explosives and devices constantly.

The way I’ve forseen it would be as a mail class, triple spec
Ballistics (ranged dps, int, focuses on bombs, lasers, munitions and turrets)

Robotics (melee tank, agi, mech suit with support from robots to provide additional utility like temporary off tanking, CC, etc)

Medicine (ranged healer, int, healing sprays, chemicals, very hot based)

Ballistics and Robotics would have an energy bar and a heat bar. Spending energy typically builds heat. Heat naturally decays slowly or increases slowly based upon how much you have (less you have, decay, higher, it grows). When you enter maximum heat you enter a “Danger Zone” where you receive a temporary boost to performance. If your heat has not been reduced blow a certain threshold before this boost ends, you overheat, becoming silenced and pacified for X seconds as all your heat drains rapidly. This boost would have its duration reduced each time it activates in succession to discourage floating near max, and this duration reduction resets when you reduce heat to 0 by any means.

Other abilities would vent heat, ideally used during the later part of the danger zone to prevent overheating.

Healer would use mana as normal. As a hot healer to make it different I’d suggest they don’t have any “true” direct heals. Instead their “flash heal” is a short buff with a cast time which bestows extremely high haste to your hots on the target, effe tively healing them fir the value of a flash heal within the same time. It’d thus be weaker than most flash heals without many hots on the target, but with many on them, it’d produce more spot healing than other classes. Same deal for their “efficient heal”, a buff that increases the potency of your hots for a modest duration to provide similar healing over the duration of a cast when compared to stuff like heal.


Sorry but this sounds exactly like people saying we don’t need a tinker class because we have engineering as a profession already

Stop playing too much Rumble in LoL

I don’t understand why people keep asking for a ranged tank. What benefit does a ranged tank have if all bosses in the game are built around melee and/or has to be tanked in specific places. Having a pet hold aggro is awful and clanky as is, and having a class being able to control a boss position at range is op. And the only thing a ranged tank brings to the table is novelty, I guess?